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Brett Favre week 1, fade whatever the fuck team he is on.

The media is talking about how great this guy, and how is so good, and he was so close to the superbowl. But the point is, they didnt make the superbowl because of him. He had a great team around him, and he didnt make the superbowl, what changes now? He got older, hes gonna get worse, why the hell would the Packers have a better chance to make the superbowl now? The chances dont get better, its not even logical, in fact they lost one of there OL.

The guy had 2 horrific years before last year and the media has decided to completely ignore that like it neve rhappened. Who is to say Brett doesnt go right back to that.

The guy is selfish, hes taken shots at his WR core, hes talken shots at Mccarthy by saying he wished the Maruicci would have been interveiwed by Thompson.

I cant wait, I just cant wait to see the pathetic circus thats gonna be around this, and I cant wait to fade the team he is on, and laugh at him when he looks like a complete fucking idiot.
Brett Favre week 1, fade whatever the fuck team he is on.

The media is talking about how great this guy, and how is so good, and he was so close to the superbowl. But the point is, they didnt make the superbowl because of him. He had a great team around him, and he didnt make the superbowl, what changes now? He got older, hes gonna get worse, why the hell would the Packers have a better chance to make the superbowl now? The chances dont get better, its not even logical, in fact they lost one of there OL.

The guy had 2 horrific years before last year and the media has decided to completely ignore that like it neve rhappened. Who is to say Brett doesnt go right back to that.

The guy is selfish, hes taken shots at his WR core, hes talken shots at Mccarthy by saying he wished the Maruicci would have been interveiwed by Thompson.

I cant wait, I just cant wait to see the pathetic circus thats gonna be around this, and I cant wait to fade the team he is on, and laugh at him when he looks like a complete fucking idiot.

I think you may be over-hating him a bit. The two years youre referring to, he didnt have too great of a team around him. He came alive last year, because his offense had better talent performing with him.

To make a bet based on him wanting to play again, regardless if you dislike the way he went about it, is a little risky. What if he signs with Tampa and is a dog at N.Orleans in week 1? The Buc's had one of the best defenses in the whole league.
I think you may be over-hating him a bit. The two years youre referring to, he didnt have too great of a team around him. He came alive last year, because his offense had better talent performing with him.

To make a bet based on him wanting to play again, regardless if you dislike the way he went about it, is a little risky. What if he signs with Tampa and is a dog at N.Orleans in week 1? The Buc's had one of the best defenses in the whole league.

You havent been watching the Farve ticker close enough on ESPN, he said he doesnt want to go to Tampa Bay, he would rather go to a colder weather team. Another thing that pisses me off.

His team was worse those years before, but that doesnt mean you have to throw more INT's then TD's, thats just my .02. My hate is strong for him now. Before, I was indiffrent to him, now I hate the guy
im watching this interview and its pissing me off even more. Hes bitching and whining about not getting Randy Moss, and how he got the TD record, and how Ted Thompson lied. Well guess what you fucking overrated asshole, you dont sign everyone you want in the NFL, not everyone wants to go to the middle of nowhere, Wisconsin. And im not even in the NFL and have never had anything to do wit hit and I can tell you GM's make a living by lieing by Brett. Fuck you brett, fuck you.
And I understand 100% completely why someone would take Brett Farve in a heartbeat over Rogers. But I think you have to think long term if you are the packers or really any NFL Franchise. Lets pretend Brett comes back, they make the playoffs, lose, and then he finally retires. Aaron Rodgers is sick of the shit (hes a FA next year), leaves the team, which would be understandable to anyone, now what? Youve been prepping this guy for 4 years now while Brett does his dance, when do you move on, do you balance your whole team on this guy, balance the whole franchise? If Brett retires and Aaron leaves then they are really fucked beyond belief and they are officially rebuilding.

I think its the same way with Minnesota, they have Tavaris Jackson, who they obviously like, and thats why I dont see anyway that the Vikings would even attempt to get him. If you get Farve its the same scenario I just described as Rodgers.

The only way I think Farve is worth the risk is if you are a team, like Atlanta, like Baltimore, like Tampa Bay, like Detriot, like Chicago. But none of those teams have a chance because of drama queen Farve!

Atlanta and Tampa Bay? Doesnt want to play in hot weather (said it on fox report), and he said neither are very high on his list
Chicago and Detriot? Greenbay wouldnt trade him there
Baltimore? They dont want him

Moving on even farther, the team that he plays for, will most likely be a bad team, all the good teams are set at QB. This wont suit Farve because he wants to play for a good team.

Farve is a wildcard right now, in my opinion, the Packers are handing this bueatifully because if they let him come back, they might, and underline the word might because its a big might, have a good season, and then what? We do this dance again?
Alex- I think the Packers are also being smart here.Another hypothetical that hasn't been discussed is the possibility of Favre coming back and sucking. What does Green Bay do in that case?

Favre made his bed by retiring in March. It's time for him to move on.
Alex- I think the Packers are also being smart here.Another hypothetical that hasn't been discussed is the possibility of Favre coming back and sucking. What does Green Bay do in that case?

Favre made his bed by retiring in March. It's time for him to move on.

Ive absouletly thought about that. As I said, he sucked 3 years ago, he sucked 2 years ago. He had a good year last year, and now if he comes back and they are superbowl contenders? get real.
Alex, you are saying the Packers have a better chance next year to win a Super Bowl with Rodgers at the helm compared to Favre?

The NFL is a win now league. While I don't disagree with your vision of the future and how that affects Rodgers' attitude, I'm not sure how one can say Rodgers is the better QB right now and gives them a better chance to win than Favre.
First of all, let me just say this, Chris Mortenson, just told Sportscenter that he would call them back on ESPN. Wow.

"Im gonna have to call you back Brian"

Brain - uh ok

Dear Brett,

GO AWAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I hate this man so much right now, I am unloading on every team that plays him.

For Fuck sakes, how selfish is this guy, what do the Packers owe this guy. It called business you fucking retard. People that do well for companies get fired all the time. Seriously fuck this guy. He really pisses me off. This guy isnt a class act.

My dream scenario would be if the Packers cut him and absouletly no one picked him up. Sadly that wont happen, but for fuck sakes, not only is he asking to be traded, hes asking to be traded within the division, then he has the nerve to tell the Packers were he wants to go and where he doesnt, fuck that, fuck him. Go die. Fuck you brett, fuck you.
For Fuck sakes, how selfish is this guy, what do the Packers owe this guy. It called business you fucking retard. quote]

i agree with a lot of what you're saying and understand your point. however, people are acting like he's screwing the packers, the fans, aaron rodgers, etc...when i think you can substitute the same thing for him. what does he owe the packers? as cowherd said this morning, as a fan, wake up...there's no tooth fairy and these players do NOT care about you. haha, not saying that towards you, just thought that was funny. i'll absolutely fade him if he lands with the bucs which it looks he will...i plan on fading the bucs on the road this year anyways
gurv, i dont understand how favre's being selfish. all he wants to do is play. is that selfish of him, that he wants to play football?

and to get back to the point when you said he sucked the last few years before last. it was because the team itself was awful. favre has been the leader of some great teams, and he knew those teams were garbage. so what does he do? he says fuck my stats we're down 3 scores with 7 mins left, lets see if we can make something happen. i mean, sure hes been reckless now and again, but he had so many int's those years because he was trying to make something out of nothing, and for that i respect him. 95% of qb's in the nfl would've been throwing little checkdowns in those situations, but hes just not like that. hes always trying to win, no matter the consequences.

your dream scenario would be for them to release him (thats all he wanted, when gb said they didnt want him back) and have no one pick him up, but say sadly that wont happen. why do you think someone would pick him up?

i also find it funny how you say, HE has the nerve to tell the packers where he wants to play. they dont want him, they tried paying him to stay away lol. why should they care where he goes if he cant start in front of a player with no experience. why should they tell him where he should be able to go. you try saying people do good for companies but get fired all the time, but do those companies tell that employee when and where he can go work somewhere else? bad analogy....
gurv, i dont understand how favre's being selfish. all he wants to do is play. is that selfish of him, that he wants to play football?

and to get back to the point when you said he sucked the last few years before last. it was because the team itself was awful. favre has been the leader of some great teams, and he knew those teams were garbage. so what does he do? he says fuck my stats we're down 3 scores with 7 mins left, lets see if we can make something happen. i mean, sure hes been reckless now and again, but he had so many int's those years because he was trying to make something out of nothing, and for that i respect him. 95% of qb's in the nfl would've been throwing little checkdowns in those situations, but hes just not like that. hes always trying to win, no matter the consequences.

your dream scenario would be for them to release him (thats all he wanted, when gb said they didnt want him back) and have no one pick him up, but say sadly that wont happen. why do you think someone would pick him up?

i also find it funny how you say, HE has the nerve to tell the packers where he wants to play. they dont want him, they tried paying him to stay away lol. why should they care where he goes if he cant start in front of a player with no experience. why should they tell him where he should be able to go. you try saying people do good for companies but get fired all the time, but do those companies tell that employee when and where he can go work somewhere else? bad analogy....

Yeah that was a bad analogy. Ok first of all last year, the team became better because he stopped throwing jackass passes.

Then when he ask's to be released or traded or whatever, if he just wants to play football, he could play football in his backyard, play football in the AFL. Dont tell the Packers where you wanna play if you wanna just play football, youll play wherever. Dont tell newspapers that you would rather play in cold weather then warm weather and dont really wanna play on the Jets. If you wanna play football talk to whatever team tells you theyll take you. In sports people dont get released all the time, (Chad Johnson). People get traded to teams they dont want to play for all the time. Thats part of the business and we all know that. And he IS selfish, look at what hes done to the Packers organization all because he just wanted to play football. Hes tugging on the Packer's fans dicks and not finishing the job, all because he just wants to play football. If he wanted to just play football, dont retire.