Ole Piss Violations

Ha Ha...last I looked he starts for Buffalo. What a situation that was a couple years ago.

Yep, he sure does. Just signed a contract with them as well. He was great last season, and was a model citizen off (and on) the field. Seems that he really turned it around, good for him. It certainly was quite the situation a couple years ago.
has ole miss or freeze made a statement on this whole thing?

Freeze said this yesterday:

Freeze: I want to address that. I know our administration has been working tirelessly to reach a resolution on the matters involving Laremy (Tunsil). I have been told we have made a lot of progress, but the facts are always more important than speed or a public response, which is difficult for me because I want to respond, but in this instance it is best that our administration work with all parties involved, reach a conclusion and then respond. It will come quickly, we hope. I won't answer any questions about the NCAA investigation or draft day incidents. I was shocked like everyone else, but I believe in our administration and their process.

Freeze: When the facts are known, I will make a statement. Right now, I think we need to be patient and make sure we have the facts first. All the facts. What will the facts reveal? I do not know yet. I'll know more when the facts are revealed.
Slip it in right underneath the Baylor news and Friday of Memorial Day. Hope no one notices.
[h=2]Letter to the Ole Miss Family[/h] Dear Ole Miss Family:
As you know, the University of Mississippi has been cooperating with the NCAA since 2012 on a review of potential NCAA bylaw violations associated with our Department of Athletics. After almost four years and more than 265 interviews with current staff, former staff, boosters, third parties, and student-athletes, the NCAA issued a Notice of Allegations (“NOA”) to the University on January 22, 2016, alleging violations in women’s basketball, track and field, and football. According to the NCAA enforcement process, the University had 90 days to formally respond, and we submitted our Response to the Notice of Allegations (“Response”) in April. Around that same time, another involved party requested and received a 30-day extension. Because that extension has now elapsed, we are releasing our Response and the NOA to the public.
The NCAA has alleged, and we agree, that serious violations have occurred. Most of the more significant violations resulted from either (1) intentional misconduct and efforts to conceal that misconduct by former employees who face unethical conduct charges and personal sanctions; or (2) actions of individual boosters who conducted themselves contrary to rules education provided by the University. For 27 of the 28 allegations, we agree that a violation of NCAA rules occurred; however, for several of those allegations we do not agree on all of the facts. For five of those 27 violations, we believe the violation should be classified differently (e.g., the violation is alleged as a “Level II violation” but we contend the violation should be classified as “Level III”).
In response to these violations, we have taken several corrective actions and we have self-imposed significant penalties. The NCAA Committee on Infractions (“COI”) will consider our Response as it determines whether to assess penalties in addition to the penalties we have already self-imposed. We based our self-imposed penalties on the COI’s decisions in other cases and the NCAA penalty matrix released in 2012.
The University’s cooperation with the NCAA throughout this process has been exemplary. In fact, the University self-reported or played a central role in discovering most of the violations. When employees or student-athletes failed to live up to Ole Miss core values, the University took decisive action, including terminating or disciplining employees and imposing scholarship reductions and recruiting restrictions. The University also disassociated itself from representatives of Ole Miss’s athletics interests — boosters — who were involved in violations. The most serious violations involve academic misconduct that occurred in football six years ago and in women’s basketball almost four years ago. Before, during and since the issuance of the NOA, we have taken a proactive approach to compliance, rules-education, and monitoring. As our Department of Athletics has grown, so has our commitment to compliance. Since 2011, we have more than doubled our compliance staff and instituted more than 100 new compliance measures.
On the first day of the 2016 NFL Draft, new information came to light involving a former football student-athlete. That very night, the University and NCAA began a joint review to determine whether bylaws have been violated, and we hope this review will be concluded soon. To ensure fairness to all parties and pursuant to COI procedure, we have asked the COI to remove the hearing from this summer’s docket until this review can be completed and closed.
The Ole Miss family expects and deserves athletics programs that compete for championships, graduate our student-athletes, and operate with integrity. From the moment we learned about possible academic misconduct in women’s basketball in 2012 until today, the University has demonstrated its values, and we are a stronger University because of our decisive actions. We believe in our coaches, staff, and student-athletes, and you have our assurance that we will continue the pursuit of excellence consistent with the University Creed and athletics core values.


Jeffrey S. Vitter Ross Bjork
Chancellor Director of Athletics
52 pages devoted to bullshit. No pay for play. No "Ole Mi$$." If only Ole Miss had systematically covered up rape instead of letting football players use loaner cars for too long.....
well i'm sure you have heard that. but it's still something they're gonna look into. don't really know how they're gonna get in trouble for those, not like tunsil is gonna talk to em, and ole miss can just just say the student assistance thing as long as they cleaned up whatever messages they had on their end.
• During the 2012-13 academic year, an Ole Miss booster assisted the school in the recruitment of four prospects by engaging in recruiting activities and provided them with recruiting inducements totaling approximately $2,250. The NCAA alleges assistant coach Maurice Harris knew of the booster's involvement and, at times, facilitated his involvement, a Level 1 violation.

I didn't think so at first, but I think Ole Miss gets a significant punishment here.
I didn't think so at first, but I think Ole Miss gets a significant punishment here.

As they should...

They bought an all-star group of guys...

Now, yes this happens many places but when the only relevance you have had is Eli Manning and a few others in my lifetime you need to be a bit more discreet about things.
No, but I don't think there's anything to those. I've heard it's a student assistance fund thing.

This notice pretty much shows that what Ole Miss has been putting out have been total lies. They fed the BS that none of it had to do with Freeze so they could save their recruiting class. I don't see how Freeze survives this
As they should...

They bought an all-star group of guys...

Now, yes this happens many places but when the only relevance you have had is Eli Manning and a few others in my lifetime you need to be a bit more discreet about things.

Yep. And the indignation of Ole Miss fans that they were getting players illegally was laughable. Of course most if not all big programs do some level of this stuff. But when they went outside their footprint to get top ranked players, and then act like it was just because their coaches were just good recruiters was absurd

Wrong again. That booster gave kids from Memphis rides to games. One of those kids signed with Ole Miss. He was not named Tunsil, Nkemdiche, or Treadwell. In fact, I don't think he's played in more than 2 games in his career. Again, there is absolutely no proof of the narrative that you and many others want to be true. Keep on keeping on though. That smoking gun should turn up in no time.
Yep. And the indignation of Ole Miss fans that they were getting players illegally was laughable. Of course most if not all big programs do some level of this stuff. But when they went outside their footprint to get top ranked players, and then act like it was just because their coaches were just good recruiters was absurd

Except that neither you nor anyone else can produce a shred of evidence which supports any of what you just said. Go through the letter. Show me where Treadwell and Nkemdiche are implicated. Tunsil's stepdad may have gotten $800 after he signed. Tunsil got lodging and a loaner car for 10 weeks. Ole Mi$$ indeed.
Some of you really struggle with reading or your letting your bias show:


Highlight for me the portion which says "none of it had to with Freeze."

Thats the post signing day article. Pre signing day, they put out that Freeze's tenure was "hardly implicated" and had already been handled internally. Even though most of the allegations are under Freeze

Except that neither you nor anyone else can produce a shred of evidence which supports any of what you just said. Go through the letter. Show me where Treadwell and Nkemdiche are implicated. Tunsil's stepdad may have gotten $800 after he signed. Tunsil got lodging and a loaner car for 10 weeks. Ole Mi$$ indeed.

Ok man. I'm sure due process will show ole miss is in the clear. Just like auburn with Cam
Here's the quote:

"This is a fraction involving our current football staff," a source told ESPN's Edward Aschoff. "Some of those things we've already self-imposed some penalties around and already dealt with. This just happens to be part of a broader process."

What exactly is inaccurate?

Your a cool poster and I like ya, but your just being stubborn here.

Lets put the money aside, etc...

How did they randomly get that class? Lets start at Point A and go from there.
Here's the quote:

"This is a fraction involving our current football staff," a source told ESPN's Edward Aschoff. "Some of those things we've already self-imposed some penalties around and already dealt with. This just happens to be part of a broader process."

What exactly is inaccurate?

I mean, 11 of 13 allegations is a fraction I guess

Your a cool poster and I like ya, but your just being stubborn here.

Lets put the money aside, etc...

How did they randomly get that class? Lets start at Point A and go from there.

There was nothing random about it. I've explained it at length here. You and others continue to believe the narrative that Ole Miss with the second smallest alumni base in the conference most of which is located in the poorest state in the country outbid every major program for the Big 3 rather than believing the provided explanation.

I'll go through it again:

Houston Nutt signed a lightly recruited LB who most believed wouldn't qualify. His name was Denzel Nkemdiche. Nutt gets fired. Freeze comes in. Mrs. Nkemdiche basically says that if Ole Miss can show improvement then Rob will play with his big brother.

Freeze signs Anthony Standifer in his 1st class. You and nobody else gave a shit or noticed. Ole Miss needed corners, but more significantly, Standifer played for Crete-Monee. Laquon Treadwell also played for Crete Monee. There was in there, and when Donte Moncrief caught 66 passes and 10 TDs in Freeze's offense, Ole Miss had even more traction. Treadwell befriended Nkemdiche and that gained a momentum all its own.

Tunsil's little brother is a WR on the current team. I don't think he had any other P5 offers. I believe that Tunsil's girl also ended up at Ole Miss. Shady? Sure. Illegal? Nope.

Tony Conner lived 15 minutes up the road, and played for an Ole Miss pipeline.

Let me be very clear about this: Is Ole Miss "cheating" as defined by the NCAA? Undoubtedly.....but not anymore than anybody else is. The idea that Ole Miss came up with hundreds of thousands of dollars or offered inducements that surpassed other programs is hilarious and absolutely unsupported by evidence other than message board bullshit. The NCAA was in Oxford for 3.5 years, and the shit in the NOA is all they could find. Tunsil slept on a coach's couch. He got a loaner car after he had been on campus for 2 years. The facts belie the narrative, and if you can't see that, then I'm not the only stubborn one.

It's telling that in reading redacted info from the NOA you assume those 4 unnamed prospects are the big 4. They aren't. I bet a quick search of official visits for the Big 4 would confirm....but again, why bother with facts when speculation is so much more fun.
Once again...."involving the current staff." A booster giving Tunsil's stepdad money doesn't involve the staff. Reading is fundamental.
Saunders arranged for , and to take the June 2010 ACTexam at Wayne County and arranged for the then ACT testing supervisorat Wayne County to complete and/or alter their exam answer sheets insuch a manner that they received fraudulent exam scores.

That seems like a biggie
Just going back to the post to me...the 'ya didn't Care's post..UM recruited Standifer....and Money Treadwell...so yeah obviously cared.
Treadwell was bought and paid for. If you don't get that you are very naive. I'm not even referencing the hostess picture and him with all the money.
Saunders arranged for , and to take the June 2010 ACTexam at Wayne County and arranged for the then ACT testing supervisorat Wayne County to complete and/or alter their exam answer sheets insuch a manner that they received fraudulent exam scores.

That seems like a biggie

Prior to Freeze's tenure...and Bama, State, Auburn, LSU, etc. Don't want that investigated too thoroughly. Almost every SEC program used that testing center...and for the same reasons.
Prior to Freeze's tenure...and Bama, State, Auburn, LSU, etc. Don't want that investigated too thoroughly. Almost every SEC program used that testing center...and for the same reasons.

Regardless of when it was or who else uses that center, it seems to be a fact that an Ole Miss employee had someone taking standardized tests for players. It's going to be interesting to see if the NCAA just says, "oh that was 5 years ago and other schools do it too"
Regardless of when it was or who else uses that center, it seems to be a fact that an Ole Miss employee had someone taking standardized tests for players. It's going to be interesting to see if the NCAA just says, "oh that was 5 years ago and other schools do it too"

That is the most serious allegation, and I don't think anyone believes that will be the NCAA's response. However, they have already given Saunders his show cause, which effectively ended his NCAA coaching career. We'll see how seriously they want to punish the current staff for the previous staff's sins.
That is the most serious allegation, and I don't think anyone believes that will be the NCAA's response. However, they have already given Saunders his show cause, which effectively ended his NCAA coaching career. We'll see how seriously they want to punish the current staff for the previous staff's sins.

Yeah i I doubt it will be too much
Yeah i I doubt it will be too much

And to your point about using others as a defense, I referred to other programs using the test center to reinforce my main point: Ole Miss isn't doing anything that other programs aren't also doing. What do you think the NCAA would find after a 3.5 year colonoscopy at Clemson? Or Auburn? Or Alabama? Or any other school who gives a shit about college football.
And to your point about using others as a defense, I referred to other programs using the test center to reinforce my main point: Ole Miss isn't doing anything that other programs aren't also doing. What do you think the NCAA would find after a 3.5 year colonoscopy at Clemson? Or Auburn? Or Alabama? Or any other school who gives a shit about college football.

That argument should work with the NCAA: " everybody else is doing it, why can't we??"
And to your point about using others as a defense, I referred to other programs using the test center to reinforce my main point: Ole Miss isn't doing anything that other programs aren't also doing. What do you think the NCAA would find after a 3.5 year colonoscopy at Clemson? Or Auburn? Or Alabama? Or any other school who gives a shit about college football.

I have no no idea what they would find which is why I hope no one does something stupid to make them come take a look. I have a similar philosophy regarding the IRS and avoiding an audit
Lot of fear in Oxford and for good reason. Followed Treadwell recruitment for years. Insiders all stated plenty of shenanigans went on that Michigan couldn't even compete with in his recruitment.
I have no no idea what they would find which is why I hope no one does something stupid to make them come take a look. I have a similar philosophy regarding the IRS and avoiding an audit

Completely agree. Both the NCAA and the IRS operate largely to justify their existence. After spending 3 years and God knows how much money in Oxford, the NCAA wasn't going to leave without something. The reality is that what they found doesn't support the narrative. I doubt that anyone wants to read 52 pages of bullshit over Memorial Day weekend, but the NOA covers about $17,000 in impermissible benefits, 90% of which are related to gas money, meals, and lodging. Roughly $1500 of that amount was related to 1 of the Big 3, and it was not a pay for play situation.
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