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inflation is low too, so the prospect of higher rates is being delays. Oil prices coming way down are a good example of that (although the reasons for oil coming down are more structural and have nothing to do with the inflation forecast).

mate, isnt oil coming down because the Saudis and UAE are over saturating the market
me and a coworker were actually talking about this the other day

you guys ever feel like its just one guy sitting around in a room moving all the pieces and having fun
mate, isnt oil coming down because the Saudis and UAE are over saturating the market
no, it's coming down because the US is saturating the market and the saudis are OK with it so they are not cutting production. Add in that demand is down and you have a huge supply/demand imbalance which is why oil tanked.
me and a coworker were actually talking about this the other day

you guys ever feel like its just one guy sitting around in a room moving all the pieces and having fun

Yea man. I'm Joe Schmoe. I'm just looking out for the little guy. This economic shit is trash IMO
no, it's coming down because the US is saturating the market and the saudis are OK with it so they are not cutting production. Add in that demand is down and you have a huge supply/demand imbalance which is why oil tanked.

you are gonna have to show me something that actually says that.
you are gonna have to show me something that actually says that.
what do you need to see? The US is one of the worlds largest producers of oil and we are no longer a net importer with all the production that has come online in Texas and ND. ND produces slightly over 1 million barrels per day.

Demand is down because cars are more efficient.
Operating Oil rigs dropped 4% just last week, they closed multiple rigs in the Gulf and ND driving the price (temporarily) up Wednesday with that bit of news. Demand in the USA went up 1% compared to last year
Operating Oil rigs dropped 4% just last week, they closed multiple rigs in the Gulf and ND driving the price (temporarily) on Wednesday with that bit of news. Demand in the USA went up 1% compared to last year

and predicted to rise another 1% next year, while Europe is on the way down
Oil prices might have some bearing on the Housing market, but I don't think it's huge. Only my opinion. I'm not a finance guy
sure, gas prices are down so people have more money to spend. we are already seeing the follow-thru in retail sales.

I easily save $80-100 per month and thats just me driving 25 miles to and from work each day. Pretty big for most families.
what do you need to see? The US is one of the worlds largest producers of oil and we are no longer a net importer with all the production that has come online in Texas and ND. ND produces slightly over 1 million barrels per day.

Demand is down because cars are more efficient.

Oil Rigs dropping last week - http://www.dallasnews.com/business/energy/20150116-u.s.-rig-count-drops-4-percent-in-one-week.ece

US Oil Consumption - http://www.eia.gov/forecasts/steo/report/us_oil.cfm

over saturation - http://www.economist.com/blogs/economist-explains/2014/12/economist-explains-4
US is producing 3 million more barrels a day than a decade ago.

no question, I am talking about why the oil prices are dropping right NOW

P says our oil production is way up when its actually dropping, and our consumption is down, when its not, and expected to go up

straight out of that last link:

Four things are now affecting the picture. Demand is low because of weak economic activity, increased efficiency, and a growing switch away from oil to other fuels.
mortgage rates run parallel to every other interest rate out there, so when bonds are in demand, so are mortgage backed securities, thus lower rates
straight out of that last link:

Four things are now affecting the picture. Demand is low because of weak economic activity, increased efficiency, and a growing switch away from oil to other fuels.

the point of that was just to show they are closing, but look at the next link, thats actual government data