NFL Sunday night

Yep, better apply to the grocery store ha, that is where I'm heading. Fuck it is crazy I get these impossible results to beat me always when I throw big. Well the Niners should have put this game away a long time ago, but oh no, fuck they can't bury the bone for me.
Shit Bears INT, game over, loser, goodnight I need a bullet in the head, fuck it sucks man, I don't have anything going right for me at all. Fucking fuck off Kap you bitch.
Ha Manchester yeah, you lose some and you lose some ha, that is the deal with me, not you win some and you lose some. Well I never get anywhere you know gambling, I mean I can make some plays, but then it falls apart always. Shit I had made a bunch of money this weekend then that disaster, oh my, I can't even believe that just happened, the crap ass Bears lol, my bro called me and was like I can't believe it the Bears won haha, shit he said before the game the Bears will lose by 20 or so.
The fucking Bears, you gotta be crazy to think they could cover 7 let alone win straight up in San Fran haha, well shit gets crazy when I'm about to have a good weekend, no way that is happening, some retarded crap will happen of course.
Well that is a dumb statement the covering 7, of course that is a possibility, but it is a long shot hope as far as the Bears winning that game, shit it was a long shot them covering 7 too, I don't think I am wrong about that. Fucking no defense and going on the road against a damn good overall team, you know fundamentally solid in all stances.
Damn it, I had to hear about it too from my bro after the game. Ha he was giving me shit, but then he said man, I can't even believe the Bears covered haha, well true there, but any NFL team is dangerous on any given day.
Fuck Chris Conte was making plays lol, that guy is terrible. The Bears haha, well they better hope they can bottle this game up and take it with em the rest of the year. Shit I do wanna meet the black unicorn though Bennett gotta go see my uncle in Chicago, I remember my aunt she was saying oh yeah he is the nicest guy, he helped me, I can't remember with what ha, but he did something to help her out.
The fucking black unicorn that is a great nickname man, you can't beat that shit haha, gotta make it to Long Grove, me and the black unicorn we can get down, maybe he can hook me up with some black chicks, lol, I would hope so that is the least he could do.
Whoa I am drunk, this whole post is retarded really. I'm on fireball haha, I liked that video maybe I should fire that up on here. Fuck Pitbull he is the man fo sho, shit the pussy he gets man you better recognize. Well all those chicks are hot as hell in his videos and I'm sure he is tagging all of em.
Tuck is making a video though, gonna have a bunch of hot chicks in it, gonna bang em all. Shit I gotta think of a song, ha, made this post without thinking about a song. Ummmm, maybe it could be fuck yg in the ass, ha, that would sell, then be dancing around with a shitload of hot chicks, yes, that is it.
Shit yg he gave me a pm, I didn't read the shit, fuck I could care less what the guy says about me or anything. I said you can settle up with me, text me or call me *****, otherwise I don't care what you have to say, and I'm not reading or listening to any of it.
Damn it I wanna bang those Georgia chicks on that ESPN commercial, I get stuck on something and then I can't quit thinking about it, damn they may not really be that hot, I like em a lot, but everybody probably thinks I'm crazy, and I am ha.
Really don't care what the fuck anybody thinks obviously, fuck unless you are providing me with pussy, pay, or a place to stay, I could give a flying fuck about you haha. Glad at least this place lets me post nonsense to myself.

Shit my last job that guy Marty fucked me on my last paycheck that bitch, my last paycheck was fucking 850 bucks, lol, that was about 1 k + short of what it should have been.
I remember I argued with him, and it did no good for me. Fucking Godfathers did that too, when I delivered pizzas for em, but I won there, they ended up paying the 100 bucks they shorted me. Not this fucking job, damn it, Marty he is tough sob.
Sure would be nice to just have a house by the lake in Long Grove no worries just retired and living it up, be right there with the damn black unicorn living next to me haha, I haven't visited my aunt and uncle there in a while. Fuck it is always a good time, well shit they have a house in the damn Bahamas too, fuck I would like to have a house anywhere, well 1 I owned, do rent though.
Shit I remember a long time ago I went to their Bahamas house, yeah it was a good time, I think I was 13 or so not sure. Then we had this golf cart my parents rented, and I wasn't supposed to drive it of course cuz I wasn't old enough, but I took it out and was on the road, ha, the guy that rented it to us saw me and was like pull over!!! What are you doing!!! That was nice, then he took me to the restaurant my parents and my aunt and uncle were at and told em about it, that I was out driving around on the golf cart, lol, ah the memories. Fuck I about got that shit stuck in the sand, barely got it out of that, cuz I drove on the beach a little.
It was funny though cuz everybody had a damn golf cart there, I guess I'm not sure why, ha, I don't know. Think a lot of people didn't have cars cuz shit was just so close together. Well that wasn't a big largely populated island in the Bahamas, was kind of a smaller one, can't remember the name.
Ha I don't know why I'm posting all this crap, it is retarded, I am loopy though and drunk so okay. The Bahamas that was pretty nice, I can't go there again, unless my parents take me, shit I can't afford that crap no. Well any damn trip is impossible now unless I get help.
Damn it Westside Connection was bad luck tonight. Well I get on youtube and it has these recommended things on there, so that was one, shit I shouldn't have done that it went terrible ha, my dumb ass superstitions and crap, like that had anything to do with the Niners melt down.
AK 47 is the tool, don't make me act a mothafuckin fool. Fuck straight outta Compton is the shit niggaz, if you don't have NWA straight outta Compton you should ha, I love this shit, I just remember me and my crew in Junior High, fuck we all listened to NWA and 2 live Crew, and would just roll those other pussies listening to dumb hair bands ha.
Ice Cube will swarm on any mothafucka in a blue uniform. It does piss me off though about how Ice Cube is such a bitch now, fuck he is doing stupid commercials and shit, haha, those Coors light commercials are retarded. Read my rights and shit it's all junk, pulling out a silly club so you stand, with a fake ass badge and a gun in your hand, haha, fucking Ren shit you can't beat that on fuck tha police.
Shining a light in my face and for what? Maybe its cuz I kick so much butt, I kick ass. Fucking Eazy E bitch, without a gun and a badge what do you got a sucker in a uniform waiting to get shot by me or another *****. Yeah mothafucka, shit haha, I fucking hate those guys too, I mean not maybe as much as inner city black guys however.
Ha now I'm gonna have the cops on my ass, well if I didn't already, but ya know when me and my posse steps in the house all the punk ass niggaz start breaking out.
Ha I don't remember what my aunt had that the black unicorn helped her out with. I don't know, but she was like he is the nicest guy, Bennett for the Bears, I have no idea what the deal was there. Would be funny living next to a Bear, ha, well that would be hot a bear, big Yag guy, haha, shit I would love that.
The do not disturb sign is in effect, while I'm thinking of a fool to select. To give the victim the verdict. Fuck if it ain't rough it ain't me, that is NWA on straight outta Compton, and it is just Ren all over, shit he is the man baby, fucking MC Ren.
That Jones guy for the Patriots shit he is the real deal, fucking blocked a punt then ran it back all the way, I was like fuck yeah!!!!!!!!!!!! Fuck the Vikings in their bitch ass. Guess he is related to bones Jones that kick ass fighter in the UFC, fuck both those guys are okay with me, they have all made me money. Shit bones Jones though now, you can't make money cuz he is a huge favorite, but I remember when he was coming up I banked on him.
Chandler Jones, just looked it up, fuck those Jones boys don't fuck with them ha, man get out of those niggaz way. Shit bones Jones I don't think he has lost a fight in the UFC, and then this guy is kicking ass from what I've seen.
Man that bitch ass ***** in Minnesota pm'd me ha, I didn't even read it, deleted bitch, that guy shit, I would just like for him to line up across the line from my bro in football in drills, oh my that would be a disaster for him, cuz he is pissed too, more at me for being stupid, but shit that would be an ass kicking, fucking Knights style baby, shit we had a program back in the day nationally ranked some years, not cuz of me no, I was the water boy ha.
I am trying to think of the NFL players from my high school, and I'm not sure. Know Chris Cooper for the Raiders ha, my bro got his ass kicked by that guy, lol. I can't really think of anybody else that sticked in the NFL, only guys that played for maybe a year or 2 on the practice squad. My bro got the worst of it haha, fuck that Chris Cooper he was just maybe a 6 foot 3 muscle, no fat on that guy, I remember watching it, probably 275 or 280 in high school, but just a beast, and the Huskers didn't recruit him, which was completely retarded, don't remember where he went.
Ha it was funny cuz my bro was like why are the Huskers all over Kollmorgan and not recruiting Cooper? Ha Kyle Kollmorgan, shit that guy sucked ass, and my bro said as much, he was like Kyle is okay, but Chris Cooper is the best player we have by far. Shit the Huskers fucked up there, man Kollmorgan was a big loser for us, fuck if we had Cooper that would have been a kick ass player for us.
I like posting to myself, I think I spelled Kollmorgan wrong, I have no idea on that. He sucked here for the Huskers, fuck my father in law would spank that bitch haha, he was drinking with us today which is strange cuz he never does that, ha it was a good time, shit that big beast, don't wanna piss that guy off, no.
Man I have a lot of ties now with the Huskers, shit got players all over related to me, well kind of, related to my bro's wife anyway haha, not my side of the family. Fuck we are gonna get things turned around I hope, guess the Fresno game was a success. They are gonna have to wait a while though for my nephew, he is only 3, so he won't be there for a while ha. All I can say is I wish I was 3, and my nephew, he is gonna bang all the chicks, oh man, fo sho, it was funny today I brought it up when we were grilling burgers, and I said shit you guys are gonna have girls hanging from the trees out here, and they didn't have a lot to say except they knew. I mean I know white chicks in Nebraska, shit he will have all kinds of chicks on him being a black, well mixed kid, and looking good, which he does.
Fuck I need to get on the field haha, well my father in law does, cuz he is a former player, but damn it they need T-money out there, I would inspire em with my speech, ha, shit I could give a damn good pre game speech for that Miami game, man it is a rumble with those fucking guys, we have had a lot of battles. Remember beating Ray Lewis and Warren Sapp, both of those guys were on that '94 Miami team, well the '95 Orange Bowl it would have been. Fuck we slayed em both, which is crazy considering we beat 2 NFL hall of famers up the middle of their defense, bang bitch ha, on their home field too.
Can't wait for that Miami game, that will be a rumble, fuck if we lose I will be devastated. Shit they are my niggaz, my Huskers baby, fuck it is my squad, been going since I was 5 or 6. Now I have family that played for em, well since my bro married a black chick lol, well if I married anybody it would be a black chick cuz I like those best, so right with my bro on that.
Ha they give me license to speak to the team before the game, shit no way, but I would like to. Well I have relatives that played for em now, since my bro married that chick. I wonder about my nephew if he could bang with em, and play, fuck he doesn't look like it now, but I mean he is fast, maybe he will be a corner or a WR or something, which would be crazy considering his pedigree a DT for the Huskers his grandpa and then my bro was a big o lineman, ha, buck the trend play WR or corner. Fuck I know there aren't kids that can run like he does.
My dumb ass thinking my nephew will play for the Huskers. Well I have reason to think it, fucking Willie Harper was on tv the other night haha during the Fresno game, shit he was an all american for the Huskers, he had a bad interview, that was a relative though of my bro's wife. Fuck there is serious pedigree in bro's wife's family, I wonder if he can do it my nephew, fucking maybe, not sure, my bro might bring him down lol. Well he was a good player though, shit he was no joke haha, not good enough for college though unless D-2.
Fuck they are talking about not letting him play football though cuz of his grandpa, my father in law, he sees stars sometimes from butting heads on the line, and his knee is shot, I mean it is a rough deal for sure, I don't wanna see my little guy get hurt. Fuck he is my dude, shit I would be upset if he got hurt. Ha I can't imagine watching him play in college, shit I would just be going nuts if he were on the Huskers. Selfishly I do want that for my nephew to be on the Huskers, ha that would be great.

Man I am posting a lot to myself, whoa, it is okay, no harm done, just posts to myself, no big deal.
Those fucking Lincoln back pages I keep getting tempted by them, ha, there all these adds on there with chicks, but I wonder if they are cops. Fuck I am not gonna risk it ha, I mean you never know. Some of em don't look good at all, they say yeah I'm 19 look at this I'm hot, and then she is 40 or so and ugly haha. Not that I am a stud at 38, no, but I wouldn't put up that I'm 19 and sexy as hell, shit I know what I am 38 and fat and drunk.
There are some hot chicks on there, but I am afraid to text em, cuz I think the cops will be coming ha, maybe not, but how is there all those on there. Guess maybe it is okay I don't know.
Blast the 380, fuck got some Spice 1 on now. Fucking blast the 380 til that mothafucka drop, yeah!!! I mean I am okay as far as with a gun, but hand to hand and fighting no, but strap me up shit I can blow up mothafuckas then, shit I am a good shot like hunting and shit, hunting for pheasant and deer.
Ha my dad used to take me and my brother out hunting, and I would bust those pheasants haha, my bro sucked at it. They would fly up out of bushes and trees and shit, then I would buck em, fuck they were dead as shit flying in front of me, lol, that was a good time it was always real early in the morning, then we would clean em, and have pheasant for dinner, it was kind of tasty. Haven't had pheasant in a while.
Oh man I am talking about hunting pheasants now lol, whoa, I need to go to bed, but shit the trigga gots no heart if I'm shooting at pheasants lol, they can all die mothafucka, and they will. Shit I haven't been hunting in forever. It would be kind of fun though getting drunk and shooting shit, you can't beat that haha.
Shit I don't even have a shotgun anymore, I used to, but hell now if I did it would be illegal since I'm a felon. My dumb ass ha, yeah get in serious trouble, can you imagine? Well shit, I'm just trigga happy, trigga happy *****, trigga happy *****. Fucking Spice 1, I like this trigga happy ***** song.