NFL Sunday night


Pretty much a regular
My niece was hogging the laptop again haha, so didn't post, was at my brothers place. But I didn't bet much anyway today. Had New England early over the Vikes, I enjoyed that immensely, Vikings and Gophers are my 2 most hated teams. Well just cuz of you know that dumb shit. Had the Packers -7, is a push, but on 5 dimes early in the game they put up a +7 in game line on the Pack, shit I was all over that crap, lol at that. So won that, but had Houston at Oakland under 41, and dumb ass Oakland was calling timeouts and just going for that TD late that meant nothing haha, not sure why. It was kind of like a crappy college team going for the late TD for team morale or something, I don't know, but they boned me there. Anyway here is my late pick, and it isn't losing, nah, nah, a fucking gimme, this is a 2 foot putt.

Chicago at San Fran -7, bet it twice so here is what I have, -7 at -101 risking 303 to win 300, and -7 +105 risking 200 to win 210

The Bears will get destroyed here, I am pretty sure of it. Well their defense blows, San Fran will run all over em. Then the Bears offense won't be able to do much cuz there will be serious heat on Cutler. I mean the Bears have weapons, but they aren't of use when they are getting blown up on the o line, which will happen here I have to think.

Shit I'm on fireball ha, I bought a bottle of that just cuz I was watching the Pit Bull video, Fireball, he has a lot of hot chicks in that video. My brother put it on cuz my nephew likes it, he just ogles the chicks I think is why.
Yeah got 500 on this shit. Fuck the Bears may as well just get on a flight back to Chicago ha, they have no chance, and I don't say that much in an NFL contest, but they don't have a chance. Get bitch ass Chris Conte up to stop the run at safety lol at that, fuck get run over is more like it.
Good deal there UT. Man I may be counting this money in the bank, shorty what ya drank, early and all, but shit the Bears have serious problems playing a team like this on the road.
Damn it too bad I'm not Pit Bull, would be hittin all kinds of puss then. Sadly I am a fat drunk, 38, no chicks ever haha. I do wonder about those Lincoln back pages though, I mean I can't afford it really now, but there are ads that look good some of em. There are some ugly chicks too though, there is one that is like I'm 19 and ready for you, then I clicked on it and it is this 45 year old chick that is ugly as fuck ha.
That guy pm'd me Minnesota guy, I didn't even read it, fuck I don't care, he can say whatever it is all crap. Fucking talk to somebody who cares bitch, haha.
I still do really want those Georgia black chicks on that ESPN commercial, damn I would bang the shit outta them. The were in commercial, for the playoff. Damn they are hot, whoa, but any black chicks I always think maybe they are hotter than they are, ha, don't know if that makes sense, but I do.
Well if he did Manchester I told him, call me or text me. Otherwise I don't wanna hear from him. I am not reading his message, fuck my blood just starts boiling ha. I just deleted his message. But am glad his Vikings got destroyed today that was great. I mean it is not healthy for me to talk about it, I should not even bring that crap up.
That Gophers game I am ready, that is here in Lincoln, row 43 north end zone behind the goal posts, that is a big game haha, I really do wanna kick their ass. Hope the Huskers can do it for me. I want 84-13 like back in the day, the scoring explosion team, Turner Gill, Mike Rozier, Irving Fryar, fuck they just kicked their ass all over the place in '83.
Damn that was a great team. Had to play the title game on an opponents home field which was bullshit ha, play in the Orange Bowl vs Miami. What a joke that was, well it was always retarded cuz we win the Big 8 conference then have to play Miami at home always haha, great setup there.
It is funny watching the old highlights of the Huskers back in the 80's and 90's cuz the o line would just pancake everybody ha, I was thinking man I could run through that for a TD, everybody would just get destroyed every play, well unless we were playing a big time good team like Oklahoma or something.
Ha that +7 in game line on Green Bay, yeah I'm sure the Jets are gonna pull off an 8 point win or more at Lambeau haha, no fucking way, popped a huge stiffy on that.
Like I said, get the team charter, and go home baby, fuck this is gonna be a Nebraska vs Minnesota ass kicking, well back in the day, now we lose to those bitches haha.
Shit my nephew's grandpa came over today that big beast ha, man I would have to run if he wanted to kick my ass. He has a bad knee, so he wouldn't catch me lol. It was funny cuz he was gonna go to Michigan and then they decided not to give him a scholarship so he came here instead.
Ha the Raiders what a joke they are. The old team morale TD late, those fucks, have no idea why they did that calling timeouts late to bend me over. Fucking wrecked my under bet, I mean it was like watching Kansas trying to get a late TD haha, a meaningless TD.
Damn I can't wait for this Husker game vs Miami, shit is about to go down. Fuck it is kind of a rivalry, well to me anyway. That sucked ass we would have to play them at home in the Orange Bowl always ha. Now your coming to Lincoln baby, welcome to the jungle, your gonna die haha. Shit I may be just drunk Friday night and just party all day til the game Saturday. A little guns and roses reference there, well I don't mind them, not a big fan, but they are okay.
Shit I need to give the Huskers a pregame speech, lol, man it would be a good one to get em fired up. Well maybe not, but I do hate Miami they would always kick our ass in the Orange bowl, guess we did beat them too, so whatever.
Yeah niggaz, tuck is rolling baby, sound like Rickey Henderson there ha, the 3rd person talk he always did that.

The Bears are in serious trouble from what I'm seeing.
Hey that is the call fucking deal bitches haha, that I'm not sure why they called that incomplete, but okay, thanks.
The black unicorn Bennett, ha, he lives by my uncle in Chicago. A lot of rich mothafuckas there in Long Grove.
I haven't been there in a while, I should go meet the black unicorn ha, they say he is a real nice guy, well my aunt and uncle say that.
I tell ya if I lived in Chicago I would not live in Long Grove if I had to commute to the city, fuck that is a rough commute to say the least, whoa.
Fuck, fumble, oh well the Bears can't do shit anyway.

I do like Long Grove in Chicago though, I can see why the black unicorn built a house there. Kind of northwest suburbs there, I just would never wanna have to drive that to the city, oh my, it takes a long time whoa. It is close to Arlington Park though, horses, that is nice.
Gore bang bang, shit this is just gonna get worse. Fuck you can say what you want, but this is over. Unless you have the Bears +14, then okay, you have a chance.
Yeah I need to move in to Long Grove haha, no fucking way I couldn't afford any shit there, not even close, that is not in my ballpark.
The black unicorn there he is again, he is a damn good player, that guy shit, I could go see him if I went to my uncle's house. I am not bullshitting either they live right by him, well don't know why I would bs about that ha.
Ha Cutler just took a helmet to the chest. I will say the niners those are some hard pipe hitting niggaz, don't wanna mess with those guys, whoa.
Damn it, well guess I will have to battle a little bit to put the Bears away. Wasn't thinking it would be an issue. A little halftime NWA will suffice, or maybe Spice 1, the clip and the trigga.
Fuck pulled up youtube and Westside Connection was on there so listening to that. Fuck that is a good album there. Bow down, when I come to your town, bow down to a ***** thats greater than you, fuckin yg, bow down when I come to your town ha, just kidding. Although you would bow down, shit I got hard hittaz baby, shit run away run away, flashy niggaz get stuck up fucked up.
Ha Sherman is talking shit again, I like it. He is sometimes kind of stupid with what he says, but I like him, he is like me. Talk shit, fucking barking at niggaz.
Shit Sherman probably intimidates a bunch of guys with his talking, ha, I love it, fucking talk shit and back it up, fucking yeah bitch.
Posting to myself like usual. Well hey, you wanna rumble, fuck take Bears 2nd half, we can go toe to toe bitch haha, your gonna lose that bet, but you can. Gangstas don't dance we boogey.
Everybody dies from Colombian neck ties, fuck yeah, I love this Westside Connection album, yeah cross em out and put a k. Yeah Niners rolling bitch.
Well, well, well, the Bears are stepping up, fuck we will see what they have offensively I doubt it will be much. Fuck the niners were stupid there not throwing at all, guess they figured the Bears would roll over. Westside *****, ha, I love this album, forgot how much I liked it, haven't listened to it in forever.
The Huskers just need to contact me about the pre game Miami speech haha, yeah I'm sure, lol. But oh my I could come up with something, it would be the shit, man I wanna kick those guys asses so bad. Fucking Miami they would always beat us in the Orange Bowl.