Now what?????

They didn’t know until after the game. It also just keeps proving that just because someone has it doesn’t really mean much (unless you’re elderly or have some type of underlying condition) they all played in the game (or could have) and had no symptoms whatsoever.

Also, knowing that the testing and results themselves have been pretty scatter shot and not reliable, what are the chances they don’t really have it anyway?

half of a baseball doesn’t test positive by accident.
I disagree they are not close in baseball. While I watched games this weekend the thing I cringed at was the base runner talking inches and mask less away from the first baseman. Even the second and third basemen talked close to the runners on as well.

And I do agree they shouldn't have started the games up in the first place. GL
I’m not sure how one Philly, maybe the catcher, could have caught this from a Marlin. And the catcher scenario to me unlikely.

this is hopefully true but not a basis to justify going forward without waiting out the Phillies cases. I can’t imagine the Phils or Marlins play until this weekend at the earliest but what the heck do I know.
I disagree they are not close in baseball. While I watched games this weekend the thing I cringed at was the base runner talking inches and mask less away from the first baseman. Even the second and third basemen talked close to the runners on as well.

And I do agree they shouldn't have started the games up in the first place. GL

That’s why I said almost never. Outside of the situation you’re taking about, when are they close to each other?

And why would you cringe?

I do. You’d think everyone else would as well. Basic statistics show this virus to be 99% not deadly and the vast, vast majority not even showing symptoms.

Were you surprised when the case count went down TEN TIMES once Florida had to report to the WH instead of the CDC? That’s quite the discrepancy isn’t it? Before knowing that, you’d have said the same thing about stats...sorry, we don’t have 100k cases, we only have 10k, our bad. Lol.
Jedi if the tests are 50% accurate, the odds of 13 false positives are .01 percent. 13 coworkers gathering in the same room don’t all accidentally test positive. Stop trying to just argue for the sake of it man this isn’t a controversial point.
Jedi if the tests are 50% accurate, the odds of 13 false positives are .01 percent. 13 coworkers gathering in the same room don’t all accidentally test positive. Stop trying to just argue for the sake of it man this isn’t a controversial point.

Im not arguing at all. I was making a facetious point about the cluster fuck that has been testing. It’s been proven to be a cluster fuck. Hey, maybe they got this one right. About time huh?
Jedi if the tests are 50% accurate, the odds of 13 false positives are .01 percent. 13 coworkers gathering in the same room don’t all accidentally test positive. Stop trying to just argue for the sake of it man this isn’t a controversial point.

Hey, .01 percent is really close to the death rate from the virus. So you’re saying those are really bad odds right? Lol

Apparently this needs to be done as well...that was a joke.
They didn’t know until after the game. It also just keeps proving that just because someone has it doesn’t really mean much (unless you’re elderly or have some type of underlying condition) they all played in the game (or could have) and had no symptoms whatsoever.

Also, knowing that the testing and results themselves have been pretty scatter shot and not reliable, what are the chances they don’t really have it anyway?

My understanding was some were aware they did? Maybe I heard wrong?

I hear ya. I’ve said many times if we stopped texting our numbers would stop spiking! Lol. Maybe the wrong way to look at and i intentionally stopped posting for months cause had no interest arguing bout this stuff! Just seems to me if you not sick no need to be told you are! Kinda the way I go about any medical things in my life!
BAR‘s dream is coming to fruition, it seems. I may need to send him subliminal messages about Kyle becoming MVP so that he can dream that, too, and make that become reality.
So much for those trendy reds! I’m writing them off after 1 series! Lol.

1st time in i think history of the game we havnt had any 3-0 or 0-3 teams after the opening series! So much for pounding redic favs!! lol

I honestly felt some tension in my mind when going over the Reds‘ lineup as I was previewing them. Especially with Votto requiring a walking stick now for his old age. But they have a great schedule and passing judgement after three games (even in a shortened season) may be hasty?
What the fuck?

The shortstop is making the final decision?

The Marlins learned Sunday morning that their starting pitcher for the afternoon and two other players had tested positive for COVID-19 and would be unable to play. An apparent coronavirus outbreak was underway in the visiting clubhouse at Citizens Bank Park and the Marlins responded by asking their shortstop to determine if the game against the Phillies would be played.

“He’s kind of an unofficial team captain of our club,” Marlins manager Don Mattingly said of Miguel Rojas. “He’s always texting the group and getting the feelings of the group. So when we’re dealing with situations or things, that’s usually who we’re working through.”
Jedi if the tests are 50% accurate, the odds of 13 false positives are .01 percent. 13 coworkers gathering in the same room don’t all accidentally test positive. Stop trying to just argue for the sake of it man this isn’t a controversial point.

Just a little follow up on the testing...Juan Soto, who tested positive the other day was given two other tests (the rapid point of contact tests) that were given to anyone he was in contact with. Both of those tests came back negative, literally the day after he tested positive.
Just a little follow up on the testing...Juan Soto, who tested positive the other day was given two other tests (the rapid point of contact tests) that were given to anyone he was in contact with. Both of those tests came back negative, literally the day after he tested positive.
They said initially he may have been a false-positive, right?

That would explain why no one else has it on Nats
So much for those trendy reds! I’m writing them off after 1 series! Lol.

1st time in i think history of the game we havnt had any 3-0 or 0-3 teams after the opening series! So much for pounding redic favs!! lol

I heard last night it was either 1953 or 1958 as far as the last time it happened with no undefeated/winless teams after 3 games.
I honestly felt some tension in my mind when going over the Reds‘ lineup as I was previewing them. Especially with Votto requiring a walking stick now for his old age. But they have a great schedule and passing judgement after three games (even in a shortened season) may be hasty?

I was hoping the sarcasm came thru, maybe not? Lol.

Their starting pitching is very strong and despite yesterday’s late inning loss I do think the back end their pen has some scary good arms, not real sure on their pen depth tho. I think the lineup still has question marks and not sure I agree with the philosophy of fielding what looks to be a rather poor defensive unit when you investing so much in starting pitching.

After Saturday's game Waino was talking about how great it was last and now this season to be pitching with such a strong defense behind him. Saying how he so much more comfortable being able to pitch to contact knowing his guys are not only gonna make all the routine plays but also take some hits away and turn double plays when he gets a ground ball. Huge difference from a few years ago when he felt he had to strike everyone out.
They said initially he may have been a false-positive, right?

That would explain why no one else has it on Nats

Could be, could have been.

I obviously know it’s not likely that all of the Marlins come back negative today, but what if the test they’re using isn’t reliable?

It’s certainly a question that needs to be asked and not simply dismissed given the over counting (family members just because they live together, counting someone every day as a positive case when they’re simply following up on symptoms), false positives, people who didn’t even get tested being counted as positive, and all of the other shenanigans that have been going on with respect to the numbers.
I heard last night it was either 1953 or 1958 as far as the last time it happened with no undefeated/winless teams after 3 games.

Probably right, I was only half way paying attention when I heard them talking about. I know it been some time and was incredibly rare!
I gotta pat myself on the back...

The Marlins did go out for a night on the town in Atlanta.

Pisses me off so much. They were already one my favorite teams to cap/bet and I expected to do well taking them in spots all season along with Ff unders when right guys were pitching. I had already hit 2 Ff unders, a fat ml, and the over in game 3!! Stupid ass young kids doing stupid ass things.
Wonder how many cardinals will end up having it by 2marro? The 2 guys positive test were from before they traveled to milw so unfortunately I gotta assume they spread it to others on the flight.
They could have done a bubble like every other sport. Also two-week quarantine before starting. But nope...
There is no bubble for baseball fields. Too many games need to be played every day. Best the could've done was travel around Florida and Arizona instead of all around the country. Not sure if that is a whole lot better at this point.
This season is gonna be a disaster if it’s even finished. How can you have some teams play 60 games and then others 50, some prob in the 40s and less, much less figure out the postseason. Let’s say the marlins are in 1st place and play 40 games or less, then what? Lol
This season is gonna be a disaster if it’s even finished. How can you have some teams play 60 games and then others 50, some prob in the 40s and less, much less figure out the postseason. Let’s say the marlins are in 1st place and play 40 games or less, then what? Lol

I think it‘s based on win percentage. In which case, I just stop altogether if i‘m the Marlins right now lol
There would surely have to be a minimum games played, no, I mean you can’t put a team in the postseason with half their games played, just like you don’t crown a batting champ whose hitting .550 with 100abs

Yeah I agree. Can they not extend the season?