*****NCAAF Week #1 In-Game*****

Agree a lot with Twink,Nbafan brought a lot of stuff woth reading and listening too,however the tb40 style aftertiming was bad
I think nba should be allowed back
I guess the last place to discuss 'ol tuck would be here, but here goes.

He talks about spending his last few bucks on baseball bets. I couldn't imagine a more painful, lingering death. And he goes on and on and on about it. It's not Sammy stuff.

I really think the dude needs to seek some mental help. When you ahve 100+ posts in a thread and they are all from you talking to yourself. Thats all you need to know

thats the pic gator.

tuckfexas is running round Lincoln now drunk off his head,asking if people know younggin and summat about $636
I guess the last place to discuss 'ol tuck would be here, but here goes.

He talks about spending his last few bucks on baseball bets. I couldn't imagine a more painful, lingering death. And he goes on and on and on about it. It's not Sammy stuff.
a lot of good guys go banned in the last year and we are missing a lot of good posters since the crash.
I've lost so much fucking money on teams' bad days of the week since NBA fan was dismissed.
urgh, tough spot for spurs gurv, played well last week and catch pool off the MC defeat, I wouldn't touch that game

spurs playing well tho
Who was the "new" member in the introduction forum who was pretending to be Asian, in written English no less, and attacking twink? That was pretty good. Was that misolito?