*****NCAAF Week #1 In-Game*****


"I can't blame Ohio State for Navy giving up that many Rushing Yards. Navy rushes like that on everybody"

"Every team can't look as impressive as Notre Dame did"

Just awful
How come we suck at tennis since Agassi or so? I don't get it. US interest has remained consistently tepid. Our sucking at tennis now is like if we had become gradually good at soccer.
No,but I dont have them shoved down my throat by a tv network twink

I like LSU tho,cause of Les,I like characters... especially his clock management
Never really understand why people hate ND. Independent servants of The Lord.
oh...thats not cool

I've lurked around this forum many of years. Signed up recently.

Its a little intimadating to post here with this close knit group
I guess the last place to discuss 'ol tuck would be here, but here goes.

He talks about spending his last few bucks on baseball bets. I couldn't imagine a more painful, lingering death. And he goes on and on and on about it. It's not Sammy stuff.