Pirates 2013 Thread - THANKS FOR THE MEMORIES

Most of my sources tell me phillips can be a grade A dick. I hear votto is one of the nicest people around
Takes 1 walk and 1 swing of the bat and this is a 5-4 game....

but until then this is all about PITT PITT PITT PITT
I know. Thursday one less problematic. But Friday is a bitch. I wish I had one of those jobs when I could roll whenever
The couple getting married are big fans, they'd probably postpone it if they could afford to.
you can't determine what the ball would have done if he didn't catch it

are we fucking serious? umps have to determine trajectory, physics, all that shit?
Yeah I think if the guy doesn't stick his hands out that's a double

Here come the reds

If it makes you feel better that's the section where they put the mentally retarded peopl, I'm sorry I really don't know how else to put it
Sigh. I hate explaining this. Especially at a gambling forum. Got offered tickets, but I can't afford it right now. Had I not been stupid with my money I would be there no doubt tonight
I went a little overboard with blackjack alcohol and weed this summer. Dunno. Can't say I didn't have a good time tho.
Playoff tickets other then the World Series. for my friend who is a season ticket holder were $700 . He sits right next to that pirates bush in centerfield. He rolled the dice and sold tickets for tonight for $400. Tickets for the World Series are gonna be $1200 for the whole series
Remember when Michael Keaton blasted the pirates the day before he threw the opening day pitch like 5 years ago