***NFL In-Game Thread***

What the fuck was they audible on 3rd down? To a run up the middle and it wasn’t even Jacobs?

Commentator just raving about Favre passing the torch to Rodgers and passing the torch to Love and he didn’t want the ball in his hands.
Didn't really get fired up til 10pm las night so ready to do the eeeeeeeeearly

Random hooker next door got a verbal beatown #appartment life
Dude last night was bassing hard and I have tinnitus kinda badly. Against apartment code I knocked on the door and he answered. Looked like a 60 year old actor from Hollywood...said he moved in a couple weeks ago and planned to only be here for another month but bass was going to be gone.

Then the 40 year younger hooker needed to interject. You can guess where this goes.....I need a timeout before I accurately describe this.
She sees a flier on my doorstep and asks about life, why do I have a notice lol. Mind you it was a flier about renewal at the end of June. So I just said fuck it and asked her how many renewals she's gotten in the last sixth months. It could have gotten really ugly but the dud was actually the point of contention. She wanted to murder me.
BTW if you live in an apartment or condo don't do that. It's possible she could have stabbed my dumb ass
Refs had a flight to catch? That PI on the last pick that wasn’t called would have helped my +6. On to Tampa…
Im at the Bucs game and this is the lamest anthem ever

It’s the leader singer from Cheap Trick lol… he’s like 9027 years old