Pac Man's 2007-2008 NHL Thread

Wednesday's results: 1-2-0 dropping $220

This week: 7-9-0, -$31

Last week: 8-15-0, -$860

Season stands at: 61-61-0, +$3,777

4-Digit Wagers are: 6-1-0, +$8,520

Games for Friday, 11.09.07
735pm, CBUS +180 > DET, 300/540
735pm, TOR +115 > BUF, 800/920

Good luck to those on teams teams as well.
Friday's results: 1-1-0 adding $620

This week: 8-10-0, +$589

Last week: 8-15-0, -$860

Season stands at: 62-62-0, +$4,397

LOB: 5,220

4-Digit Wagers are: 6-1-0, +$8,520

Games for Saturday, 11.10.07
705pm, NJ +110 > NYI, 100/110
705pm, BOS -135 > BUF, 3,634/2,700
705pm, CAR -150 > ATL, 150/100
1005pm, EDM +210 > CAL, 1,300/2,730
705pm, NYR -130 > TOR, 130/100
705pm, PIT +103 > PHI, 100/103
805pm, CBUS +130 > NASH, 400/520
305pm, OTT -180 > MON, 180/100

Good luck to those on teams teams as well.
Saturday's action went 5-3-0 adding $5,130 to the account.

:cheers: :cheers: :cheers:

Will update the records later this morning.
Saturday's action went 5-3-0 adding $5,130 to the account. :cool:

It finished the week going 13-13-0 but $5,719 ahead.

The season to date record is 67-65-0 up $9,527. money;

The 4-digit wagers are 8-1-0, +$13,950.

Games for today will be listed later today.
Congrats Pacman.
I follow U last two weeks, and it's great.

One question: What's "The 4 digit wager"?



Thank you. Try to remember to stay within YOUR comfort level in the event things fall apart (been known to happen now and then).

4-digit wagers are those that risk at least one thousand United States dollars. For example from yesterday's EDM/CAL game, I had EDM +210 risking $1,300 and won $2,730. Another example from yesterday is when I risked $3,645 on BOS and won $2,700 when they defeated BUF. It is NEVER the return amount (if the wager wins).

BOL the rest of this season.
Just one game/play for tonight (so far).

705pm, CHI +145 > DET, 500/725

Good luck to those on this side of the game as well.


Good afternoon and thank you for your question. The original post explaining this was in post #42 (this thread), click the link below:

In case the link does not work, here is the information your were asking about:

LOB (Left on Board): $3,710
===> This is a term used which represents "to even" from lost wagers - please take note, does not include profit margins. The lower the amount/number (sometimes forget to include the $) the better. It has ZERO impact on over 99.999% of the action.

Hopefully, this helps. If not, say something and I'll explain it another way. Your questions/comments are always welcome. BOL with your action tonight.
Thanx Pacman, now I know what's 4-Digit wagers.
But, sorry -one more question - LOB? I don't understand this description - my english is bad. Could U explain it on some example?

BOL (best of luck?) tonight Pacman.
Thanx Pacman, now I know what's 4-Digit wagers.
But, sorry -one more question - LOB? I don't understand this description - my english is bad. Could U explain it on some example?

BOL (best of luck?) tonight Pacman.

Good Evening nucap,

Glad you understand what is meant by 4-digit wagers. Sometimes I forgot others do not use or understand the phrases and/or terms used. Worry not about comments/questions from yourself, I will explain one way and if needed another until person is able to follow what is meant.

LOB. This is a term used I use that lets me know how much money is needed/owed to break even on teams that have not cashed for me. Going into Saturday's games the LOB was 5,220. EDM was -2,400; BOS -2,360; CAL -160 and CBUS -300. EDM and BOS both won their games and their amounts were removed from calculation/list. CBUS lost 400 on the game and since they were -300 previously, they then become -700. NJ lost, so they are -100. PIT lost as well and is -100. Going into Sunday's games the LOB is then 1,060 (CAL -160 + CBUS -700 + NJ -100 + PIT -100).

Hope this helps paint a clearer picture of the term. If not, say so and I will go at it another direction.

Yes, BOL does equal best of luck. I post on a few message boards and when able to save a little time on each one, will use abbreviations.
Sunday's action went 1-0-0 adding $725 to the account.

This week is 1-0-0 up $725.

Season to date record is: 68-65-0 up $10,252.

4-digit wagers are: 8-1-0 up $13,950.

Last week went: 13-13-0 but added $5,719 to the account.

LOB remains at $1,060.
Games for Monday, 11.12.07
735pm, NYI +120 > PHI, 200/240
735pm, NJ +125 > PIT, 200/250
705pm, CBUS _145 > NASH, 1,305/900

BOL to those on these teams as well.
Monday's action went 1-2-0 dropping $1,255.

This week is 2-2-0 down $530.

The season stands at 69-67-0 up $8,997.

The 4-digit wagers are 8-2-0 up $12,645.

Last week went 13-13-0 but made $5,719.

Games for Today, 11.13.07 (Tuesday) will be listed later.
705pm, ATL -170 > FLA, 340/200
735pm, STL +140 > DET, 200/280
935pm, CAL -150 > MN, 450/300
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Like STL, but wish CHC hadnt beaten DET beforehand.

BOL PM:cheers:


The Blues had been off for a while and either or or two things were going to happen. One they'd come out with rust or two, they'd be chomping at the bit to not hit themselves. Looks like we 'guessed' right on that one.

Input needed/wanted for the FL/ATL game tonight (Tuesday). I mistakenly listed the game as FL -170. FL was not -170, ATL was. The wager was 340/200 giving more credence that I was on ATL. How would the people here like this game graded? I know what I wagered on but was in hurry when posting Tuesday's action. Sorry to push/rush for responses but need them prior to Wednesday's games.
if you wanted to prove it, you could paste the ticket online here if you want to prove it. Honestly, I don't think anyone will contest it though.

I think it's obvious you had brain fade in entering the team name, since both the odds posted & the amount bet for what return are all in line w/ATL.
Tuesday's records and results will be listed shortly after the first game has started today as I am awaiting more feedback from a question listed a few posts back.

Games for Today, 11.14.07
705pm, CBUS -140 > CHI, 2,940/2,100
1005pm, EDM +170 > VAN, 100/170

Note on the 705pm game: Largest, to date, wager of the season. This does not mean "Game of the week/month/year", it is what the method/system calls for.
I think you should grade it as a win too. Its pretty obvious with the odds that were listed. Keep up the good work Pacman.
Hey pacman, just wondering what your reasoning for the Columbus game


Each wager must fall into certain criteria. For a wager to have action, it must have certain spec's. For the NHL, the formula has several categories. Each category has a certain strength/weight. Add the totals and if they are in the right zone, there is a play to be made. Another set of figures determines the amount. Hope this helps. BOL to you this season.
After taking in all input from people here & other boards and although over 90% say to count the ATL/FL game from Tuesday as a win, it will not be. Nor will it be counted as a loss. I believe the fairest thing thing is to have it be no action. It was suggested that a copy of the wager be listed, but I am not a person who believes that it would accomplish sufficient proof since some people have been busted on making fake tickets. When I meet a person from this board, we will log into the account from which the wager was placed and they can see it for themself. If anyone has a problem with that, sorry you feel that way. Again, thank you for all the input given on this matter.

Tuesday's action went 2-0-0 adding $580.

This week is 4-2-0 up $50.

The season stands at 71-67-0 up $9,577.

The 4-digit wagers are 8-2-0 up $12,645.

Last week went 13-13-0 but made $5,719.
Wednesday's action went 2-0-0, adding $2,270.

This week is 6-2-0, up $2,320.

The season stands at 73-69-0, up $11,847.

4-digit wagers are 9-2-0, +$14,745.

Last week's action went 13-13-0, adding $5,719.

Games For Today, 11.15.07 (Thursday)
705pm, NYR +110 > PHI, 500/550
735pm, NYI +130 > PIT, 300/390
735pm, FL -165 > WA, 165/100
905pm, PHX +105 > SJ, 100/105

BOL to those on these teams as well.
Thursday's action went 2-2-0 but added $250.

This week's record is: 8-4-0, up $2,570.

The season record is: 75-71-0, up $12,097.

4-digit wagers are: 9-2-0, up $14,745.

Last week's record was: 13-13-0, up $5,719.

LOB is at $700 heading into today's games.

Games for Today, 11.16.07 (Friday)
735pm BUF +110 > MON, 100/110
805pm, WA +180 > TAM, 100/180
835pm, DAL -110 > CO, 110/100

BOL to those on these teams as well.
Today's action went 2-1-0 adding $110 to the account.

This week is 10-5-0, +$2,680.

The season to date is 77-72-0, +$12,207.

4-digit wagers are 9-2-0, +$14,725.

Last week went 13-13-0, +$5,719.

Games for Saturday, 11.17.05 will be listed later.
LOB is at $800 heading into today's action.

Games for today, 11.17.07 (Saturday)
735pm, PIT -115 > NYR, 230/200
705pm, TOR +140 > OTT, 500/700
805pm, STL +135 > NASH, 100/135
1035pm, ANA +140 > SJ, 200/280
405pm, PHX +150 > LA, 200/300
705pm, DET -270 > CHI, 270/100

BOL to those on these teams as well.
Saturday's action went 4-2-0 adding $915 to the account and finished the week at 14-7-0 up $3,595.

The season is at 81-74-0 up $13,122.

4-digit wagers are 9-2-0 up $14,725.

Game for Today, 11.18.07 (Sunday)
DET -145 > CBUS, 725/500

BOL to those on these teams as well.
Today's action went 1-0-0 adding $500 to the account.

This week is 5-2-0, +$1,415.

The season to date is 82-74-0, +$13,622.

4-digit wagers are 9-2-0, +$14,725.

Last week went 14-7-0, +$3,595.

Games for Monday, 11.19.05 will be listed later.
Games For Today, 11.19.07 (Monday)
705pm, NYR 180 > NYI, 1,800/1,000
705pm, ATL -115 > TAM, 115/100
705pm, WA -130 > FL, 260/200
835pm, NASH +110 > STL, 100/110
835pm, LA +150 > DAL, 100/150

BOL to those on these teams as well.
Monday's action went 1-4-0 dropping $2,160.

This week is 6-6-0, -$745.

The season to date is 83-78-0, +$11,462.

4-digit wagers are 9-3-0, +$12,925.

Last week went 14-7-0, +$3,595.

LOB is 3,190

Game for Tuesday, 11.20.07
905pm, EDM +110 > VAN, 500/550
===> EDM has been in a funk offensively lately. VAN's defense is short-handed. Put them together and I get an EDM win.

BOL to those on this team as well.
500th Post

Tonight's action went 2-0-0 adding $1,175 to the account.

Records and stats will be updated later.
Tuesday's action went 2-0-0 adding $1,175.

This week is 8-6-0, +$430.

The season to date is 85-78-0, +$12,637.

4-digit wagers are 9-3-0, +$12,925.

Last week went 14-7-0, +$3,595.

Game(s) for Wednesday, 11.21.07, will be listed later.
Games For Today, Wednesday (11.21.07)
705pm, WA -125 > ATL, 625/500
735pm, DET -240 > STL, 480/200
835pm, DAL -135 > ANA, 135/100
935pm, LA +105 > PHX, 200/210
735pm, PIT -155 > NJ, 620/400
705pm, NYI -125 > MON, 750/600
735pm, NYR - 105 > TAM, 2,100/2,000

BOL to those on this team as well.
Today's Action
735pm, PIT +180 > OTT, 700/1,200
905pm, CO -145 > EDM, 145/100

One more for today to be posted later.
Sorry for not listing the other game last night.

Thursday's action went 2-0-0 adding $1,360.

This week is 13-10-0, +$1,895.

The season to date is 90-84-0, +$14,102.

4-digit wagers are 10-3-0, +$14,925.

Last week went 14-7-0, +$3,595.

LOB is at 2,635

Games for Friday, 11.23.07
735pm, NJ +100 > ATL, 100/100
105pm, WA +145 > PHI, 800/1,160
205pm, CBUS +145 > MN, 100/145
835pm, TOR +130 > DAL, 100/130
1205pm, NYI +110 > BOS, 1,400/1,540

BOL to those on this team as well.
Just out of curiosity, did the unlisted game win and if so, what does that do to your LOB???

Good Morning $$$inmywallet,

Nice to see you drop by again. :smiley_acbe:

The game that was not posted was the DET/NASH match-up. The method had NASH as the winner. The line was +120 at the time of the post. The system had the game for more than one unit - it was at the 49th percent mark, waiting to surpass the 51st percent mark. Since the game was nearly ready to be upped, the choice was made to wait until it qualified for that level of action (meaning it was good for $100 action now/then but waiting for the $200 level). Started doing stuff around the home, company came over, started watching the games, lit the grill mid-afternoon and never got back to the computer until late in the night. :mad: The LOB remains where it is until the money is recouped from that team. One thing to remember, just because they play the next day/game doe not mean the game qualifies as a play. Hope that helps clear it up for you. Continued success to you this season.
Friday's action went 3-2-0 dropping $95.

This week is 16-12-0, +$1,800.

The season to date is 93-86-0, +$14,007.

4-digit wagers are 10-4-0, +$13,525.

Last week went 14-7-0, +$3,595.

LOB is at 3,150

Games for Saturday, 11.24.07
705pm, MON -155 > BUF, 155/100
735pm, TAM -140 > NJ, 140/100
705pm, TOR -105 > PHX, 420/400
1035pm, LA +180 > SJ, 200/360
705pm, NYI -160 > BOS, 4,800/3,000
===> Boston has not won in nearly six years at Nassau Coliseum. The Bruins begin there road stretch in an arena where it's had minimal success recently. They've lost four straight at Nassau Coliseum and are 0-4-1 with four ties there since a 4-2 win on Dec. 22, 2001. Boston improved to 2-5-2 against New York since 2005-06, but has not beaten the Islanders twice in a row in a single season since winning three straight from Dec. 27, 2000-April 7, 2001. Despite, the Islanders sputtering offense lately, scoring one goal in three of their last four games, and two goals or fewer in seven straight and having failed to score on all three of their power-play opportunities on Friday, and are just 1-of-23 with the man advantage in their last six games they play better at home and will (hopefully) break out of the funk they've been in.

BOL to those on these teams as well.
Good Morning $$$inmywallet,

Nice to see you drop by again. :smiley_acbe:

The game that was not posted was the DET/NASH match-up. The method had NASH as the winner. The line was +120 at the time of the post. The system had the game for more than one unit - it was at the 49th percent mark, waiting to surpass the 51st percent mark. Since the game was nearly ready to be upped, the choice was made to wait until it qualified for that level of action (meaning it was good for $100 action now/then but waiting for the $200 level). Started doing stuff around the home, company came over, started watching the games, lit the grill mid-afternoon and never got back to the computer until late in the night. :mad: The LOB remains where it is until the money is recouped from that team. One thing to remember, just because they play the next day/game doe not mean the game qualifies as a play. Hope that helps clear it up for you. Continued success to you this season.

Thanks for the reply and an excellent explaination.
hey pacman
nice hit on the islanders dude!

don't know if u know yet, but i read that kopitar is not playing tonight.
either way though, you can't go wrong with the +money.

edit: sorry for the misinformation, apparently he IS playing...and scored! lol.
kings looking good!
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