nba '21 live bets

i had probably 5+ numbers on 4 nba games yesterday. all of them missed by a basket. then i had a single number, 206, on the meat game which hit. so stupid.
really wish that BM would increase the nba 300 spread and 200 total limits to 500 each. they usually have some of the highest limits allowed but for their live program they keep it low. you can keep re-betting it, but definitely inconvenient as lines are moving quickly.
Their vig has been -102-105 entire game on ats. Odd.. of the 10 times ove looked

-8 -102 right now

Let it ride for a bit. They've adjusted on KAT here in 3rd.
actually sticking with an o232...after i submitted and was going to take the hedge it jumped to 237.5 so i'm just going to leave it