***NFL PLAYOFFS - All Sports - Golden Globes In-Game ***

And by the way, Ronnie Lott would survive just fine. Look at the Seahawks defense. You can put that defense into the 70s or 80s right now and they'd fit right in.

I agree they would fit right in back then but they would be more violent and entertaining to watch. The old Raven defenses too ... but for the most part teams are moving to skinny fast guys who can't tackle because all that matters is speed right now
fondy ... can I get a clear definition of the banning rules for this game? Do I need to ingame elsewhere?
I'm at a place called The Beer Engine. This is where I had breakfast. Good Sunday Bloody Mary bar after mass, but a fucking ripoff.
better odds

Seeing tru during the in-game of a Dallas playoff game (which is a rare occurrence itself) or Schrute lasting another week without alcohol?