***Niners-Chiefs Super Bowl In-Game***

popping in here and there. That was a brilliantly called drive by Reid/EB. Terez Paylor outlined some scheme exploitations on Twitter.
Will say, not a fan of brady and that whole Twitter post for an ad for fucking nhulu

Do think tho he should retire by a super bowl commercial when he does

Ultimate baller move
crappolo had been able to just not make mistakes and win. today he has to make plays to win...and that means mistakes because he's just not that good
So much for a fun Superbowl. Well, fun for chiefs fans. Good gawd. Chiefs defense gets all the credit so far.
i could see the Boston accent Hyundai commercial being a favorite, I personally didn’t find it that funny since we’ve all been inundated with Boston related shit via sports and Matt Damon and Ben affleck
I’m on Niners and I took jimmy g to throw a pick. Not a shock. That was especially horrid tho. Just a terrible decision not to eat that one.