Overall 2018 Bowl Season Observation


Pretty much a regular
I watched just about every game except 1 or 2. Honestly, other than gambling through the Holiday season with the bevy of games, why waste time with this garbage? Now that this Bowl season is complete except the championship game, I feel we got nothing. 40 games and we got nothing? Not 1 miracle finish? Not 1 game for the ages? In all my years, the 2018-19 was the worst Bowl season by far. Sorry to be Debbie Downer, but this was ugly.
I‘d call you more of a negative Nelly. But yea soooo many uncompetitive games and the ones that were competitive tended to not involve too much offense
I agree, not only were there no "great" games, there were some of the worst ones I can recall.

Not sure where else to put this, but saw online and definitely want to remember for next year: Teams ranked #5 in playoff rank are now 1-4 in bowl game
I think there was 1 OT game out of the 40 this year? Cal vs TCU 10-7 final. I'm trying to find my favorite Bowl season. 2011-12 comes to mind. 4 OT games with a lot of other close games. Best 1 that year was the comeback OT win by Utah against Georgia Tech in the Sun Bowl. Utah scored 2 TDs late to tie it in the 4th.
It was a shitty lineup and that was painfully evident from the jump.

There's A LOT that needs to be overhauled with the current system.

I think the Rose Bowl holding the rest of the bowls hostage is a major issue. The playoffs games should be played last - on NYD. The lesser bowls played after the playoffs are anticlimactic. Everyone is home on NYD. Give the playoffs the spotlight. Also, give us the best matchups possible. Fuck the conference tradition BS. Putting OSU vs UGA in the Rose Bowl or some different bowl was the obvious move and that game would've garnered as much attention and hype as the playoff games IMO.
I have some thoughts on Bowl games .....

1. For every player that does not play in the bowl game due to NFL draft, the school loses two scholarships for the next two years.
2. if you lose your bowl game, you may not be ranked above a bowl winner from the same year in the following year unless they have more defeats.
3. All coaching contracts should have 10% of the contract contingent on bowl appearance and 10% contingent on bowl victory, regardless of bowl.
4. The bowls/schools should provide insurance on the NFL probables bodies (not my idea, I stole it from a friend).
1. you can‘t be serious lol you can‘t put pressure on a player to risk his body for a meaningless game and you can‘t punish a school for what a former teammate does
All personal awards ie., Heisman, all-american selections, all-conference selections should be named AFTER bowl season.
1. you can‘t be serious lol you can‘t put pressure on a player to risk his body for a meaningless game and you can‘t punish a school for what a former teammate does

Questioning it? That's three scholarships gone ... you want another?
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I have some thoughts on Bowl games .....

1. For every player that does not play in the bowl game due to NFL draft, the school loses two scholarships for the next two years.
2. if you lose your bowl game, you may not be ranked above a bowl winner from the same year in the following year unless they have more defeats.
3. All coaching contracts should have 10% of the contract contingent on bowl appearance and 10% contingent on bowl victory, regardless of bowl.
4. The bowls/schools should provide insurance on the NFL probables bodies (not my idea, I stole it from a friend).
How about every player that decides to sit has to pay back tuition, room and board, books, ...etc for that season for not fulfilling his contractual agreement for playing for the university. I mean they’re about to make millions, so drop in the bucket.
Going forward, I hope to simply play live in bowl games. Ended up on the positive on pre-bowl selections, and for bowls overall, but made more in live plays than pre-game selections. I need to ween off the TTS. They killed my profits this year. For every game I killed, I got killed by another. Looking at you Miss St and UGA.

Gonna have to play against the SEC in the Sugar. Played both Bulldogs early and felt good with the numbers, but should have gotten off before kick. UGA was more concerned with how bad ND played than their own prep. Miss St coulda won, but the non-TD/INT deflated them. Fitz is awful at passing and his ball higging ability hurt that wager.
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How about every player that decides to sit has to pay back tuition, room and board, books, ...etc for that season for not fulfilling his contractual agreement for playing for the university. I mean they’re about to make millions, so drop in the bucket.

I cant even tell you how much I hate this take. How about pay the fucking kids if you want that kind of commitment? I'm sorry, but in a world where a guy can take a coaching job at a school and then three weeks later leave and go back to his old school, you can't expect the kids who actually play to be any more committed to the school over their best interest.

However, as much as I disagree with that point, your in-game point is excellent; you can generally tell in the first few mins if the team gives a shit about being there or not and how they are going to look for the rest of the game
Making rules like that for the kids would be the final straw in losing big name high school recruits to secondary leagues that are willing to pay them as they learn from former professional coaches
D-Wow, the comment was an extreme used to combat the extreme put out by VK. Why take away scholarships from a school B/c a kid decides to sit. How is that even remotely fair?
Also on the coaching situation with Temple/Miami. Let's be real. Those kids took Temple b/c it was their best offer. Let's not suggest they are turning down PSU, tOSU or whatever BIG school to play for Manny fucking Diaz. If you ask me, Temple will be better off not having him.