Peception of Prime Time Games


Pretty much a regular
Just a quick rant on how overrated prime time games are today. In this day in age of the NFL Ticket, why would a fan care about their team playing on prime time? There was a great desire for this pre-NFL Ticket because it was a chance to see your team. Playing in Prime Time only creates an inconvenience because of travel and a short week.
Bruce Airens said it today. First thing he looked at was where his night games and early east coast games were.
I'm ecstatic I'm watching my team on Sunday 15 out of 16 games. It's just how I like it and when I like them to be playing.
When your team is playing at the same time as 16 other teams, you can't watch those teams. I love watching redzone early then the Lions with no distraction.
ya Im with monk, like to have one tv on RZ and another moving around 2-3 games on a sunday, rather than 1 stuck on 1 game
I wish all games were on at the same time so I only had to waste 3 hours instead of half a week trying to follow this shit

Be great if they all started at 10 on Sunday and over by 1:30, then have the rest of the week to get all bent out of shape about what needs to happen next week

I hate prime time games
I'm with kj. I don't need to see all these games. I want to watch my team and any marquee game. I have a 2 TV living room and TiVo. Lots of ways to watch what you want with all the commercials. When my team plays I'll hit pause on the other game until there's a commercial in my game. It helps dealing with all these commercials.
Spending 10 hours inside on Sunday in sunny California is a little different than watching football where the weather isn't as nice during late fall and winter.
just watch red zone all day flipping back to Lions primetime, to me more football the better. Primetime brings a lot of $$ to a city too and for a city like Detroit its needed.
They should stagger the start of every game like they do in the NCAA tournament.

15 Games on Sunday, one each starting at:

8:00 - NBC

And then a Monday night game at 8:30.

Then the NFL could add a Final Quarter channel running from 3 pm to 11 pm to take you to the end of each game.