***NBA In-Game Thread****

Jfc what a awful job billy d. Once again adams could have dove straight to rim. Nobody was in front of him when he was at foul line!!
You gotta be shitting me they acting like harden garbage ass a defensive hero. Lmfao. I guess you can make this shit up!
He did win Game 6 (and 7) against Spurs four seasons ago, despite being hurt (if I remember correct)...
But yeah, he and postseason don't do well...
Memphis stopped their big chances to do something in the west...
That Ball hit Tatum’s knee as his foot was out of bounds Before it hit Lowry’s leg. That seemed obvious to me.
Rolled ankle and can’t return? How soft are these bucks. Get that blood flowing and pain goes away
Hmm, do the Bucks somehow get this done without Janice now? Or is it done? Other 4 starters are a combined 0-11 3ptrs so far, and overall shooting pretty bad. We know the 3 ball can be that deciding factor. Boston showed that for a bit yesterday.
Clippers and Lakers the better team, but Nuggets and Rockets are so much more fun to watch...
Rooting for Denver...
Not sure the Lakers are the better TEAM... but certainly have 2 of the most dominant players in the league.
Better, I can assure you of that :)
That still doesn't mean that it will be easy or a win in the series, but 2 of the most dominant players is a lot...
Still wish he would take it to the rack more, but either way just want him taking shots not the bum supporting cast!