Patriots vs. Jets Preview Article

Only thing I’m doing with this game is using a $20 risk free bet and make a big ass sgp, lol. I need to figure out wtf to put in it? Unders mostly? I thought bout Stephenson over rushing but after 20+ carry’s b2b weeks are they gonna ride him that hard on a short week? I saw Gibson ended up with like 9 carry’s last Sunday, was that to give Stephenson little less work so he could get another 20 tonight? Or is it gonna be a shared backfield?
Nobody got any prop suggestions? I’m willing to listen to anything, I just need enough plays in the thing to make me care!
If you like unders I'm down for the discussion

I mean my whole life I’ve been more an under guy, till I started playing props I started playing way more overs. But when it comes to this game not many overs make sense, im playing the under total so yea let’s hear them! I got friends telling me Rodgers going over, take alt numbers and shit, they usually not very bright. I’d say his passing yards be an instant under but I’m a tad nervous they made it like 215ish, Mfer ain’t sniffed 200 yet and now they hanging that number? I’d feel better if I knew where they been putting his number? If 215ish been the norm than it wouldn’t concern me as much, I didn’t look at his passing number either the 1st 2 weeks tho. What are you thinking?
rodgers number has steadily been climbing since I looked at it the other day. Not a ton but up a few yards. wtf that mean? Ppl betting his over? I think I rather pick out one his WRs to go over than trust he goes over 216.5.
I mean my whole life I’ve been more an under guy, till I started playing props I started playing way more overs. But when it comes to this game not many overs make sense, im playing the under total so yea let’s hear them! I got friends telling me Rodgers going over, take alt numbers and shit, they usually not very bright. I’d say his passing yards be an instant under but I’m a tad nervous they made it like 215ish, Mfer ain’t sniffed 200 yet and now they hanging that number? I’d feel better if I knew where they been putting his number? If 215ish been the norm than it wouldn’t concern me as much, I didn’t look at his passing number either the 1st 2 weeks tho. What are you thinking?
I'll try mate. Under ARod pass yards, under NYG RB yards, under everywhere

Can't believe people pay for this shit