NFL Thursday, college, MLB, you name it


Pretty much a regular
Another winning day 2-1, and plus 279, so that's good. Just gotta string em together. Hunt brought up Karneesha and I had a dream then about her, the Vegas chick, that is a quality black chick name Karneesha ha, she was pretty ghetto 16 living with her dad in the Budget Suites, damn sexy though very cute. I was about to bang her then I woke up, and I was like fuck, damn it. It always sucks when your having a good dream and then you wake up and things suck ass like they do for me now, big tubby old guy just alone and no job ha. It was funny though with her she moved back to LA that was where they were from originally. Got to bang that for almost 3 weeks though. I remember the day she was moving I was just crying like a bitch haha. Well that is always tough you know losing a hot chick you like, and I'm emotional I admit it, too emotional sometimes. It was strange though she only had a dad, usually it is the single mom you know, her mom was some crack whore that left em lol, cuz she told me all about it, that she was a huge addict and all messed up. Anyway enough jibba jabba, onto the picks.

Giants at Skins -3, at -115, so 345 wins 300

I think the Skins are much better off now that Cousins is the qb, fuck no question there, Griffin was awful. Figure they will be tough at home at least. Plus the Skins can stop the run, so then you have Eli with no running game working, that is not good. Eli the interception machine, especially on the road when they can't run it at all to take pressure off him. Turnovers should be plentiful.

May add some bases and college, still debating those.

Will try to not get too crazy on here as well, sorry about that mods.
Maybe I could find her on facebook, wonder what she looks like now? Fuck that was 12 years ago ha, I was in much better shape, she wouldn't want me now. She probably still looks good I assume. Well not that I looked great, but a lot better than now.
Shit I looked just logged onto my brother's wife her account, cuz I don't have facebook, and I don't want it either. That Karneesha isn't on there, I thought she might be. Or well her name could have changed if she's married, which she probably is I would bet.
I just wanted to rub one out to her for old times sake ha. Man I need to quit thinking with my dick, need some winners, better get crackin on those.
Added on one

Pirates -116 at Braves, risking 348 to win 300

The Braves can't hit worth a shit, and they have a reliever going tonight Hale. He may do okay, I kind of doubt it though. He has a really high whip 1.44, that isn't good, too many walks, that will bite ya in the ass especially when your starting.
I don't think so braves, I knew her pretty well. I don't why we she would. Cuz that wasn't a hooker, I made a play there. Like I said Juan Uribe, swung from my ass and connected.

I'm not sure if I wanna go yet, we'll see on college.
Added a college laying the wood bang.

Appalachian St at Georgia Southern -17.5, at -102, risk 306 to win 300

Appalachian St is a terrible team. Lost to Southern Miss, haha, lol at that, who loses to those fuckin guys? Plus not a great match up for em, they are not good up front, can't stop the run giving up over 5 YPC, that is trouble vs. this Georgia Southern option offense. Will be like watching the Huskers back in the day ha, I do like watching option football. Seems like a beat down to me, cuz Appalachian will just be getting run over the whole game, and their offense isn't any damn good. Hell Georgia Southern they just went on the road to South Alabama and dismantled them, they are a decent team.
I don't know about that Tech at Okie St game, fuck that is tough. It is funny that Tech d coordinator got fired, they said he showed up to work under the influence of something ha, wonder what he was on.
Georgia Southern though it isn't the old school under the center option offense. But I like watching teams just run over and over, guess they throw some too.
Ha, okay manchester. Here is a description, so you can find her lol. She is about 5 foot 2 or so, and 90 lbs, a tight little package, but I kind of like that those smaller chicks, well I wanna be the man you know regulate on that ass ha. Shit her eyes kind of look like that Georgia chick on that ESPN commercial, the we're in thing, I am talking about the Georgia black chick that has the hat on in that commercial, the other one isn't as cute.
Fuck I wish I had a picture of her, to show you guys what a pimp I am ha. Shit she was 16 haha, that is funny. I remember the day she left and I was so pissed and just fucking down and out in the dumps. I went over to her room at the Budget Suites and knocked on the door cuz I didn't think her dad was there at that point, but he was. Well I just wanted to say goodbye maybe grab a boob ya know, get a kiss ha. Then he answered the door, and I was like uh oh, cuz he didn't like me, he probably knew I was banging his daughter not sure I guess.
Shit Georgia Southern is gonna win by 50, haha, they are smoking these guys, yes!!!!!!!!!!!!! I thought they had a huge advantage up front on both sides, it is playing out that way so far.
Ha roughing, oh well, shit it doesn't matter. Georgia Southern is kicking their ass all over the place, these bums, shit I may as well be out there playing qb.
Added on one

UCLA -3 at Arizona St, at -110, risking 330 to win 300

I only took this cuz the Arizona St qb is out. I don't see a huge advantage for UCLA, but the backup qb for ASU is in there, I will jump in then. I mean maybe ASU can hang in there without their qb, but I doubt it, big game good team playing em, I don't think they will with a backup qb, hell who knows though.

Crap I may wanna hedge on my Georgia Southern bet, shoot for the middle, cuz they are kind of blowing it.
Shit I better stick to bases. The Skins are sucking ass, and Georgia Southern fuck they don't look good either.
I don't know there sigo, I mean right now I'm broke ass, I don't have a job, and I have some money from my stock investments, but shit that may not last long, it is running out. Problem is I have crap on my record, shit it is 3 pages long, so nobody is gonna hire me for anything decent, unless they don't check, which everybody does now. My last job I just got cuz they didn't check, or I think they didn't, fuck I know they didn't, but that was a long time ago. Everybody now checks your background I think, well you can and it is quick and easy. I applied for some good jobs here lately and denied. They were gonna hire me at this car lot, a salesman there, cuz that is what I do, can sell shit, and talk to people sell em anything, that is about all I'm good at, but no, the guy said they checked my background and it was not good so no.
Unless I wanna just go straight gangsta ha, hook up with my boyz in Vegas or something I don't know. Shit they wouldn't hook me up anyway with that, well what am I gonna do go to North Vegas and buy a bunch of shit haha, no way that will work. I mean I have never really done crap like that, illegal stuff, I have crap on my record but it is just retarded shit, not anything that I was getting over and a job for me, like slanging shit no.
Ha yeah I have armed robbery on my record haha, that was really dumb. Then a couple theft charges, fuck it is a real debacle as far as my record goes, and hell anybody can look at that if they have your name. They were all a long time ago, but I mean nobody wants to see that shit, fo sho. Fuck I wouldn't hire me either with that crap on there.
You know that is my best option, find my boyz in Vegas and buy a bunch of coke and sell it haha, well I'm sure they could get me started lol, talking about this on the web is not good. Well I'm not doing it anyway, but I hell it may be worth a shot who knows. Shit I have the money at the moment to dive in haha, I should not talk about this, whoa this is dumb.

Yes, Georgia Southern bang, bang!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wooooooooooooooooo!!!!
Yeah it is really good talking about that haha, well I don't care I'm not doing it anyway, guess I could, but I'm not sure if they would even hook me up anyway, fuck maybe.
Ha schrute, I don't know why I can't find her. It is Karneesha, and she isn't on there as far as I know, but her last name may have changed ya know. Probably she is married I think.

People probably think I'm full of shit ha, no, I banged a 16 year old black chick in Vegas, fucking Karneesha I think I spelled it right there.
I just logged on with my bro's wife account crap, cuz I don't have a facebook thing, well neither does my bro I don't think. Got her information and logged on. Most of the dudes I know don't have a facebook account.
Yea you seem like you'd be a good salesman. Get you a nice sales job and you could make bank.

I need to go to Vegas soon man. Haven't been out there in a few years.
Schrute and sigo yeah fucking facebook, I don't know why you would do that. Fuck it is a waste of time. I mean I like being on here kind of, but my name isn't up here.
Schrute and sigo yeah fucking facebook, I don't know why you would do that. Fuck it is a waste of time. I mean I like being on here kind of, but my name isn't up here.

I keep in touch with the 25-30 people I've come across in life that I want to talk to

I do not need 750 facebook friends. I've got a solid core 25-30 friends that I talk with or text at least once every 2 weeks or so and that's plenty
Yeah okay there dumb fuck, nice to post it now when the game is over pretty much. Fuck just get outta here I don't wanna hear it.
Cousins is a fucking Welcher, someone should investigate if he placed a bet on this game. I smell a Pete Rose type thing happening here. He fucked you man, I think it was on purpose. That is some bullshit.
Cousins is a fucking Welcher, someone should investigate if he placed a bet on this game. I smell a Pete Rose type thing happening here. He fucked you man, I think it was on purpose. That is some bullshit.

Post in the in-game

It's probably for the best if you stay out of Tuck's thread
Tuck...don't post about YoungGun

YoungGun...stay out of Tuck's thread

We will all join hands and sing koombayah. Hope you both have a winning evening