NFL Sunday night

I mean I could get a gun if I wanted to I'm sure, well anything I could hook up, drugs, guns, shit I don't think that would be hard to find. I mean I don't do any of that shit anymore, but if I wanted anything I could find it.
Ganksta Nip, the south park psycho, got that on now, shit you can get that on youtube, man that is the shit. Fuck you can't beat Ganksta Nip, ha I like the album cover he is on there just looking like he is gonna bust somebody up, shit I wouldn't wanna see him, fuck I would run. I mean this album though is just crazy shit Ganksta Nip is rough.
I gotta get out the game, gotta get out the game I'm slangin that cane. Shit this is a great song, you can't beat ganksta Nip.
Ha south park *****, this is the shit, Ganksta Nip baby, shit shut yo mothafuckin mouth, give me my credit or you will be beheaded haha.
I should explain those were lyrics from Ganksta Nip, not my thoughts on the beheading ha, he is great though, fucking ganksta Nip, you can't beat the south park psycho album, ummmm, no.
Houston baby, shit my boy Dedric is from there, shit he hasn't been around in a while though. Wonder what he is up to, think he is back in Houston not sure. Well I am just on here, a big loser haha, fo sho, but I like talking to myself. Fuck I probably have 100 posts to myself, it is funny how I get drunk and just post to myself like this. Guess no harm, I'm not fucking up anybody's posts on here, blowing up their thread, just rambling on mine, no big deal.
Well it is about let's see 415 here, maybe I should go to bed. This is stupid as shit, staying up and posting on here, well I look at a couple things then come back on here haha. That's how it is when your fucking with a psycho, shit ganksta Nip baby, I mean you can't beat that shit, haha, he is kind of raw and not polished lyrically but I like it, fuck he lays it down.
Oh just saw the sky cam in Grand Island ha, there is nothing going on there, lol. Well I have this channel on that is from there, ha I should change it, but I just keep looking at things on the internet not that. The football game was on that channel, fuck Grand Island I had to go there for work, that sucked ass, don't have that problem anymore haha, yeah took care of that shit. Have no idea why I would go to Grand Island now, fuck that shit hole, although I would sell a lot of stuff there.
I'm the gangsta mack, outta 25 grand I might kick her a dolla bill. Ha the gangsta mack, shit that is nice. Keep countin the stacks, keep countin the stacks, you better learn that I'm not concerned, somebody better tell em that hot bullets burn, ha, I love ganksta Nip, shit ha ha love it.
Shit I'm still up drinking talking to myself. Man yg is lucky he isn't here, shit I would break his off something, obviously I'm not going to Minnesota haha no, I don't know why he says this threat crap about me, I am not doing that ha. Well and even if I was, I deserve to threaten that bitch, fuck he didn't pay me what he owes, so not sure in what world that is not okay to threaten somebody that owes you a bunch of money, fuck in my world that is perfectly fine. I mean fuck what the hell, that is what it is, ha you threatened me, haha, well you know if you would just pay your bets then everything would be fine *****. Shit there would be no threat if he were here, just a beating, lol, well shouldn't say that, we would talk it out with him.
Step up and you'll get beat down, you can't fuck with H town. Punk mothafuckas wanna step to me, your best bet is to just don't say shit to me. Aw yeah I'm hyped tonight which one of you weak mothafuckas wanna fight? Haha, ganksta Nip, fucking H town bitch.
Fuck you can't fucking step in this town baby, shit I got plenty of hammers. I mean I'm not much no, but have others. I am a real puss actually, unless I have a gun then look out baby, I am a sharp shooter, and slick there.
Ha that sounded bad, but you know shooting pheasants and crap, not any people ha no, never done that. I am good at shooting pheasants though, man I can pick them off with the quickness.
Shit I would kind of like to go hunting again, that was a good time, but it kind of sucked walking around all morning, it was fun though shooting the pheasants, but hell it took a while until that happened.
I just posted to myself 100 times ha, that is nice. But it isn't hurting anybody, and I'm not out in public drunk so it is harmless basically. Guess as long as nobody scams me I'm fine ha, that stupid yg guy, fucking scammed my ass ha, maybe he will pay up, doubt it. Well he messaged me, and I just erased it, didn't read it. I mean I don't know the world where it is okay to scam a guy rip him off, then threaten him with legal action, that is beyond me. Fuck okay dipshit, you ripped me off, now you won't leave me alone ha, what in the fuck? Oh man with all that I have thought about this and gone through, I would love to kick his ass, better confirm that is not a threat haha, just something I would like lol.