I had a dream that the dodgers won and i was pissed that I didn't bet the ml. I still refuse to bet them tonight... Gonna roll with the under most likely. Hamels is in great form and I actually expect lowe to get hit a little bit with the speed that the phils have in guys like victorino and rollins.
Well, its settled...Derek Lowe is Cy Young and Manny Ramirez is Babe Ruth

We might as well not even waste our time

Rob Neyer: Phillies, 4-3
Jayson Stark: Dodgers, 4-3
Tim Kurjian: Dodgers, 4-3
Steve Phillips: Dodgers, 4-3
Jim Caple: Dodgers, 4-1
Fox Sports
Ken Rosenthal: Dodgers, 4-3
Tim Brown: Dodgers, 4-2
Jeff Passan: Dodgers, 4-2
Steve Henson: Dodgers, 4-1
Gordon Edes: Dodgers, 4-3
The Sporting News
Matt Lutvosky: Dodgers, 4-2
Justin McGuire: Phillies, 4-2
Brad Pinkerton: Dodgers, 4-3
Chris Bahr: Phillies, 4-3
CBS Sportsline
Danny Knobler: Dodgers, 4-3
Eric Mack: Dodgers, 4-3
Scott Miller: Dodgers, 4-2
Mark Rosen: Dodgers, 4-2
Only the homers are picking em...

Daily News
David Murphy: Phillies, 4-2
Paul Hagen: Dodgers, 4-3
Ed Barkowitz: Phillies, 4-3
Marcus Hayes: Phillies, 4-3
Bill Conlin: Phillies, 4-3
Sam Donnellon: Phillies, 4-3
Rich Hofmann: Phillies, 4-2
smoke, simers is easily the most hated writer in la. its his schtick. he pisses everyone off.
take his columns with a grain of salt. the only thing he's concerned about is getting a rise out of people and consequently gaining attention.

i actually like him cuz of how over the top he is. its entertaining compared to most of the dull stuff sports journalists usually come up with.
smoke, simers is easily the most hated writer in la. its his schtick. he pisses everyone off.
take his columns with a grain of salt. the only thing he's concerned about is getting a rise out of people and consequently gaining attention.

i actually like him cuz of how over the top he is. don't see people go out of there way to come across as assholes very often.

It's a shame he's no longer on ATH. He was awesome on that show.
Dont get me wrong, I like Derek Lowe...i think hes a solid pitcher...hell, Id like the Phils to sign him this offseason...but Derek Lowe is no Cole Hamels...i just dont get where all the love is coming from about him being better than Cole??
lowe does have the experience factor and a good track record in postseason play, but i do like the phils bats against him compared to the dodgers bats against hamels. i think philly wins comfortably tonight. everyone is trying to hype up a la-boston series, but i dont see it happening. i think the phillies move on here, possibly (hopefully not) beating the sox in the ws.
This line for tommorows game looks like shit to me from a Phills standpoint...They arent even favored at home against Billingsley?? WTF:4_12_12:
This line for tommorows game looks like shit to me from a Phills standpoint...They arent even favored at home against Billingsley?? WTF:4_12_12:
Hopefully Lowe was rattled by those homers and starts bitching about the park and gets in the kid's head

Winning game 1 was huge for theres not nearly the pressure there woulda been on him had they lost...

he can let it fly

should be a good one

Thought Philly's managing sucked dogshit in game 1. That won't cut it the next 6 games.

What makes you say that?

The only move I can find fault with was putting Say It Aint So Taguchi in to bunt instead of either leaving hamels in to bunt or putting Dobbs in to hit

other than that, i think he was fine
Best pitcher I have seen all year not named Sabathia. That changeup is the sickest pitch in the whole NL.
Best pitcher I have seen all year not named Sabathia. That changeup is the sickest pitch in the whole NL.

Heard some scouts say it was the best in baseball...even better than Santana' the thing people forget about Cole is hes only 24 years old...dudes a STUD

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Best pitcher I have seen all year not named Sabathia. That changeup is the sickest pitch in the whole NL.

Yeah Hamels is an absolute MONSTER...and he's got a great attitude about the game, I expect him to be dominant (not that he already isnt) in a few years...Johan status

And could you believe Tim McCarver when he was trying to say Madson had the best changeup on the staff!?! LMAO...guy is a joke...
Gonna take a stab at the 1H over 4.5. Chad and Myers have not been that sharp lately and Meals is one of the best 1H over umps in baseball. 8-2 O/U last 10, averaging over 4 runs/game in innings 1-3. Looks to be a nice day to hit as well, temps in the mid 70's and winds less than 4mph blowing across the field. Look for some runs to be scored especially after yesterday's 2-0 thru 5.
don't know if you guys heard this but,

PHILADELPHIA (AP)—Charlie Manuel plans to manage the Philadelphia Phillies against the Los Angeles Dodgers in Game 2 of the NLCS despite the death of his mother.
The Phillies said that June Manuel died Friday morning. No other information was immediately available.
Manuel watched batting practice from his customary spot behind the cage, but did not talk to the media and his usual pregame press conference was canceled.
No team has come back from an 0-2 hole to win the NLCS since Jack Clark and the St. Louis Cardinals rallied to beat the Dodgers in 1985. The Cardinals won four straight to win the series in the first year of the best-of-seven format.
Well that was ugly

We better win this shit in 5 or 6 because Ive got 0 confidence in Moyer in a game 7

Little pissed Coles not stepping up and pitching tomorrow...Joe Blahton doesnt really make me feel warm and fuzzy inside

And if anyone has seen Jimmy Rollins and/or Ryan Howard...if you could let them know they are supposed to be playing in a National League Championship Series in LA, I'd appreciate it.

And if anyone has seen Jimmy Rollins and/or Ryan Howard...if you could let them know they are supposed to be playing in a National League Championship Series in LA, I'd appreciate it.

Ryan stepped up a little tonight but J Roll just looks clueless at the plate
I don't think Blanton can hold this lineup down, as I watched the game I had a feeling momentum just spilt over for the Phillies and slowly got into the Dodger blue uniforms.

Lowe is pitching on a 3 day rest but for a sinkerballer that may not be fatal, have to research his splits more though.

Waiting for Pinnacle to come up with a line. Leaning Dodgers big time.
Ya know, the Phils bats havent really done much the whole postseason

sooner or later youd think (hope) theyd wake up...
Well that was ugly

We better win this shit in 5 or 6 because Ive got 0 confidence in Moyer in a game 7

Little pissed Coles not stepping up and pitching tomorrow...Joe Blahton doesnt really make me feel warm and fuzzy inside

Cole is a pussy, or the manager is. Your right, he should be pitching. That way if there is a game 7, he would be able to go on 3 days rest. Can't believe they don't want him to pitch, it seems like an eternity since he pitched in game 1. He should be plenty rested.