Official US Open In-Game

you seriously thing azarenka is attractive?

you musta been from the bad parts of canada
azarenka is ugly...she's like a 4

i wonder if she screeches like that when that ugly lfmao dude is pounding her
hlavackova is like a 6, maybe

if humans are on a scale from 0-10, tilda needs to be assigned some kind of number, or fraction
hlavackova is > 6, more like an 8 but tennis outfits always skew the scale a bit
li na is like a 5...average female...kirilenko is like a 7.5...hlavackova an 8? i reserve 8's for kournikova
agree, skewed by the outfit and i haven't seen much of her tbh

li na is cute but that's about it
i wouldn't forgive myself if i woke up next to either li or aza, but i would be in severe depression if i woke up next to aza
same here, typically don't find asians attractive except rare occasions anyway