NFL players missing at sea

fuck 1 is a Raider (Marquis Cooper) dude is a LB and he is a stud on special teams hope these dudes are alright
I think Corey is an UFA but I'm not positive. I hope the CG finds them soon. The Gulf can't be much warmer than 60 right now.

Posted by Mike Florio on March 1, 2009, 12:48 p.m.
The Tampa Tribune has the names of two of the NFL players who have been reported missing on a boat off the coast of Clearwater, Florida.
They are linebacker Marquis Cooper of the Raiders and defensive end Corey Smith of the Lions.
A third person, identified as Nick Skyler, also is on the boat. We can find no evidence on the Internet (including’s current and former player search tool) that he is or has been on an NFL roster.
A fourth person, possibly another NFL player, is believed to be on the boat.
The Coast Guard is searching a 750-square mile area for the 21-foot fishing boat
fuck the Boat's Cooper's a 21 foot boat in the ocean high and choppy winds dont look good and there is a report there was another Raider on board.

damn this sucks
Yeah, I'd feel much better if T-Pain were with them, they never would have really left the shore.

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wtf you Rap Joe ? when did you and steed do this ?

Engh, a few months back. If I told you what Steed had to do in a parking lot to get T-Pain to do this you'd be offended, but not surprised.
DETROIT -- Coast Guard crews off Florida's Gulf Coast are searching for four missing boaters, including Detroit Lions defensive end Corey Smith.

The Coast Guard issued a statement saying Smith and Victor "Marquis" Cooper were among the boaters reported missing Sunday morning.

Sports agent Ron Del Duca confirmed to the Associated Press that his client, Detroit Lions defensive end Corey Smith, and Oakland Raiders linebacker Marquis Cooper were two of the four boaters.

Smith owned the 21-foot boat and he and Cooper had been on fishing trips before, said Ron Del Duca, Smith's agent. The pair had been teammates on the Tampa Bay Buccaneers in 2004.

They boat left from the Seminole Boat Ramp in Clearwater Pass at about 6:30 a.m. Saturday morning for a fishing trip and did not return as expected, the Coast Guard said.

The Coast Guard said it was alerted at about 1:30 a.m. Sunday and is searching the area about 50 miles west of Clearwater Pass.

Nick Skyler is listed by the Coast Guard as the third boat passenger along with an unidentified fourth person.

Smith, 29, had 30 tackles, including three sacks, and an interception in 12 games last season for the winless Lions. Smith, who is 6-foot-2, 250 pounds, also played for the San Francisco 49ers and played college ball at North Carolina State. He started with the Lions in 2006.

Del Duca called Smith one of the "good guys" of the league and was planning to start visiting teams as a free agent this week. He said he has spoken with Smith's family and is also in touch with Coast Guard officials.

"They've assured me that they're deploying all available resources to look for these guys and get them back," he said.

Cooper, 26, has played sparingly in five seasons with the Buccaneers, Seahawks, Jaguars, Steelers and Raiders. Cooper, who is 6-foot-3, 230 pounds, played college ball at Washington. <!--stopindex-->
21 ft fishing boat in the ocean, no thanks.


Joe likes big boats and he cannot lie. You know, not Titanic or Poseidon Adventure big, but you get the point.
14 foot waves > 21 foot boats. sad story seems like there is little hope for these guys

If I EVER get on a boat like that I'm wearing the biggest brightest life vest of all time. Perhaps even during sex. Perhaps especially during sex.
These guys have one good thing going for them and it's that this happened around Florida and the coast. The water is warm and that gives them a fighting chance. But I hate to be the one to break the bad news. I think they are dead. First of all, they would need to know how to swim. Hopefully they had life vests on. But then they would have to fight hypothermia.

I'm with you guys. The 21 ft fishing boat is just waaaay to small. I was on a 800 ft tanker doing runs to Valdez, Alaska and I was uncomfortable because of the heavy seas. One guy that was on the ship before me actually fell of the ship and was never found. By the time the tanker actually circled around, they never spotted him. The body was never found. It was in rough seas near Alaska so hopefully the water is calm down in Florida where they can hang on. BUt it's going to be tough.

Was also on the USNS Ericson refueling cariers in the middle of the pacific. Something about the high seas, lots of bad things can happen. If you've never been out there it's very eery out there.
Great post, C., and I agree with all of it.

Here's the thing, the earth is like 70% water. Joe does not need to be out in the middle of the ocean somewhere. No f**king way. It's too remote, as you say too many bad things can happen, and you go into the water and that's just about all she wrote.

I hope these guys are found, they're pro athletes, so they're in great shape and if they're wearing life vests they need to tread water like forever, but there's a chance. But the longer this goes the sadder this story is going to be when it ends.
Yeah your right JP. If you go in the water, most of the time, that's all she wrote. I graduated at The California Maritime Academy with a BS degree in Marine Engineering Technology. At the school, I passed all swimming requirements including advanced survival swimming. I know how to tread water for hours w/o using much energy. I can even make a homemade lifevest out of my jeans if I had to. But you know what, I also know I'm pretty much dead if it has to come down to that.
I'm kind of interested in how you not only tread water without exerting much energy, but how you'd make a lifevest out of a pair of jeans.

Of course, I agree with you, if it gets to the point where you think, 'Yeah, it's time to make the lifevest out of the jeans' you're in deep s**t.

In other news, I don't like the way ESPNews is reporting this thing at all right now. The only thing that seems to be missing from the story is that they're gone. The way they tell the story is like they already know it's all over.

Come on, Coast Guard, pull a rabbit out of the hat here and give us a happy ending.
I'm kind of interested in how you not only tread water without exerting much energy, but how you'd make a lifevest out of a pair of jeans.

Of course, I agree with you, if it gets to the point where you think, 'Yeah, it's time to make the lifevest out of the jeans' you're in deep s**t.

In other news, I don't like the way ESPNews is reporting this thing at all right now. The only thing that seems to be missing from the story is that they're gone. The way they tell the story is like they already know it's all over.

Come on, Coast Guard, pull a rabbit out of the hat here and give us a happy ending.
Well basically, the heaviest thing you have is your head. So in order to save energy, you need to put your head face down in the water looking downward. Then when you need air, do a scissor like move with your legs to make you go upward to get air, then go back down face down. Just keep doing that. I did that for over 2 hours in a test.

As for the life vest out of your jeans, when your in the water with your jeans on, you have to first take them off. Then pull them out of the water and bring the legs down trapping air in it. Then tie a knot out at the end of your jeans where no water can get in. Place that over your neck and you have a life vest. Sounds weird and confusing but it can be done.

On the other hand, if you have shorts on, your shit out of luck.
Thats some pretty cool stuff cog. Thanks for sharing.

The dad of one of the guys said this boat was basically unsinkable from how it was made so he believes they should be able to locate that at least.
Thats some pretty cool stuff cog. Thanks for sharing.

The dad of one of the guys said this boat was basically unsinkable from how it was made so he believes they should be able to locate that at least.

Not that what dont already know this, but Sal Pal Antonio said thats its risky business going out in that water with a 21ft boat. Sal said he used to be in the Navy
Not that what dont already know this, but Sal Pal Antonio said thats its risky business going out in that water with a 21ft boat. Sal said he used to be in the Navy

Thats pretty obvious. I wouldn't be out on any of the great Lakes in a 21 ft boat on a pretty windy day let alone the ocean. reports that authorities have called off the search for a missing boat believed to be carrying Raiders LB Marquise Cooper and Lions DE Corey Smith.

Sobering news. The boat was also carrying two other friends: Nick Skyler and William Bleakley. The search was called off a wide search for debris off the Gulf of Mexico. Florio writes, "As it was explained to us, unless the men made it onto another vessel or managed to navigate 13-foot waves in that 21-foot boat, it’s not looking good." Our thoughts and prayers are with the four men and their families. Mar. 1 - 11:14 pm et
Weird, they said just hours ago they would search throughout the night and into tomorrow.

Less than 24 hours on a search. Weird. Understandable are the conditions but c'mon.

I guess my question is whether the search is called off completely or just for the night?
I'd hope they get out there again in the morning, but at a certain point you have to think it becomes more a recovery mission than a rescue as hard as that is to say.

This whole thing sucks, football players or no.
The Coast Guard has not called off the search for a missing boat carrying Raiders LB Marquis Cooper and Lions DE Corey Smith, despite a previous report to the contract.

Given the extremely rough conditions still at sea, the 87-boats that were being used were replaced by 110-foot boats. The Air Force is now also chipping in. Two other men, Nick Skyler and William Bleakley, were also on the boat. Mar. 2 - 12:32 am et
Yeah your right JP. If you go in the water, most of the time, that's all she wrote. I graduated at The California Maritime Academy with a BS degree in Marine Engineering Technology. At the school, I passed all swimming requirements including advanced survival swimming. I know how to tread water for hours w/o using much energy. I can even make a homemade lifevest out of my jeans if I had to. But you know what, I also know I'm pretty much dead if it has to come down to that.

We did that with our jeans and other clothes on my Soph-a-more year of HS. I thought I wasn't gonna surface back to the water upon jumping in once I hit. Was pretty cool floating around in the water with a pair of jeans wrapped around your neck for 45 minutes. Still prefer Water Polo, however.