***NCAAB/NCAAF/NFL/NBA 11/17-11/24 Sippin on Tea In-game***

This season on MNF, the team to score the game's 1st TD has alternated every game:


If that sequence was going to continue, surely NO would've scored one given that field position.
no, but they could have gotten points on the board in 5 minutes

Sure, that wasn't his point tho. He said what his was...the over is dead cuz they didn't throw there.

and the numbers say otherwise, but getting 3 pts is always good
You said the over was dead 4 mins into the game. It happens in the in games all the time...it's just funny to me is all. You'll see this game be "called" at least 20 times before it's really over.
hell, that's half the fun.