NBA Off-season Thread

We knew there would be some Kyler Murray/Zion clause

At least weight is measurable, not rocket science to understand more weight equals weaker joints. Not sure in the NBA if they can actually make a void clause. Less guarantee makes sense.
Ben Simmons leaving the group chat after being asked to play in game 4 makes KDs trade demand totally justifiable
LeSuss gets a dude back to ‘The Land’ and tickles his guy D-Wade’s balls in the Mormon State aswell.
Some of those guys are gonna have value too, especially with extra playing time boosting stats this year

May take 3 or 4 years to get back to playoffs unless they win a lottery, but they are closer to a title today than they were with mitchelle and Gobert
Can't remember the protections on the Wolves picks but 3 unprotected from Cleveland are huge. Couple of those could be lotto picks along with their own lotto picks of course. Doubt Minny is a lotto team any time soon but the back end of those could be when Minny recedes.
Can't remember the protections on the Wolves picks but 3 unprotected from Cleveland are huge. Couple of those could be lotto picks along with their own lotto picks of course. Doubt Minny is a lotto team any time soon but the back end of those could be when Minny recedes.
I think pushing the Cleveland picks to 2025-2029 was really smart

I dont see them being a lotto team while Mobley is there, but who knows what happens if he wants out in 5 years, the last few years of those picks could be lotto for sure, seems like danny kinda better that Mobley isnt a life long cav
I'm shocked silver didnt drop the hammer on sarver with report out

It's not like he has powerful allies like some owners

Guy doesnt even have a ton of defenders, I've only seen Rex chapman and KJ do it
I'm shocked silver didnt drop the hammer on sarver with report out

It's not like he has powerful allies like some owners

Guy doesnt even have a ton of defenders, I've only seen Rex chapman and KJ do it

The funny part to me has been all of the stories, tweets, posts, etc about the situation and calling him the owner. Just today I saw ESPN with a story about their “replacement governor.”

It was funny that everyone seemingly forgot that owner was a no-no these days and the “much better” (even though it’s probably worse in reality) term is governor. Even the woke forget when they’re supposed to be woke.
The funny part to me has been all of the stories, tweets, posts, etc about the situation and calling him the owner. Just today I saw ESPN with a story about their “replacement governor.”

It was funny that everyone seemingly forgot that owner was a no-no these days and the “much better” (even though it’s probably worse in reality) term is governor. Even the woke forget when they’re supposed to be woke.
I noticed that too hahaha

The replacement person is the governor. Sarver is still the owner.

We doing Southern calculus now?
Label Larry lasted an hour off ignore, after giving all ignores the benefit if the doubt for football season. I'd call it an accomplishment that you lasted that long Erin.
The replacement person is the governor. Sarver is still the owner.

We doing Southern calculus now?

What? The NBA stopped the usage of the word “owner” during their BLM woke cleanse (in fact it was 2019, even before the BLM cleanse). They were supposed to be referring to the owners as governors going forward because “owner” was racist (but somehow governor wasn’t, which is why it’s hilarious). Pretty sure there was even a thread on the topic.

Until they “forgot,” because it’s fucking retarded and clearly even they all know it. Man, it’s tough keeping up with the wokeness these days, even good old Kurt is a racist as he just admitted he still refers to Sarver as an owner. How un-woke of you. Shame.

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Hope you get to actually see some (female) tits in your life. I mean even the scum of the Earth deserve at least that. No chance you see pink w/o going out for sushi.
Also what absolute loser in life feels the need to call someone by their first name on a gambling board that hasn't been privy to it (doesn't bother me really that you know it) than some creep cyberstalker. You stalking my family too douchebag?
You're on ignore delicate...can't see anything other than the cyberstalker has posted. But I'm sure you said something incredible beautiful. :blowkiss2:
You're on ignore delicate...can't see anything other than the cyberstalker has posted. But I'm sure you said something incredible beautiful. :blowkiss2:

Hahaha. After you have already said this and then responded to what I’ve said, so clearly I wasn’t on ignore, this is the response? Hahahaha. If you ain’t lying you ain’t trying I guess. You do realize any and everyone can see your responses to my posts and see you’re a lying loser right? What a maroon.
This is odd. After the ESPN story calling them governors again, they’ve come back with this and called someone a “minority OWNER.” It REALLY is tough trying to keep up being a woke fucking loser.

Year suspension? For what?

I thought the same thing. They mention code of conduct or “organizational guidelines” or whatever, but seriously suspending him for having an affair? Those rules apply to players too? Because if every team had these sacred “code of conduct” rules more than half the league would be suspended. It’s mind boggling. In the fucking NBA of all places.
Shams says a year long consensual relationship with a female staffer

Somethings up tho, cause the only women on the staff is Udokas boss

So if anyone should be in trouble it's her

Allison Feaster? It’s come out that it is NOT Feaster, if that’s who you were referring to. Which means it was probably her.
