NFL Season-Long Snake Draft

I can't commit to anything between monday and thursday and know i will be here for it. Monday is particularly bad as I will be traveling from 4pacific on.... though i could try the southwest wifi
I'm fine with either 6pm or 9pm CST, just need to set it and go. Anyone want to make the executive decision?
"Pay dat man his money."

"I pay you back with your own money, from the last time I stick it in you."
Let me finish my supper and get the little guy situated. Wife is out fucking other guys, hopefully
Lost money on the cfb game last night while traveling .. now get to watch the punishment on espnu. Sweet
[h=2]List Randomizer[/h]There were 4 items in your list. Here they are in random order:

  1. BITCH
  2. EGG
  3. VK
  4. STEED
Wife went to dinner with friends, kid and i go to the grocery store, I have all intents on making something....nah wave...lets make a pizza
Always pass on the following if you want to do it right .. all pre-foods other than the pancakelike bread.

Then pass on all chicken
pass on all sausage (hard for you guys cough cough)
pass on all pork ribs (beef ribs are good)

And then just eat steak
Oh ya... eat way too much when I go there too. Luckily I am doing"Leaving Las Vegas" but replacing alcohol with food.