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It was so impressive he didn't even have a job next year. The league thought so highly of him they figured it'd be more fair if he didn't play in the league anymore.
Wasn't the league, it was Elway. He didn't like his religious approach. Screw Elway.
she looks way better then she used to, still bad

I'm not being facetious here...if someone argues that Tebow should have been, or was a real NFL QB, you pretty much know there's no reason to value their opinion about anything football related for the rest of time.
I'm not being facetious here...if someone argues that Tebow should have been, or was a real NFL QB, you pretty much know there's no reason to value their opinion about anything football related for the rest of time.
Don't mind shalk, he likes to hear himself talk an see his words typed out. Pay no attention
I know he's hurt, but Peyton isn't retiring after this performance. He already said he wasn't going to, which I know doesn't mean much...but he's not gonna go out looking like this. He will heal up and be back.
if i were Peyton, and I wasn't even thinking about retiring before tonight, I would start thinking about it now and say fuck off to all these fans

I also can't wait see John Fox suck ass as a coach