Fat Bloke
sweet run

14-7cobwebs cleared ... 5 hour energy taken
TD Leach
if i was an oline coach at either the cfb or nfl level .. i just teach my guys to hold
helps the fajardo prop
+138 livebig mo has crossed the river
where are the rest of the plays? Fondy and Dwight are not impressed in the volume...Here's my CFB for tomorrow...if you see obvious flaws please don't hesitate to comment: Stanford ML; Kst -12 & VaTech -11
lol +11bad line on VT
bad line on VT
Why hand it off
Your short pass game is your run game
that's a real concernits just a shit ton of road pts though
had drinks with him to in Austin 7.5 years ago...knew his DadFucking Houston Street truing too fuck me