***NFL In-Game Thread***

Broncos D is actually quite good. Making the Chargers offense look like the Broncos offense.
Well, they have been for a few years.

We hoped to have an offense (QB) when we bet them to win it all.

Bad coach. Bad system. Rough QB.
Them blitzing made no sense imo

Dont need a negative play, keep it behind 30 and uts a 50 yarder for a guy with his hamstring hanging on by a few strands
Why in other games when a player is blocked into the punt returner and it's touched they don't award the muff to the kicking team?
Why in other games when a player is blocked into the punt returner and it's touched they don't award the muff to the kicking team?

I'm not sure why it wouldn't ever be called that way. I defintely have seen it called that way when someone is blocked into a punter. I can't say I ever remember it being called the way you're saying it has. Unless I'm missing what you're saying...are you saying you've seen the ball awarded to the receiving team when his teammate is the one who hit him?
If nobody on TV is agreeing then I must be wrong but I am certain I have seen when players are blocked into a return man the muff recovery is not awarded to the kicking team.
The studio ref said it wasn't kick catch interference because the return team Initiated the contact. Which is true, but it's only true because he was pushed into player.
Rule 10 Opportunity to Catch a Kick, Fair Catch
Section 1 Opportunity to Catch a Kick
Article 1 During a scrimmage kick that crosses the line of scrimmage, or during a free kick, members of the kicking team are prohibited from interfering with any receiver making an attempt to catch the airborne kick, or from obstructing or hindering his path to the airborne kick, and regardless of whether any signal was given.
Item 1: Contact with Receiver. It is interference if a player of the kicking team contacts the receiver, or causes a passive player of either team to contact the receiver, before or simultaneous to his touching the ball

That says it should've been a penalty
That says it should've been a penalty

I think the word “passive” is the crux here. If the guy is trying to block the kicking team player, he isn’t “passive.” If he just happened to be running near the returner and was pushed into the returner it may be different.