NBA Sunday pick


Paster of Muppets
NBA 2006/2007: 49 W-1 V-39 L +36.17 units

I'll try to beat Killa's Shuttlesworth writeup : I just watched Toni Kukoč on Croatian TV, he talked a lot about the Bulls times, they were showing some highlights, Jordan, Pippen, Rodmah, Luc Longley, Kerr, everyone were nostalgic and feeling warm about the good ol' times...

But Kukoc had an ugly shirt on. Bucks win.

Bucks ML (1.80 @ Pinnacle) 5 units

real writeup coming up... :smiley_acbe:

I just think the Bucks are more hungry right now, even though the Bulls are the better team and it's always hard to fade the better team. However, the Bucks are out to make a statement, not this game in particular but these weeks.
I don't think Redd's statement about a playoff run is possible, but they can give it ago, and if not they should step up big regardlessly. Bulls have the D, the interior, the depth, they're a notch above the Bucks but the Bulls are also quite poor on the road (10-19), and I just feel these Bucks are clicking lately and should take a few more before finally losing one.

Btw, Kukoc EXACT QUOTE (few mins ago):

reporter: "do you still watch NBA, at least occasionally?"

Kukoc: "Nah, I rarely watch it. I watched Chicago v Milwaukee and I couldn't wait for it to end, I'm fed up with basketball and the only games I watch these days are the ones of my son's school team".

LOL of all teams he had to mention Milwaukee :D. lol.
the Spurs are rockin' right now bro. +20 in average during the streak, amazing :D.

They're back! :cheers:
Great game, no TP and they still fail to score 80, wow. Spurs interior D is godlike. Rock distribution, chemistry, Timmy D playing like an all star again...
Good to be a Spurs fan :D.
Tough beat tonight buddy.

Bucks getting outscored by 12 in the 4th sending it to OT, then losing by 5 is rough. Shake it off and hit 'em hard tomorrow.