***NFL Week Four/NCAAF Week Five In-Game***

Can't believe the O's injuries. Of all the years to have Wieters and Machado go down. AL is wide open.

Yeah, I think so. KC/Oak
Yeah, it's amazing what O's have done without Machado.

Interesting exciting series..better than Yankees or Rangers.
Tigs need to get it done. Vic's in a walk year, JV isn't what he used to be, Miggy ain't getting any younger or slimmer, bully seems cursed to be forever shitty.
Yeah. The NL playoffs should be good too. Wonder if anyone can survive Griekne/Kershaw 1-2 punch. Of course with Mattingly driving the bus anything can happen.
I kinda like cardinals out in NL but yeah dodgers staff a beast Especially if Kersahw can go 2 games..but Waino good too
Yeah, Alex. Good matchup we've got going. That Jacksonville game hurt. I'm a sucker for all those points.

I need Philly to chew some clock and fumble late.
Max gone for sure tip.

This is it for Illitch..hot and readys gonna have to go to 10 bucks if he wants to keep him.
Riley cooper is a legend down south. Ive seen him out a few times when i lived in florida and at uga/uf in jax and the dude always has tons of hot bitches with him.