need some help guys


Pretty much a regular
I have the 9th pick in a qb heavy draft with fairly unreachable incentive bonuses. What should I expect to be left with and who should I be looking for at 9/16? Should I wait till the 3rd rd for a QB?
brady will be gone before 9. not sure how heavy "QB heavy" is... but if its start 2 QBs, manning will be gone as well. if its 1 QB start, manning will be there at 9, but will not be there at 16. romo or brees will probably be there at 16 but not both.

normal leagues (4pt QB TDs) have been going like this
6-8 Brady
11-14 Manning
anywhere from 15-25 Brees and Romo
if its 1 QB start, iand its really "qb heavy" i might reach for manning at 9, or definitely reach for brees/romo at 16
by qb heavy I just mean that all touchdowns are 6 pts. I have a feeleing manning may go top 8. maybe gore then come around and get Brees. I'm sure Romo will be gone by 16. 2 of my buddies are huge dallas fans
well, 2 pts more per TD shouldn't make manning be gone at 9. if he's there, i don't know that i'd take him with guys like Lynch and Portis there. i did draft him at 12 in a 4pt league because everyone went RB-Moss-Brady before me, and LJ and Grant were not picked. i obviously hate LJ and Grant, and rightfully so
I have the 9th pick in a qb heavy draft with fairly unreachable incentive bonuses. What should I expect to be left with and who should I be looking for at 9/16? Should I wait till the 3rd rd for a QB?

I'd take a #1 RB at 9. If Manning is still there in round 2, do it. If you're gonna take a Qb in round 3, you better secure a #1 WR in round 2. If you wait on a QB (which is what I'd do), then u can just take best available in round 2/3, either RB or WR.
I'd take a #1 RB at 9. If Manning is still there in round 2, do it. If you're gonna take a Qb in round 3, you better secure a #1 WR in round 2. If you wait on a QB (which is what I'd do), then u can just take best available in round 2/3, either RB or WR.
the qb's I would be targetting if I wait are anderson, kitna, and gerrard. are these good late choices for this format? When would I expect to get them?
I ended up getting a solid draft here. I drew the 5th pick and here's my team let me know what you guys think

Qb's Cutler and eli
Rb's Westbrook, Maroney Reggie Bush, Ricky Williams, Ray Rice, Selvin Young
WR Edwards, Housmanzadah, Boldin, Coles
TE Ben Watson
Ravens D
Kicker Kris Brown

You start 2 RB 2 WR and a flex. I think I got a lot of depth
I ended up getting a solid draft here. I drew the 5th pick and here's my team let me know what you guys think

Qb's Cutler and eli
Rb's Westbrook, Maroney Reggie Bush, Ricky Williams, Ray Rice, Selvin Young
WR Edwards, Housmanzadah, Boldin, Coles
TE Ben Watson
Ravens D
Kicker Kris Brown

You start 2 RB 2 WR and a flex. I think I got a lot of depth
My teams lookin solid now. 3-0 and crushing people.
QB cutler and sheli
RB Westbrook, Bush, Slaton, Maroney, Selvin young and either McClain or hightower
WR Edwards, Hous, Boldin, Coles
TE Fasano
DEF Titans
Kicker Prata