Ohio State Fans, We Going to the Ship Baby!!!

fuck yes baby! woooooooooooooo

go bucksssssssssssssssssssssss

Please Quit All Your Bitching And Moaning. We Were Good Enough To Put Ourselves In The Situation At Least. Haters Stay Out
This is the WORST year in the BCS. The 2 best teams may not even get into the Championship game.

OK, assuming OU wins:

1. UGA is #4 but won't go most likely since they did not even win their division let alone their conference
2. Kansas is #5 but won't go most likely for the same reason.
3. Va Tech is #6 and won their conference, so they should go, right?
4. ....but....they lost to #7 LSU who also won their conference.
5. Oh, and if Hawaii beats UW, they will be undefeated and have a solid argument.
6. Add in 2 other 2 loss teams (OU and USC, and even WVU) who won their conferences).

It'll be a fuckin mess no matter what and the BCS will screw it up.
Please Quit All Your Bitching And Moaning. We Were Good Enough To Put Ourselves In The Situation At Least. Haters Stay Out

Hey, I ain't hatin' or any other ghetto ass verb. I'm ribbing you guys. You guys deserve to be there just as much as 10 other teams.

Congratulations for being the easy part of the BCS MNC equation.
Hey, I ain't hatin' or any other ghetto ass verb. I'm ribbing you guys. You guys deserve to be there just as much as 10 other teams.

Congratulations for being the easy part of the BCS MNC equation.
Absolute fucking joke this system is......


Anyone who isn't from Columbus KNOWS the BCS is MFing DEAD and Da Buckeyes sitting on their ASS for weeks doesn't give them the right to play for a championship...:cheers:



Anyone who isn't from Columbus KNOWS the BCS is MFing DEAD and Da Buckeyes sitting on their ASS for weeks doesn't give them the right to play for a championship...:cheers:



i expect many more posts like this in this thread. keep them coming

Yep bunch a Ohio State haters that's for sure. I am so glad they are going because it pisses them off even more. Amazing how they put players in the draft year after year, yet they still find a way to have a solid team.
Yep bunch a Ohio State haters that's for sure. I am so glad they are going because it pisses them off even more. Amazing how they put players in the draft year after year, yet they still find a way to have a solid team.
And you know what the best part of it is.....they will be right there again next year. One senior on the defensive side of the ball so they will be solid again. Offense is young and will be returning a lot of them as well. So get used to it boys...for another 390 days you will be hearing about Ohio State.

Good job of sitting on the couch and making the national championship game. It took a lot of grit and mettle but you guys did it.
starbucks tell me osu can beat florida lsu georgia tennesee kentucky south carolina and arkansas. osu would lose to half of those teams... its a little dif playin those teams when ur hardest test is michigan and penn st
Haha nice picture steed. Amazing...what can you say. We will be going to the third national championship game in what five years?
starbucks tell me osu can beat florida lsu georgia tennesee kentucky south carolina and arkansas. osu would lose to half of those teams... its a little dif playin those teams when ur hardest test is michigan and penn st

What about Wisky? Purdue? We lost to Illy in a tough game. It could go either way man. I think we would give all seven a run for their money on any given day. Tenny? They are a joke dude. I loved watching Ainge piss the game away. He is the most overrated quarterback in all of college. He is a pussy. Would love to see Arkie stack up against the Bucks run defense. After all Arkie is a one man show, that's it. South Carolina? How did they do this year? Not as well as they expected, but I am confident the Bucks would handle them as well. LSU, Florida, well yeah we all know what happened last year against Florida, one game, big deal, and Georgia would all three be great games. Don't talk shit on Ohio State because they consistently make it to the ship. Every year they lose a ton of players to the NFL and come right back next year with a top five team.
these sec teams all have losses cause they beat each other up no one has any idea how good ohio st is because the big ten is awful. If ohio st beats georgia/ lsu in the natl championship i will give them credit but well see who they play
Yep bunch a Ohio State haters that's for sure. I am so glad they are going because it pisses them off even more. Amazing how they put players in the draft year after year, yet they still find a way to have a solid team.

Did y'all catch last year's National Championship game????????
Florida and LSU are the only 2 I would consistently take against tOSU. Otherwise its a Buckeyes ass whooping most of the time. They would destroy all those other SEC teams and beat Georgia 7 out of 10
i hope whoever plays tOSU beats the shit out of them again. God damned Big 10 is what keeps us from having a playoff.
Florida and LSU are the only 2 I would consistently take against tOSU. Otherwise its a Buckeyes ass whooping most of the time. They would destroy all those other SEC teams and beat Georgia 7 out of 10

Bro...what U don't seem to understand (along with other Big 10 fans) is that one week you play UF...then you play LSU...then play Tenn..then you play GA... the you play Arky...and for fun ya got USC, Auburn, Bama & UK...WTF don't y'all understand about the BEST CONFERENCE....BY FAR in the USA.........:cheers:

this thread isnt about the best conference, its about the buckeyes and celebrating the fact their in the ship. why cant you guys leave it at that? are you that bitter that your team didnt get in or that the BCS is THAT f`d up or you hate the state of ohio THAT much or you just hate life so bad you have nothing better to do? jesus, let people in here be happy. if you dont have anything constructive to say, leave
this thread isnt about the best conference, its about the buckeyes and celebrating the fact their in the ship. why cant you guys leave it at that? are you that bitter than your team didnt get in or that the BCS is THAT f`d up or you hate the state of ohio THAT much or you just hate life so bad you have nothing better to do? jesus, let people in here be happy. if you dont have anything constructive to say, leave

If you LOVE CFB then you'd demand a playoff...tOSU sits on their ass and gets in the NC anyone with a brain knows that's BS...except YOU...:cheers:

wont ever be a playoff in this sport. the talk of there shoudl be a playoff is what gets you, me, and everybody to watch each week.
If you LOVE CFB then you'd demand a playoff...tOSU sits on their ass and gets in the NC anyone with a brain knows that's BS...except YOU...:cheers:

OK, GREAT. the BCS is fucked up! CONGRATS WE ALL AGREE ON THAT, go make a fucking thread about it. but dont come in here and be a kill joy to everyone cause your so pissed off about the fact. write them a letter or some shit.
OK, GREAT. the BCS is fucked up! CONGRATS WE ALL AGREE ON THAT, go make a fucking thread about it. but dont come in here and be a kill joy to everyone cause your so pissed off about the fact. write them a letter or some shit.

OK...seems like EVERYONE in this MFing thread agrees with me...except the tOSU fans...:cheers:
OK...seems like EVERYONE in this MFing thread agrees with me...except the tOSU fans...:cheers:
sounds good. you think MAYBE, just MAYBE becuase this is a OHIO STATE APPRECIATION THREAD? why dont you all go make a thread and pout about it in there??

wont ever be a playoff in this sport. the talk of there shoudl be a playoff is what gets you, me, and everybody to watch each week.[/quot

OK...I'll act like y'all and just accept MEDIOCRITY...go tOSU...y'all DESERVE a NC after that big win against.....give me time I'll think of a big win y'all had....:smiley_acbe::smiley_acbe::smiley_acbe: