need a RB for this week

Tide High

I'm not fast enuff to pick anyone up, so someone please send me a RB trade offer for Andre Johnson, Steven Jackson, or Deion Branch
well I sent you something. I'm giving up a TON for the playoffs (if i make it). but you're losing a lot for 2-3 weeks.
and then i cancelled it because im a pussy. i want to do something just for this week. i don't know........................................................
I dont think I would have accepted. Branch wouldnt even start for me. He would be trading fodder or a bench guy.
yeah value was based on the fact that Westbrook was still "banged up", shortly after i sent it, i saw updated news that he is looking good. no one answered any of my trades, too late now! its Justin Griffith, Micheal Turner, or Musa Smith if Lewis doesn't go. *puke*

just in case you haven't figured out though. bench guys are good ;-) wish i had some! gl this weekend
tack on another to the loss column, sure am glad someone got jamals backup to ride the pine this week only to be dropped next week in Cleveland's BYE!
tack on another to the loss column, sure am glad someone got jamals backup to ride the pine this week only to be dropped next week in Cleveland's BYE!

Man, I'm not the guy who picked up Jason Wright, but give me a break.

Its common practice in fantasy football to handcuff your premier RBs, and we have pretty deep rosters with which to do it. Sure, its a little bit of bad luck that you have 3 injured players, but what was Muto (i think this is who has Wright) to do? Don't make him out to be the bad guy-he made a great fantasy move and one that will pay off. Even if he doesn't use Wright, he is hurting a guy ahead of people in the standings, and that helps.
yep he's picked up. best rb out there is stecker... im either starting him or micheal turner. seabass was right, i shouldve handcuffed steven jackson, and im just bitter that i didn't
wow, made it through the week on hasselback and burelson's shoulders. hopefully Andre Johnson is back this week. I may just hold over through the injuries since i got Leonard and just picked up micheal bennet