nba '21 live bets


I wasn't able to see everything going on but had a notion that a 2h under was in play.

At least that's some vintage Klay
although it went way under in the 2h, it seemed like the gawks were getting points every time down the court.
klay was on fire until the game was close in the 4th, then he missed all the important shots haha.
No I have yet to touch this.

Just missed middle in Indy.

Got under in Memphis and over in Denver.

Swept the Duke game so feeling my Oates a bit.
yeah i meant the butt nuggets game...good day then.
there really wasn't much going on today.
i've been hunting hokey for the last hour but nothing. doubt there will be anything worthwhile the rest of the night.
Again, scheduling...

Why no 9pm eastern tips?

This used to be a 9/930 Lakers type home game all the time.