Peterson's daddy confirmed employee of dealership


Adrian Peterson's father confirmed to be Edmond dealership employee
By JOHN E. HOOVER World Sports Writer

NORMAN -- An employee at Jackie Cooper Imports in Edmond confirmed on Saturday that Nelson Peterson, father of Oklahoma running back Adrian Peterson, is an employee at the car dealership.

Jackie Cooper, an Oklahoma City-area businessman for more than five decades, is listed as an official financial donor to the University of Oklahoma athletic department.

In light of recent events surrounding the dismissal of two players for their relationship with a Norman dealer -- including the use of a car last winter by Peterson -- it's likely the NCAA will include Nelson Peterson's employment at Jackie Cooper BMW in what most figure is an inevitable investigation.

Nelson Peterson was recently released from a federal prison in Texarkana, Texas. He was remanded to a halfway house in Dallas and has moved to a halfway house in Oklahoma City. Nelson Peterson's incarceration means he hasn't seen his son play football live since Adrian's seventh-grade season.

An OU official said Saturday the university knew of Nelson Peterson's employment at Jackie Cooper Imports.

Both the OU official and the employee at the dealer, who requested anonymity, said Peterson's employment was legitimate and would not be found in violation of NCAA rules. The NCAA prohibits family members of student-athletes from receiving extra benefits or preferential treatment.

The employee said Peterson's hire was unusual but not unprecedented for the dealership. For privacy reasons, he declined to identify whether Peterson was employed full- or part-time and what his duties at the dealership are.
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If the guy works there then there is no infraction. Question is – can they show legitmate employment and tax records? If so then no problem.
Yep, saw that in yesterdays paper. OU knew of it. And like they say, odd. Wonder what he does there? Mechanic? A trade in learned in stir? Janitor? or perhaps sales, has past experience in drug sales ya know.
In my business cases, this kind of incestuous relationship is great evidence of an inappropriate relationship. Surprisingly it happens far too often in college football. Saw a story about the Tings' dad--an orthopedic doctor in SF--who performed surgery on another Trojan player last fall. Problem is that one of the Tings just tested positive for steroids, Dr. Ting practices nowhere near LA, and Dr. Ting just got put on a 5 year probation period by the CA Medical Board for improper and illegal distribution of controlled substances. This was related to the Balco case.

Dirty shit.
LMAO, OK, so how far should he go to find employment whenever there are Oklahoma Alumni and Boosters all over the nation? Canada?? Maybe, Mexico??

"Buenos, dias, Senior Peterson!"

I'll tell ya'll what, I'll be going up to watch them practice this Saturday and I'll be sure to relay to Bob how concerned you Longhorn fans are about Mr. Peterson's employment. OK? LOL
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SoonerBS said:
LMAO, OK, so how far should he go to find employment whenever there are Oklahoma Alumni and Boosters all over the nation? Canada?? Maybe, Mexico??

Austin's a safe bet.
I'm sorry maybe you guys forgot to read this line in the article.

The NCAA prohibits family members of student-athletes from receiving extra benefits or preferential treatment.

If this isn't preferential treatment then I don't know what is. First off Stoops visited daddy Peterson in jail during the recruitiment of AD. Mack didn't.

The dad has been in jail for 7 years now. I'm sure he has some car experience like removing liscences or something but please. He's also wokring for the same dealership that helped OU get busted in the 80's

And yes us Longhorns care because in a a matter of 2 months we've learned
Peterson's Lexus, Bomar's 18,000, and CBS and Cold PIzza reported that 24 players have worked at Big Red Motorsports since 2001.

The fact that OU has had better recruiting classes then Texas in 2003, 2004, and 2005 has made alot of us wonder what the hell is going on.

I've been to Norman and Austin. And it would probably take paying me to go live up there for four years as well. :D

As far as the football field is concerned I'm not to worried about that. OU has lost 28 players from those three classes from transfers, kicked off the team, academics, and quitting.
Come on Horn, as I said early, odd, but NOT illegal. They all do it, even Tx., and the sad thing, it goes down to high school. Some things are coming out from Tulsa's Highs that some parents are transfering districts to places everyone knows they can't afford. We're trying to pass new tranfer rules, but crap, you know how important Fri nite foots are in our states.
I guess I just can't seem to get myself to think that the right thing in that case is to tell daddy Peterson he's fired and send him on down the road.

I have a hard time believing that every NCAA team obeys every article of the rules, Horn. Including Texas. There are some programs that are not as closely scrutinized. In other words, they haven't been caught . . . yet. Anyways, I don't give a shit. If it were up to me I'd give Peterson a Lexus and let him enjoy cruising up and down Lindsay St.

It's kind of like Switzer has said time and time again, NCAA rules don't even allow for someone to step in and buy a player shoes even if he has holes in the ones he's wearing. I'm not too impressed with NCAA regulations. I think the NCAA is a money-grubbing organization that likes to play with "holier than thou" type attitudes. Somebody needs to step up and sue their asses for not allowing a play-off system in football. You know why we don't have one? Because they make more money through the bowl system. Pure and simple. So, I have a hard time accepting the NCAA's authority in every article that deals with players and money whenever the hypocrites themselves horde it all.

Oklahoma is NOT the only program where NCAA violations occur. I think it happens across the board. I've talked to too many former ball players from other programs that tell me the stories about the $100 bills left under their dinner plates. (No, I haven't talked to any former Texas players, but I bet it goes on.)

Anyway, que cera, cera.
jimmyd said:
But at least Stoops doesn't allow Uzis in the dorm. (I hope)

No, he doesn't, but I could tell you a story or two, . . . . . . . . lol.
jimmyd said:
probably heard them if from Barrys day. Old drinking buddy.

Nope. It happened two seasons ago. Horn, next time I call you, remind me to tell you that story.

you say someone ought to step up and sue the NCAA's for not allowing a playoff system. Well do not look in the direction of the universities. especially Neuter Dame. they get all the dough re me. the others get payed handsomely from their respected conferences after good showings in the bowls.
Tarheel Brn&Bred said:

you say someone ought to step up and sue the NCAA's for not allowing a playoff system. Well do not look in the direction of the universities. especially Neuter Dame. they get all the dough re me. the others get payed handsomely from their respected conferences after good showings in the bowls.

It ought to be the smaller conferences that do it, Tarheel. You're exactly right!

Did you get my PM, dude??
yea, got it a few minutes before this post. as far as your reply, I figured as much. amazing.
Tarheel Brn&Bred said:
yea, got it a few minutes before this post. as far as your reply, I figured as much. amazing.

Believe me, I'm not shedding any tears over it.
Uzi's? Jesus never heard of that one.

I know Texas and Texas A&M both have the two largest and highest payrolled compliance staffs in the country. We have some of the most rabid fans out there just like OU and its sad these kids have to be monitored like this because of jock sniffing boosters and money hungry agents. IF Stoops did not know about this they might want to add some more staf members to the compliance dept.

USC is running into this now because Carroll gives his kids a ton of freedom and its starting to bite him in the ass.

And yes I'm sure it happens everywhere. The only thing I know about Texas players other then getting lots of pussy thrown in their face during recruiting is the constant drug use. Not hard core drugs but tons of weed (not just Ricky and Ramonce).

Also Brad Girtman used to be a solid freshman DT for Okie St. a couple of years ago before he left the team. He is now a bouncer at my club and has told me plenty of Les Miles recruiting tactics and paying players, etc.
I love big 12 texas and oklahoma drama....horn, rj and sooner keep me entertained lol...we need a siekick for sooner tho!
Horn, the Uzi's go back to Barrys days. The players shot up the dorm with them one nite. Pretty cool. Might have been a little high too. Course, Switzer didn't know a damn thing. That's what cost him his job. It was the beginning of the investigation that got OU on probation. Guess the Ncaa frowns on uzi's in the dorm. Go figure. Standard issue pretty much around here, even in high school. It's the pipe bombs in the mail box that really piss people off. But hey, kids will be kids.
and, turns out QB Thompson was a hell of a shot with an uzi. could actually hit the broad side of a barn. too bad he couldn't with a pass.
Charles Thompson has turned out to be a solid individual though. He does a lot of community work with kids here in OKC. He also does some radio work. He's apologized a million times and really feels bad for the way he put the program in negative light.
Wow SHSUHORN starting another thread on the Oklahoma situation Im totally shocked. Its amazing I dont care either way about Texas but because SHSUhorn never ever ever says anythign wrong about the Horns I cant stand them. I am a ND fan and its so pathetic that I was rooting for SC just cause SHSUHORN is such a obnovixous fan. Now ill wait till he rips on Jimmy Claussen
LOL - Guidryacross - you're not the only one who hates Texas because of Horn's loyalty. Count me in on that one too... :)
Jimmy Clausen runs with the Gotti Boys. Nice gel on that haircut. Yaggo.

So what alias is this you have? Pretty good first post to call me obnoxious. Especially from a ND fan. Are there any worse then them?
SHSUHorn said:
Jimmy Clausen runs with the Gotti Boys. Nice gel on that haircut. Yaggo.

So what alias is this you have? Pretty good first post to call me obnoxious. Especially from a ND fan. Are there any worse then them?

LOL - yah they're called Ohio State fans!
Fondybadger said:
LOL - yah they're called Ohio State fans!

LMAO!! I imagine Jump and BGS would want to respond to this!

Who was it that was saying I needed a sidekick earlier?? LOL
I love it!! College football has got to be right around the corner! The gloves are already coming off.

I wonder if Beano Cook thinks Clausen will win two Heisman's like Ron Powlus?!?
And as much as people think I despise the Sooners I've always wanted them to do well because it only helps Texas and the rest of the Big 12 since the conference is so down right now. I never want them to beat Texas or win the MNC though. Only two rules I have. Go 10-2 all day long.

Aggie. Different story.
I'm just saying its amazing how I can hate a team just cause of 1 fan!!!! Will see what happens I think my IRISH will be alright. THe thing is best thing about Claussen even if he isnt all that hes getting recurits. Nd has the number 1 Te in Mr. Raggone and most likely will get Arnealius Benn the top WR in the country. ALready have a very nice class so Claussen is making a diffrence even if he isnt all that.
Guidry, SHSUHorn may be an arrogant Texas son of a bitch, but I can put up with a bit of back and forth "yah Yahing" to see his great capping on games. There's few posters on here that know as much about CFB than he does.

Besides, he's not the only Texas fan that is like that.

Welcome aboard, and try and tolerate the Texas "Kool Aid" like I do.
Alright man ya sorry if im comming off as an ass. Ive always read the stuff so i was like screw it im joining this group cause i couldnt take it anymore!
Guidryacross said:
Alright man ya sorry if im comming off as an ass. Ive always read the stuff so i was like screw it im joining this group cause i couldnt take it anymore!

This sentence makes my eyes bleed.

What the fuck language is this?
hehe....that of a Notre Dame fan.

Welcome to the site Guidry....good debate is great to see.

Hey man if you ask me the game im most worried about is the Michigan game. They have everybody back and I think if Hart is healthy with a good back up in Grady will be very tough. If ND starts the yr off 5-0 look out should be undefeated going into SC. But, I think Michigan gives them a hell of a game wouldn't be a shock if they won straight up.

Also im waiting for the illinois vs Rutgers spread whatever it is im unloading on Rutgers.... There gonna wipe the floor with illinois. The schedule works out perfectly illinois plays Eastern illinois so they will most likely win by 30+.
Rutgers on the other hand plays a tough game at UNC. They could easily lose so the number might not be bad at all.

Nice thoughts man.

You should now how UM-ND series goes. The team that is expected to in(via ats) doesn't always. Three weeks in and with ND off two competitive games I see this being a great game. If Uncle Lloyd isn't too conservative UM should put up plenty of points. The key is the UM defense. Its looking like our best unit in awhile and they will have to make some big plays against ND. I love the points in the game and will play a bit on the ML(of course...after 2 weeks...thoughts may change..but at this point..I like it). Should be a classic ND-UM game. I look forard to it indeed.

As far as Rutgers and Illy, I am on same page with you. Rutgers feels they should have taken the game last year and I think they get it done at home.

Nice post:cheers:
B.A.R. said:
Nice thoughts man.

You should now how UM-ND series goes. The team that is expected to in(via ats) doesn't always. Three weeks in and with ND off two competitive games I see this being a great game. If Uncle Lloyd isn't too conservative UM should put up plenty of points. The key is the UM defense. Its looking like our best unit in awhile and they will have to make some big plays against ND. I love the points in the game and will play a bit on the ML(of course...after 2 weeks...thoughts may change..but at this point..I like it). Should be a classic ND-UM game. I look forard to it indeed.

As far as Rutgers and Illy, I am on same page with you. Rutgers feels they should have taken the game last year and I think they get it done at home.

Nice post:cheers:

That's kind of a BIG if with him, isn't it Big Al?
A huge if Den...but...

This is a make or break year IMO for him(and many others)

I am not saying thats the only thing holding them back from winning this game. Lets remember that Carr had a unreal record against the top ten till last few years. He used to be money in big games but times change..and he needs to change with them. They are recruiting more speed and I think we will see a different mindset this year with the coaching staff changes.

Luckily, we get 2 weeks before this game to see exactly how different things are.
B.A.R. said:
A huge if Den...but...

This is a make or break year IMO for him(and many others)

I am not saying thats the only thing holding them back from winning this game. Lets remember that Carr had a unreal record against the top ten till last few years. He used to be money in big games but times change..and he needs to change with them. They are recruiting more speed and I think we will see a different mindset this year with the coaching staff changes.

Luckily, we get 2 weeks before this game to see exactly how different things are.

That's true. I'm feeling the same way about Coker and Miami. :cheers: