Oklahoma -21 @ Tulsa


Money Addict
Can someone play the role of devil's advocate here, and tell me why I should not take OU -21 vs Tulsa on Friday night?

OU won decisively again, yet dropped to #4 in both polls. Stoops now knows his only shot at #1 or #2 is to decimate every opponent for the remainder of the season; therefore, I fully expect to see OU run up the scores on inferior teams from here on out.

Someone, try to talk me out of this. Thank you...
First, you can no longer play OU -21. Line is now -22' and -23.

But I'll play devil's advocate. I think OU comes out and dominates. Tulsa does have an exciting offense and a D that is physical but outclassed by Big Brother. OU also needs to keep the gas down. But here's how I think it might go and have Tulsa cover:

First quarter: OU 14, Tulsa 7. Tulsa elects to get the ball on kickoff and marches downfield high off emotion and a dynamic offense to score the opening drive. OU promptly responds. Tulsa gets the ball back and gets to mid-field before stalling out and punting. OU gets ball back and scores. Tulsa gets ball back to end the quarter.

Second Quarter: 31-10 OU. OU continues to dominate adding another 17 points and Tulsa adding a FG just before half.

Third Quarter: 45-17 OU. OU comes out and scores on opening drive of 2nd half and adds another. Tulsa adds a TD after 1st string steps off the field for OU.

Fourth Quarter: 52-34 OU. OU slows down and puts 2nd and 3rd stringers in. Manwhile the Tulsa offense under Malzahn keeps the pedal down and goes for quick stike scores in junk time to close the gap and get the backdoor.
Fourth Quarter: 52-34 OU. OU slows down and puts 2nd and 3rd stringers in. Manwhile the Tulsa offense under Malzahn keeps the pedal down and goes for quick stike scores in junk time to close the gap and get the backdoor.

I like your analysis, but this 4thQ prognostication bothers me. Even with 2nd and 3rd stringers on the field, I don't see OU giving up 2 TD's and a FG to Tulsa within one quarter of play.

Thank you for playing devil's advocate though, much appreciated, RJ.
I already took 2 units at -22.5 -105 with my local. However, I am considering this game as a possible 5-unit play. I am 1-0 on my 5-unit wagers this season (Houston last week), and Tx Tech would have been a 5-unit play last week, except I couldn't get to my computer before they kicked off, so it was only a 2-unit play. I will likely take the 1H bet on OU if I can get -14 or better.
i do not see why OU would not dominate this team unless they come out flat. RJ ESQ's scenario can come to fruition. i remember 4 or 5 years ago when OU missed an extra point with no time left for a non cover.

i got OU on sunday at 19.5 i like it up to 21.5.