Omg...ricky Williams Tests Positive For Pot Again....

I saw this. It's so ridiculous that it's almost expected at this point. This guy has thrown away so much money because of his weed problem it's not even funny.
smoke two joints in the morning.... smoke two joints at night... :fumeur7:
It's almost as funny as PacMan going to a strip club the night before he met with Godell about getting thrown out of the league for a year. I also like the fact that when he was asked the last time he was at a strip club in the meeting with the commissioner, PacMan said, "yesterday."

I give him points for honesty, I just wish we knew if the comish laughed out loud when he heard that.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm off to make it rain.
just let him smoke and play ?

whats the Big deal ? NBA players are always smoking.

Shit SHEED takes a bong rip b4 every big game I heard. Calms him down.
Yeah, ya know Sheed is a HUGE stoner....

But back to the thread topic....It's amazing that this shit didnt come out about Ricky before Ditka wasted an entire draft on him.
Ricky is far from a loser. He is actually a great teammate and was the best rb in the league in his prime. He has a social disorder. Its actually a shame. The guy is more educated and thoughtful than 90 percent of the league.
I agree with LITTLEe, he IS a very smart guy. I think his Rustefarian religion ruined his career. Pot smoking is part of that religion and he wouldnt give it up. The Gunja Gods would burn him in hell.....haha
<TABLE class=yspcontent cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=974 border=0><TBODY><TR><TD class="" vAlign=top width=720>Denver marijuana legalization advocates want Ricky Williams to come to town
DENVER (AP) -- A group that led a campaign to legalize marijuana possession in Denver is posting a billboard advertisement encouraging suspended running back Ricky Williams and the Broncos to get together.

Williams applied for NFL reinstatement this week, his agent said. Williams has played in only 12 NFL games since the start of the 2004 season, but rushed for 3,225 yards in 2002-03. His current suspension began in April 2006 after he violated the league's drug policy for the fourth time. He tested positive for marijuana this April, again delaying his return.

Williams remains under contract with Miami, where he won the NFL rushing title in 2002. But new coach Cam Cameron has not indicated whether he wants Williams to stay with the Dolphins, who fell to 0-4 Sunday.

The billboard, across the street from Invesco Field, where the Broncos play, will be unveiled Wednesday and will stay up for a month. At a cost of $3,000, it features a player with dreadlocks in a blue and orange jersey and reads, "Ricky, come to Denver... Where the people support your SAFER choice."

In 2005, Denver residents passed an initiative removing all penalties for possession of small amounts of marijuana by adults. The campaign was run on the message that marijuana is less harmful than alcohol. Police have continued prosecuting people under state law, however. Federal law also prohibits possession.

"The National Football League's marijuana policy is just as irrational as our federal government's marijuana policy," said Mason Tvert of the group Safer Alternative For Enjoyable Recreation. "In both cases, authorities are steering adults toward using alcohol and punishing them for making the safer choice to use marijuana instead.

"If (commissioner) Roger Goodell and every NFL player over 21 can go home after a game and have a drink, there is no reason why Ricky Williams should not be allowed to go home and use a less harmful drug." The initiative Denver voters approved two years ago allows adults to carry up to an ounce of marijuana. No other state allows pot possession for anything other than medical use. "Ricky Williams would feel right at home here," Tvert said.
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I wouldn't neccesarily say that he is "smart", but he is a different guy. He thinks on his own, and isn't just another lemming in society...

but it is a shame that guy has like 7 kids with 5 different women, is in millions of dollars worth of debt, and has a drug problem.

Sounds an F-IN loser to me. They should nooter the Rickey Williams's of the world, because nobody should have to waste their hard earned money paying for those "mistakes" of his running around or his hood rat babys ma'amas.
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I'm going out on a limb here and stating that I do not believe that C-Gold likes Travis Henry.?.?
When those kids...

end up in jail
kill somebody
have drug problems
commit robbery
spawn off more illegit children

and then have the state support and take care of them. Then somebody is going to say those kids " weren't given a fair chance" and all that other crap.
hopefully he has to give up a good portion of his paychecks to help raise those kids. man do you think the guy knows what a vasectomy is?
No American should have to pay for his "mistakes". What a tragety. I mean, he has money and hopefully his hood rat girls are taking their child support...

but what about all the guys that don't make it? What about a broke ass Rickey Williams? Who is paying for his "mistake" children? Those kids are going to end up in jail one day.

but the system is going to keep paying for the thugs of the world to live their lifestyle which compermises mine and everybody elses.
so over/unders on how many weeks until he fails his first test......?

fuck the NFL. blaze on ricky. blaze on. :bong:
Hey, now that Ricky will probably play against the Patriots, wouldnt it be ironic if the only winless team beats them? Holy cow, what a story that would make. :smiley_acbe:
What's funny is he has to be addicted to get caught. I know about 7-8 Texans that smoke regularly and some that even do cocaine on occasion.

They told me they don't worry because they know when they are going to be tested and you have to be an idiot to get caught.

In regards to MLS soccer players its even worse since they only get tested twice a year randomly. The two Dynamo players that got caught last year and put on probation (getting tested regularly but no suspension or team knowledge) were smokin at my house the day before.

Talk about feeling like shit about it...