NFL Schedule Release

Can't wait. Wouldn't surprise me if it came Friday 5/8 rather than the weekend. I am assuming they will back load all divisional games (none the first 4 weeks) in case they have to back up the start of the season.

Was planning a Chiefs road game this year either LA, NOLA, Miami or TB but that is obviously in jeopardy now.
Can't wait. Wouldn't surprise me if it came Friday 5/8 rather than the weekend. I am assuming they will back load all divisional games (none the first 4 weeks) in case they have to back up the start of the season.

Was planning a Chiefs road game this year either LA, NOLA, Miami or TB but that is obviously in jeopardy now.
One of these is not like the other...
Why would they even do a schedule now when you have no idea when the season starts or ends? They are just gonna run themselves into a nightmare when scheduling isn’t on time and then venues aren’t available for allotted scheduled games. Would make more sense IMO to figure out when you gonna play and then go from there? Unless they’ve decided barring a turn for the worse they don’t plan on any delays to the season
They didn‘t know what to do with 7 and 6 would have been too many for them as well. At least Mustache sells seats and the team will be in serious playoff contention for at least a 4-5 weeks

That AFC south is gonna be tough. Titans still getting zero respect, liked the low risk pick ups of Beasley as an edge rusher, Joseph at CB, and some of the things they did in the draft for depth. Could still use a speed WR, or hopefully Corey Davis has a nice year battling for a contract after the season.

Texans are always good. Colts with Rivers and a good draft and solid moves will be right there and I think the Jags are a notch below but they still have talent even tho Fournette and their DE prob both gone before week 1
Why would they even do a schedule now when you have no idea when the season starts or ends? They are just gonna run themselves into a nightmare when scheduling isn’t on time and then venues aren’t available for allotted scheduled games. Would make more sense IMO to figure out when you gonna play and then go from there? Unless they’ve decided barring a turn for the worse they don’t plan on any delays to the season
Your last sentence...
Agree. NFL is 100% going to start on time as of right now. Unless all these states that are reopening have massive virus resurgences this summer they are not going to delay the season. All states will be open by September. If there is a fall/winter resurgence of the virus they will handle that accordingly.
Can't wait. Wouldn't surprise me if it came Friday 5/8 rather than the weekend. I am assuming they will back load all divisional games (none the first 4 weeks) in case they have to back up the start of the season.

Was planning a Chiefs road game this year either LA, NOLA, Miami or TB but that is obviously in jeopardy now.

my understanding was after hearing it would be released the 9th cowherd made a pitch to his bosses at fox to have them do it Thursday opposed to Friday so he would have content for his Friday show. Makes way more sense considering how starving everyone is for content now days.
NFL is 100% playing. Have to release the schedule now and if you have to back up/delay then you do that. They’ll have contingency plans in place.

I been saying since the beginning unless there was some massive shift for the worse NFL was never gonna cancel their season. It may look a lot different than we accustomed to but no way they leaving that tv money on the table!

I have heard the contingency was a oct start where they do away with bye weeks, the pro bowl, and the super bowl date being moved to end of February.
my understanding was after hearing it would be released the 9th cowherd made a pitch to his bosses at fox to have them do it Thursday opposed to Friday so he would have content for his Friday show. Makes way more sense considering how starving everyone is for content now days.
Theres no way cowherd has that kinda power towards the nfl
Theres no way cowherd has that kinda power towards the nfl

he doesnt, his bosses do tho. Why wouldn’t nfl listen to that suggestion? It was obviously a good one for them, they want as much play as possible and this move gives them all the talking heads whole shows on Friday. They did have it originally scheduled for Friday afternoon and changed it so someone got in their ear bout it.
You see these candy ass baseball players saying they don’t want to be quarantined away from their families....NFL players will have been home for 4-5 months, they will be ready to get to away and play.
You see these candy ass baseball players saying they don’t want to be quarantined away from their families....NFL players will have been home for 4-5 months, they will be ready to get to away and play.

I heard kershaw said it when the Arizona plan got thrown around but I didn’t know there were others. Pretty pathetic, amount of money they make and they can’t be bothered with a small inconvenience for a few months!

Kershaw didn’t surprise me, kinda lines up with his pathetic playoff history. Guy not a gamer, just someone who got blessed with a great ability, should have went to someone with more drive!
According to the sports hacks here the Falcons are opening the first Monday night at Tampa.
If they could’ve sold tickets to watch Nero play the fiddle as Rome burned it would’ve been a tough ticket
Mannif someone could hack Microsoft Teams Meetings. Get some solid info from Andy Reid
He said he has been doing all his team meetings on Teams.