Now what?????

He has an issue that is also a common consequence of the flu. We need to keep perspective.

He has an issue that is also a common consequence of the flu. We need to keep perspective.

Said players, there's reports of them saying it
went to a casino. Shut them down too for the year

That what happened? Freaking unreal. Ballpark, hotel/home, travel. Should be only things these dudes doing for next 3 months!

Total of 7 cards players and bunch more staff now with positive test. We will try and catch Marlins 2marro!!
So this week with Philly and Miami coming back to play leads to another potential problem. How these teams gonna perform after being quarantined for the past week + while everyone else playing? I’m assuming they havnt even been practicing or even working out! Seems to me phils gonna have a incredibly big competitive disadvantage with Yankees tonight.
So we gonna have pitchers on crazy long rest with no ability to throw a side session or anything: hitters who havnt swung a bat let alone seen live pitching. It be a huge win if they can manage to stay healthy but think it crazy to expect them to be all that competitive after being cramped up in hotel rooms while all the other teams playing!

Have the phils been under as strict a quarantine? If so might as well lay as many runs as possible with yanks! Facing Cole not gonna be fun!
If someone could infect the Buccos and put and end to their season it would be considered an act of mercy.
This season is gonna be a disaster if it’s even finished. How can you have some teams play 60 games and then others 50, some prob in the 40s and less, much less figure out the postseason. Let’s say the marlins are in 1st place and play 40 games or less, then what? Lol
Yeah. If they go by win percentage, they should say the teams have to play a certain minimum. Let's say 48 games minimum which would be 80% of the games. If you play less than 48 games you're not playoff eligible. What a weird season though with this covid shit.