PaintCrew 2022 Golf

Win or lose Pendrith o Tony at +135 is value to me. Playing into a guy going for b2b wins at that price, would do it most of the time.
Win or lose Pendrith o Tony at +135 is value to me. Playing into a guy going for b2b wins at that price, would do it most of the time.

Yeah I see 145s and he’s 160 to win it. Take the 145 head to head in case Young or Pat go on fire and steal the tourney.
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Bad start.


Despite poor fields this is a heck of a two weeks for Tony if he holds.
Well, he just doesn't have it today. You gotta get birdies on this course. Barring a collapse looks over.

Great call in general though and the FRL dead heat nothing to sniff at.

Looking forward to next week.
Well, he just doesn't have it today. You gotta get birdies on this course. Barring a collapse looks over.

Great call in general though and the FRL dead heat nothing to sniff at.

Looking forward to next week.
Yeah quite a disappointing finish. Thought he had a real shot even if Finau was the best in the field really from Thursday to Sunday. Might have been simply too good even if Pendrith brought it yesterday but we'll never know.... Those Sunday jitters in the final group just hit folks different and they definitely got to what is as cool of a customer as they come in Pendrith.


FRL: +7.25 (Pendrith 60-1 chopped to 30-1 in dead heat)
H2Hs: +1.00
Outrights: -2.00

Rocket Overall: +6.25 (Fun tourney that looked like it had a chance to be epic. Pendrith FRL and led/co-led all the way to Sunday. Just didn't have closing power.
LIV: -1.00 (Wrong dart obviously but if i had to do it over again I'd probably have hit Reed or even Wolff so nothing missed. I stopped watching or even paying attention after day 1 so not sure how Stenson regained form from 9 years ago or if everyone else was just that bad sloshing around in piles of $.)
Notes for myself. Post 1 updated with notes and YTD record.

On to the Wyndham and then the playoffs

Only open futures are for the CUP

1* Smith 12-1
0.25* Riley 500-1 - Basically dead obviously but you never know. Feels though that my guy has kind of run out of gas but all it takes is waking up and winning one of the first 2 playoff events to put himself in solid position for East Lake. Still could be some sort of sweat but I think my favorite Aussie mullet takes it.
Yep - rough. Wu was looking like a tie the whole way until that double bogey towards the end of his round. Only these two today for me

Svensson +115 > Kirk
Spaun +105 > Kitty Kat
No sweats here. Easy win and easy loss. At least a small win anyways
0.5* Riley 40-1

I know I know…stubborn. Was going to avoid it until drift got it back in the 40s. OTT precision required here isn’t ideal for his current form but in the 40s and even 50s That I’ve seen I have to take a bite for the last event of the season with a relatively weak field.
Saw enough precision from my boy yesterday to trust him a bit (would help if that putter would finally wake up)

R2 1* Riley -139 vs Garnett
Yeah sorry when my round to round matchups have some odd ducks. I use my local as my main out typically and his line source puts up some strange stuff from time to time
All 4 darts to the weekend but really probably only Riley in the mix. He typically strings rounds together so I’ll try to scoop another unit

1* Riley -125 vs Lahiri
Well…long day of golf tomorrow with a log jam at the top as most of the contenders have 7 or 8 holes to play before turning right back around for the final round. Hope the putter keeps rolling and maybe just maybe Riley can finally break thru
Riley probably chipped and putted his way out of it this morning going 0-4 on fairly simple up and downs but ya never know
Bummer of a week as Tom Kim was one click away from being on the card....talked myself out of it with the price in the low 30's....

What a Sunday for him.....he even was bouncing putts off coins and going in

Wyndham -0.50 (Minimized damage with the unit scooped with Riley in R3. Riley too sloppy with the short game and short putts missed but wouldn't have mattered regardless. Tom Kim's 61 left no doubt).
St Jude - All of these will look familiar in some fashion
0.7* Burns 25-1
0.6* Morikawa 28-1
0.2* Riley 80-1
0.2* Pendrith 80-1

Leaving a little on the table again for drift or maybe an in play live bet
Last normal full field event of the season....i'll stack all 4

0.25* Burns +625
0.25* Morikawa +650
0.25* Riley +1700
0.25* Pendrith +1700

0.25* Burns +270
0.25* Morikawa +280
0.25* Riley +650
0.25* Pendrith +700

0.5* Burns +110
0.5* Morikawa +120
0.5* Riley +250
0.5* Pendrith +270

Will probably use the 0.3 i've left on the outright table for an FRL dart but other than that this is probably it
Last normal full field event of the season....i'll stack all 4

0.25* Burns +625
0.25* Morikawa +650
0.25* Riley +1700
0.25* Pendrith +1700

0.25* Burns +270
0.25* Morikawa +280
0.25* Riley +650
0.25* Pendrith +700

0.5* Burns +110
0.5* Morikawa +120

0.5* Riley +250
0.5* Pendrith +270

Will probably use the 0.3 i've left on the outright table for an FRL dart but other than that this is probably it

Am just going to trust the balance in the book on this one but looks like this:

St Jude
Outrights -1.7
Stacks +0.975

Overall -0.725

Pendrith collapses obviously all weekend so throw that out but felt pretty good about my 3 darts positions but they just didn't make any moves. Happy for WillyZ....feel awful for Straka (his caddy should've tackled that man for where he was lined up given WillyZ's position).

Will likely be on Morikawa again and more than likely some Scheffler and that will about do it for the BMW....will I add more wasted $ on Riley to close it out? Yeah probably. Come this far so why not....
Am just going to trust the balance in the book on this one but looks like this:

St Jude
Outrights -1.7
Stacks +0.975

Overall -0.725

Pendrith collapses obviously all weekend so throw that out but felt pretty good about my 3 darts positions but they just didn't make any moves. Happy for WillyZ....feel awful for Straka (his caddy should've tackled that man for where he was lined up given WillyZ's position).

Will likely be on Morikawa again and more than likely some Scheffler and that will about do it for the BMW....will I add more wasted $ on Riley to close it out? Yeah probably. Come this far so why not....
I think Morikawa for me this week as well
No harm done last week with the stacks helping out so I’ll run it back....

Also added another 0.5* on Riley to make it 0.75* at 70-1 outright

Full Card

0.9* Scheffler 18-1
0.9* Morikawa 22-1
0.75* Riley 70-1

0.5* Scheff +275
0.5* Morikawa +375
0.5* Riley +1000

0.5* Scheff +125
0.5* Morikawa +140
0.5* Riley +400

0.5* Riley +125

oh yeah and what the hell

0.25* FRL Riley 63-1

Just taking one last small shot at some fun with a small bit of house $ as the season comes to a close....been a hell of a fun year. Likely will just have 1 dart or maybe 2 in the tour championship so going out with a small bang here either way