NCAAF Week 4

This will be my last post that deals with the issue that we already discussed. As ArbyMelt pointed out, there is a free service on bettingtalk that will allow anyone to track line moves at every major sportsbook. In the same vein, CB is also correct. The past two weeks there have been almost simultaneous overlaps between BOL and BM releases on totals. BOL limits are smaller, and they always submit to BM once they release, as they are the most prominent market influencer. I don't pay for odds subscriptions and such, but in my experience, many of them won't track 5dimes and BOL the same way they do BM. If you want to see a line history, just click on the number and you will see the movement. It may be surprising to know that many of these totals have already moved 20 times, both up and down. As far as what numbers I'm posting, and how another member of the forum can use that info, it's already been covered. I am not planning on selling picks or asking for anything from anyone here, other than respect and civility in the threads. If I were, then it would be foolish for me to just post the numbers that I bet, it would be a silly business model and clients both would and should be upset. However, I'm willing to continue to give out my thoughts and plays here for a lifetime fee of $0. If that's helpful, I'm truly thrilled. If it's not, I wish you all the best.
Alluded to above...
1.) CK knows as much about CFB than anyone on the planet.
2.) Goes out of his way to help, address individual questions and much more.
3.) No one is holding a gun to anyone's head to tail, follow or otherwise put their money (effectively) in the hands of others.

If you're not satisfied and / or capable of buying into the above, then go to another board or develop a site that more suits your needs.
These numbers are available on Sunday afternoon at BOL. It's just a matter of putting in the effort and pulling the trigger fast enough as the numbers move super quick.

This isn't even worthy of an explanation though as these are obviously troll posts which should really just be deleted. They're not worth the time it takes to respond.
Thanks, guys. After a bad week this tends to flare up on any forum, moderated or not.

My goal of posting on this forum is to help others. I learned a ton about how to handicap football from members on this forum and one other. I’m the type of person that likes to put my gratitude into action and do something. While the way I contribute may not be optimal for the hundreds of folks who see what I share every week, the feedback I’ve gotten from most is positive, and they think what I share is useful. I’m not just making up threads and asking for atta boys or attention. There are two main reasons why I’ve been successful betting CFB: the first is that I work really hard. I don’t watch, care about, or bet any other sports. It’s college football for me 365. The second, and probably more important, is that I live my life with a core belief that generous people prosper. If you help others, you will succeed yourself. I’m here to help others, as I have been helped. If you, or anyone, doesn’t see any value in my threads, no problem! To my knowledge, no one is court ordered to click on my thread. I truly wish that every bet I share is a winner for every person. I don’t mind anyone having questions, I do mind if there is a lack of respect or civility. If that’s too much to ask, then I would suggest just either not opening my thread nor posting in it.

Your threads have helped me immensely over the years in too many ways to mention. It embarrassing to the human race you even have to respond to that kind of garbage and you did so way nicer than I would have!!

Obviously you know I speak for most everyone when I say how much I appreciate you taking the time every week to not only post your plays but answer any questions asked of you!

Least we can do in return is do some our own capping and take responsibility for ourselves and our choices, not bitch about the fact you putting in more work to get best of the lines!!!

Anyways, prob didn’t need to be said but felt like saying it anyways.,

Thanks as always.
As always, thanks for your information CrimsonK. I think of your information similar to someone that has the talent to purchase stocks at their lowest cost, and best value. The goal is to make $ by purchasing a stock at it’s best value. You have an incredible ability to have your homework done early and get a great line out of the gate, at it’s best value. The proof is in your results.

I appreciate your insight and analysis!
I assume some are straight tailing and I assume some are learning to earn for themselves. You won't find many better examples of how to approach the betting. Some people understand what has to be done to be a winning bettor and some people are good handicappers. The former is more important than the later, and few people are capable of doing both. CK is one of those people. Rather than bemoan the inability to get down on his lines (virtually impossible in some instances as he and some people I suspect he caps with move them upon betting), maybe try and figure out what he is doing so that you can replicate it. In addition to doing the basic things needed to win, I have also seen CK think out of the box with rapid betting of the future games market when new information is available. It was enlightening to me, who never really thought to do that myself.

There is a lot to learn from in here, and the things a person should learn most about are not the actual picks, but the process he uses. If you are tailing and never plan on doing the work yourself, then sure ... you are going to have to make decisions on what variances from his line you are willing to accept around the different numbers (key or otherwise). That is just the way it is .... for those people, I would imagine the totals are a better option as a point difference in a total is nowhere near the difference a point difference is in the line.

Additionally, depending on how much CK is betting, he could be doing a smart book a real favor because they could likely move the line based on his play regardless of whether it was a big bet or not. So if he is betting smaller, he is a huge asset to the book overall despite the fact he is crushing them. But if he is betting big, or someone he knows is betting big simultaneous to him -AKA betting based on his numbers or in addition to his own action when he bets- then he is obviously a hindrance to the book. But were I running a book, I wouldn't mind small to medium sized bets from a guy that will save me money from other sharps.

So while CK's college football knowledge is amazing and his ability to translate that knowledge into winning positions is awesome, I think there are plenty of people who would be better served focusing on the how he does it part.

My two cents and despite not utilizing best practices, I know what most of them are and know how hard it is to win even when you are doing all the hard work. This will be one of the ten most useful posts I make this cfb season.
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Been a few moves that I've disagreed with, and this is one of them. If it gets much lower, I may add to what I have. I don't think there has been anything injury related that caused it.

41.5 seems insane for ncaa! I have been burnt playing defensive battle looking unders in high 40s., hit some too but there just so many ways to get over 41 without being any great offense. Ol piss passing game has looked pretty solid since that ugly Memphis game. I know cal pretty much all d but ol piss defense doesn’t impress me. I’m pretty close to playing it at this point.
Agreed KD2180 - If you looked, my post was in support of CrimsonK referring to Dopple's statement that the lines "always" moved in CrimsonK's favor insinuating they were fraudulent lines/picks.

You don't have to explain yourself to me. I knew you were in support of CK and my post was toward Dopple's/any of these other fuckboys out there clutching their pearls because some guy had a bad week. These shook betas that air their grievances out on a FREE gambling board are beyond charmin soft.

Anyway, let me tell y'all how I really feel....

Haha no I didn't interpret your post as negative, to repeat. If I came across that way, I apologize. I didn't mean for that too.

EDIT: I'm an idiot and read the wrong post. I was wrong, I can totally see why you needed to explain yourself to me, and I apologize for that. I totally misinterpreted what you were saying.

Thanks for clarifying, and I apologize for coming off like that. My bad bro. I'm usually much more laid back but I'm a die hard OU fan and this Tua/Jalen discourse is already wearing me thin #eyeroll

Sorry again buddy. My fault.
This will be my last post that deals with the issue that we already discussed. As ArbyMelt pointed out, there is a free service on bettingtalk that will allow anyone to track line moves at every major sportsbook. In the same vein, CB is also correct. The past two weeks there have been almost simultaneous overlaps between BOL and BM releases on totals. BOL limits are smaller, and they always submit to BM once they release, as they are the most prominent market influencer. I don't pay for odds subscriptions and such, but in my experience, many of them won't track 5dimes and BOL the same way they do BM. If you want to see a line history, just click on the number and you will see the movement. It may be surprising to know that many of these totals have already moved 20 times, both up and down. As far as what numbers I'm posting, and how another member of the forum can use that info, it's already been covered. I am not planning on selling picks or asking for anything from anyone here, other than respect and civility in the threads. If I were, then it would be foolish for me to just post the numbers that I bet, it would be a silly business model and clients both would and should be upset. However, I'm willing to continue to give out my thoughts and plays here for a lifetime fee of $0. If that's helpful, I'm truly thrilled. If it's not, I wish you all the best.

CK, you know I would ride with you into the abyss, so please know what I'm about to say comes from a place of love, but this is the first post I vehemently disagree with you on.

You shouldn't have to explain yourself to these simpletons man. Idk why you even bothered haha. Let your loyal minion army do the battling for you, this shit is above your paygrade.

In all seriousness, that's a yuuuge paragraph and waste of time that you can't get back to appease some incels. Not worth the time homie. You got plenty more that support what you do!
I assume some are straight tailing and I assume some are learning to earn for themselves. You won't find many better examples of how to approach the betting. Some people understand what has to be done to be a winning bettor and some people are good handicappers. The former is more important than the later, and few people are capable of doing both. CK is one of those people. Rather than bemoan the inability to get down on his lines (virtually impossible in some instances as he and some people I suspect he caps with move them upon betting), maybe try and figure out what he is doing so that you can replicate it. In addition to doing the basic things needed to win, I have also seen CK think out of the box with rapid betting of the future games market when new information is available. It was enlightening to me, who never really thought to do that myself.

There is a lot to learn from in here, and the things a person should learn most about are not the actual picks, but the process he uses. If you are tailing and never plan on doing the work yourself, then sure ... you are going to have to make decisions on what variances from his line you are willing to accept around the different numbers (key or otherwise). That is just the way it is .... for those people, I would imagine the totals are a better option as a point difference in a total is nowhere near the difference a point difference is in the line.

Additionally, depending on how much CK is betting, he could be doing a smart book a real favor because they could likely move the line based on his play regardless of whether it was a big bet or not. So if he is betting smaller, he is a huge asset to the book overall despite the fact he is crushing them. But if he is betting big, or someone he knows is betting big simultaneous to him -AKA betting based on his numbers or in addition to his own action when he bets- then he is obviously a hindrance to the book. But were I running a book, I wouldn't mind small to medium sized bets from a guy that will save me money from other sharps.

So while CK's college football knowledge is amazing and his ability to translate that knowledge into winning positions is awesome, I think there are plenty of people who would be better served focusing on the how he does it part.

My two cents and despite not utilizing best practices, I know what most of them are and know how hard it is to win even when you are doing all the hard work. This will be one of the ten most useful posts I make this cfb season.

All very good points.

The funniest part about all of this, is when shook betas like doopler or whatever shriek out their agony and accuse a very legit dude of grifting or whatever, they could be wasting their time on Twitter with like god-level grifters like Clay Travis and stuff. Of course they don't because low-hanging fruit intellects stick together, but that has always been funny to me nonetheless.
1) I absolutely love that these incel trolls got das boot faster than you can say SEC SPEED.

2) Would it cheer y'all up hearing a couple stories about my Pasadena weekend to watch my beloved Sooners with my bros from college? Bc I'm still kinda drunk on west coast time. Good we're doing this bc I'm still on a Pasadena high and it's what Diddy would want. BEHOLD I GIVE YOU

VAPES OF WRATH: Chip Kelly Don't Want That Smoke

Few things are as jubiliant as dancing on couches and wilding the fuck out your first night in LA with your OU brethren because you all won a Houston +9 bet you had no business winning. My first night partying in LA? Check. Wathching #Pac12AfterDark in the club? Check. Rap music videos playing on the other screens while watching Houston +9 miracle? Horny! And Check. Getting my first ever dancefloor public makeout with a Latina? Check. Bottle rats are people too...

Saturday we slept in from laying it all out on the club the night before. Not a fan of these 9AM kickoffs obviously. But Pasadena? Ohhhh boy. is obviously the tits. You guys know that. UCLA coeds? Ohhh boy. There were no 5-stars on the field but plenty of 5-star Rivals 6.0 bad bitches tailgating.However, I did see the clip of one of those UCLA fans talking shit to Hurts about Tua taking his spot. No way Hurts wasn't going to hear about that. No effing way.

Hurts Rushing Prop Over 80.5 MAX BET LOCK. Hahaha. Hurts bets on himself all the time, why shouldnt we the fans profit?

Then about an hour or so later....

Tommy: "Alright I think we got one more Cirocalypse in it before heading to the game."

UCLA Chad OUT OF NOWHERE:, "Apocalypse? From fucking who? Your corrupt red state GOP?"

(His friends laughed and they walked away... it was pretty funny actually haha... the irony is most of the group is on the left (not like that matters the only color that matters here is green))

My friend: "Did we just get owned?"

Another friend: "I think we just did."

Me: "Jesus they know the bloodbath is coming. All they have left now is climate change. Fellas, we gotta do this. We gotta lock in on Chip. We came all the way to see him put on a show.

LOCKED UCLA TT U 1Q and 1H. 2 units each. And maxed that FG TT U24.5. Always shoot your shot fellas.

And that moment when I punched those bets and saw the Rose Bowl entrance was... indescribable. You remember when Bobby Brown landed a helicopter off the top of a skyskraper in the timeless classic "Thug Lovin" and he karate kicks out of the helicopter? That's how I felt walking into the Rose Bowl.

And fellas if you recall, Hurts ran for 99 yards that 1st drive alone. And. We. Went. Fucking. WILD. Seriously one of the most fun drives ever hahaha

Of course Chip came through for us. For everything. So of course we got greedy and doubled down. Would y'all not ride that lightning when the sun is getting low and it's just OU fans there? The OU -9 2H was regrettable and that's okay. We doubled the 2H U31... but the most beaitful, majestic view of the night?

Chip Kelly down 41-14 in the 3Q, electing to kick a field goal instead... and missing the field goal hahaha.

Chip Kelly rules, Pasadena rules, Lincoln Riley rules, Diddy rules, that kid dunking on us rules, and may bottle rats forever rule.

Look I'm not a sharp (why I follow CK) but it was a blast having literally just about every bet from that game (and lots were made) go your way. OU is sexy but has some work to do, but idc idc idc I had a blast. And UCLA fans were cool for the most part, and I hope they get it turned around. I feel bad for the fans that were there, but I'm sorry Chip Kelly giving zero fucks about anything is amazing and very profitable. That's a good note to end. Hopefully let's keep it moving forward for these bets and I'll keep posting these drunk posts once in a blue moon (or whenever my douche friends and I ball out on a trip).


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Not too strong of an opinion. Much of game will be determined by how good and how ready QB Pat O'Brien will be for CSU. Their previous starting QB got KO'd late in Arkansas game and thats when they imploded and Ark pulled away. It would be Col St or nothing for me though.
Just getting caught up and see that Hill was confirmed OFY last night with an ACL. What do we know about O’Brien, Nebraska transfer?
Been a few moves that I've disagreed with, and this is one of them. If it gets much lower, I may add to what I have. I don't think there has been anything injury related that caused it.

No injury news on the Ole Miss side.

Edited to add: There's actually some positive injury news for the Over. B. Sanders, Ole Miss' #2 WR, will be back after being out with a hammy since the 1st half of the Memphis game.
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I assume some are straight tailing and I assume some are learning to earn for themselves. You won't find many better examples of how to approach the betting. Some people understand what has to be done to be a winning bettor and some people are good handicappers. The former is more important than the later, and few people are capable of doing both. CK is one of those people. Rather than bemoan the inability to get down on his lines (virtually impossible in some instances as he and some people I suspect he caps with move them upon betting), maybe try and figure out what he is doing so that you can replicate it. In addition to doing the basic things needed to win, I have also seen CK think out of the box with rapid betting of the future games market when new information is available. It was enlightening to me, who never really thought to do that myself.

There is a lot to learn from in here, and the things a person should learn most about are not the actual picks, but the process he uses. If you are tailing and never plan on doing the work yourself, then sure ... you are going to have to make decisions on what variances from his line you are willing to accept around the different numbers (key or otherwise). That is just the way it is .... for those people, I would imagine the totals are a better option as a point difference in a total is nowhere near the difference a point difference is in the line.

Additionally, depending on how much CK is betting, he could be doing a smart book a real favor because they could likely move the line based on his play regardless of whether it was a big bet or not. So if he is betting smaller, he is a huge asset to the book overall despite the fact he is crushing them. But if he is betting big, or someone he knows is betting big simultaneous to him -AKA betting based on his numbers or in addition to his own action when he bets- then he is obviously a hindrance to the book. But were I running a book, I wouldn't mind small to medium sized bets from a guy that will save me money from other sharps.

So while CK's college football knowledge is amazing and his ability to translate that knowledge into winning positions is awesome, I think there are plenty of people who would be better served focusing on the how he does it part.

My two cents and despite not utilizing best practices, I know what most of them are and know how hard it is to win even when you are doing all the hard work. This will be one of the ten most useful posts I make this cfb season.
Great post. I know I've told you before, but you are one of the main reasons I hung around at this site in the beginning and have been one of most influential people on me in my capping process.
I assume some are straight tailing and I assume some are learning to earn for themselves. You won't find many better examples of how to approach the betting. Some people understand what has to be done to be a winning bettor and some people are good handicappers. The former is more important than the later, and few people are capable of doing both. CK is one of those people. Rather than bemoan the inability to get down on his lines (virtually impossible in some instances as he and some people I suspect he caps with move them upon betting), maybe try and figure out what he is doing so that you can replicate it. In addition to doing the basic things needed to win, I have also seen CK think out of the box with rapid betting of the future games market when new information is available. It was enlightening to me, who never really thought to do that myself.

There is a lot to learn from in here, and the things a person should learn most about are not the actual picks, but the process he uses. If you are tailing and never plan on doing the work yourself, then sure ... you are going to have to make decisions on what variances from his line you are willing to accept around the different numbers (key or otherwise). That is just the way it is .... for those people, I would imagine the totals are a better option as a point difference in a total is nowhere near the difference a point difference is in the line.

Additionally, depending on how much CK is betting, he could be doing a smart book a real favor because they could likely move the line based on his play regardless of whether it was a big bet or not. So if he is betting smaller, he is a huge asset to the book overall despite the fact he is crushing them. But if he is betting big, or someone he knows is betting big simultaneous to him -AKA betting based on his numbers or in addition to his own action when he bets- then he is obviously a hindrance to the book. But were I running a book, I wouldn't mind small to medium sized bets from a guy that will save me money from other sharps.

So while CK's college football knowledge is amazing and his ability to translate that knowledge into winning positions is awesome, I think there are plenty of people who would be better served focusing on the how he does it part.

My two cents and despite not utilizing best practices, I know what most of them are and know how hard it is to win even when you are doing all the hard work. This will be one of the ten most useful posts I make this cfb season.

Great post! Agree on the totals being a better option even if the line is off from CK's.
Played one back the other way, upon further review:

Colorado/Arizona State Over 48.5 -123 (1 unit)
Just moved up to 49. If you got u52, would suggest waiting to see if it dips back down. I got a little antsy and ended up with a -123. Prob would have been wise to see if it dipped again and saving some on tax. Live and learn.
Just getting caught up and see that Hill was confirmed OFY last night with an ACL. What do we know about O’Brien, Nebraska transfer?
A colleague of mine that does scouting has liked him for a few years. We know he has the pedigree, but the offense hit skids when he came in cold last game. Bobo kinda called him on it, but much of CSU success came with them pounding Ark on the ground. I actually really liked Hill. His third ACL now, brutal. I would say at this stage that O'Brien would be a downgrade, but perhaps not as much as most G5 teams from one to another. Another noteworthy item is that former Auburn WR Nate Craig Meyers was ineligible up until this game, and he's now active and available. The trio of Jackson, Wright, and NCM are pretty sweet for a G5.
It's ironic based on the snarky posts earlier this week, but several of your O/U numbers are still available and as I recall a few were at a slightly better #.

I think they were Cal/Ole Miss, CMU/Miami, LSU/Vandy, Wyo/Tulsa, SoCar/Mizzu and UCLA/UDub
What do you see in this game? Can Colorado move the ball? Will Az St offense wake up?
I think it's fair to assume that ASU defense is over rated this season. Not many easier opening three-game stretches for a defense than kent st, FCS, Mich St. Theyve done very well, havent allowed anyone to score more than 7, but Im not sure that full paints the picture. Col staff wanted to build a team with a UGA model, but they arent equipt to right now. Their defense is bad at all levels and I thijnk they are finally wising up and throwing the football, particualrly to shenault, who is the best WR west of the missisppi. Game was 28-21 LY with most success coming via passing. I think this game represents a sizable pendulum swing for both teams in terms of style and likely game script. I took the under 52 initially, but I think I arrived at that with a handicap that was too much on the surface. 28-21 will do just fine again. 30-20 well within reason, etc.
Trolls go elsewhere...
Keep tailing the bad #s KD!!! I’m sure it will work out great for you.

By the way who are you in this week?
Keep tailing the bad #s KD!!! I’m sure it will work out great for you.

By the way who are you in this week?

You need a break. Come in this thread again and it will be the end, nobody needs a shithead troll around these parts. End of discussion. The guy bets openers and knows the market. Nobody give a flying fuck whether you are too busy or too lazy to do the fucking same.
I def think Miami is going to do most of the heavy lifting. I often have the internal debate on whether or not I'm better off taking the over in a spot like this or just laying with Miami. One thing I know about myself is that I really struggle to pull the trigger on big favorites. Really any size favorites beyond a TD tend to be an area where I'm more reluctant to play. Probably should see a psychologist and find out why! As far as the move, some of the big totals move this week have been very surprising. I don't know if people running models feel this is the intersection of enough of a data sample and still enough market inefficiency that they are going heavy this week, or what? Lot of odd matchups on the card, so we shall see.
Tulane +1.5/+2.5 -110 (2 units)
Utah -2.5 @ USC -110 (1 unit)
ULL +6.5 @ Ohio -110 (1.5 units)
Michigan State -3 @ NW -110 (1 unit)
Troy -16.5 @ Akron -110 (1 unit)
Syracuse -5.5 v WMU -110 (1 unit)
New Mexico State +6 @ New Mexico -110(1 unit)
LSU -19.5 @ Vandy -125 (1 unit)
Appalachian State +4.5 @ UNC -108 (1.5 units)
Texas -4 v. Oklahoma State -110 (1 unit)
Utah State -2.5 @ SDSU -110 (1 unit)

Would you recommend Utah -3.5 and Tulane -5?
Louisville +8.5 -110 (1 unit)

Houston/Tulane Under 62 -110 (1.5 units)
AFA/Boise Over 51 -110 (2.5 units)
CMU/Miami Over 49.5 -121 (1.5 units)
Troy/Akron Over 52.5 -110 (2 units)
WMU/Cuse Over 63 -110 (1 unit)
Michigan/Wisconsin Under 48 -110 (2.5 units)
Washington/BYU Over 46.5 -110 (1 unit)
Cal/Ole Miss Over 44 -110 (1 unit)
Southern Miss/Alabama Over 59 -110 (1 unit)
LSU/Vanderbilt Under 59 -110 (1 unit)
Auburn/Texas AM Under 51 -113 (1 unit)
Wyoming/Tulsa Over 46 -110 (1 unit)
South Carolina/Missouri Over 63 -110 (1 unit)
SMU/TCU Under 58.5 -110 (1 unit)
SJSU/Arkansas Over 57 -110 (1 unit)
UTSA/North Texas Under 58 -110 (1 unit)
Notre Dame/UGA Under 58 -110 (1.5 units)
Louisville/FSU Over 59 -110 (1 unit)
UCLA/Washington State Over 59.5 -110 (1 unit)

What are your thoughts on H/TulaneU57 and Boise O51?
Louisville +8.5 -110 (1 unit)

Houston/Tulane Under 62 -110 (1.5 units)
AFA/Boise Over 51 -110 (2.5 units)
CMU/Miami Over 49.5 -121 (1.5 units)
Troy/Akron Over 52.5 -110 (2 units)
WMU/Cuse Over 63 -110 (1 unit)
Michigan/Wisconsin Under 48 -110 (2.5 units)
Washington/BYU Over 46.5 -110 (1 unit)
Cal/Ole Miss Over 44 -110 (1 unit)
Southern Miss/Alabama Over 59 -110 (1 unit)
LSU/Vanderbilt Under 59 -110 (1 unit)
Auburn/Texas AM Under 51 -113 (1 unit)
Wyoming/Tulsa Over 46 -110 (1 unit)
South Carolina/Missouri Over 63 -110 (1 unit)
SMU/TCU Under 58.5 -110 (1 unit)
SJSU/Arkansas Over 57 -110 (1 unit)
UTSA/North Texas Under 58 -110 (1 unit)
Notre Dame/UGA Under 58 -110 (1.5 units)
Louisville/FSU Over 59 -110 (1 unit)
UCLA/Washington State Over 59.5 -110 (1 unit)

Yo Ck, would you recommend playing the follwing at the current line movements?

Troy/Akron O57
WMU/Cuse O65.5
Mich/Wisky UU44
Wash/BYU O50
SoMiss/Bama O61
Barn/Aggie U48
SJSU/Arky O61
Louisville/FSU O61.5
Louisvlle +8

Really hope you say "Yes" to TCU/SMU Gucci Bowl under. Feels like an anuual tradition that GP hits those haha

Thanks for your help!
I still like Utah there. I would not take a side on the game tonight at +/-5

Hope no one else watched this all-time bad luck bad beat in real time like I did haha... CFB Gambling rules 99/100x and this epic finish was one of them haha.

PS - The only enduring fact about Holgo is the skullet at this point. Overrated coach.
No injury news on the Ole Miss side.

Edited to add: There's actually some positive injury news for the Over. B. Sanders, Ole Miss' #2 WR, will be back after being out with a hammy since the 1st half of the Memphis game.

I do wonder how Cal will adjust at the start for an essential 9AM kickoff time. Pehaps a 1Q/1H TT under for Cal?

PS - Love the name and avi. Getting my MBA there back in 2011-2012 was one of the best decisions I ever made, even though I still feel somewhat responsible for unintenionally jinxing the Rebs choosing postgrad there during that 2-11 debacle. The demons of hell cannot come to collect Houston Nutt's soul fast enogh..