***NCAA Week 6, NFL Week 5 IN-GAME***

yeah,I noticed the price move.... -130 here,not watched any mens tbh,saw Nadull get knocked out... thats only game Ive seen

Milos has looked SUPER SHARP this week. This time of the year you got to look into Motivation to make London. This would be a MAJOR win for Milos to get closer to London. Hes already jumped Ferrer in the rankings, if he wins, he will jump Berdycch if he loses to Djokovic tonight. He will also close the gap between him and Nishikori & Cilic. Also get some breathing room from Murray/Dimitrov. So major implications
Here is your typical FSU Fan. This is from a facebook post

"Roberto Aguayo is the best Field Goal kicker in college football. 52 yards. Are you kidding me?!"
back from aft siesta... good play by neb db got his hand in to break it up..im on mich st for full disclosure
I had the giants/Nats on the radio and turned it off after the 7th :(

twice a year takeit,cept this year,had a lot going on early in the year,be over in a couple of weeks for a fortnight