No Football Tonight!!??


Goodbye to Romance College Football
They say all good things must come to an end.

Fun year, enjoyed all the posts, opinions, predictions and occasional bickering.

Hope to see everyone next year.
Good stuff! I thought it was great when people weren't bringing up unrelated issues in the cfb forum but the unbiased mods did a great job of shutting it down without taking a side so a shout out to those mods who impartially kept it clean!
The day after New Year's Day always feels really weird. Like there's this huge void in your life. We've had 3 straight weeks of nonstop football gambling and suddenly it's just...over. It's a difficult transition especially if you're like me where cfb is the only sport you handicap.
The day after New Year's Day always feels really weird. Like there's this huge void in your life. We've had 3 straight weeks of nonstop football gambling and suddenly it's just...over. It's a difficult transition especially if you're like me where cfb is the only sport you handicap.

Yeah exactly it can be depressing for sure-
The day after New Year's Day always feels really weird. Like there's this huge void in your life. We've had 3 straight weeks of nonstop football gambling and suddenly it's just...over. It's a difficult transition especially if you're like me where cfb is the only sport you handicap.
I agree......I love the buildup to the most wonderful time of the year......then i get kinda depressed

we have Mardi Gras here, but still

I love the Holiday Season so so much