nba '21 live bets

going to be a fucking point again
I'll tell ya what.

I wasn't patient enough there, I was getting worried about game going OTB...been more erratic lately of when it has.

I had 196 avail a min later and it went as low as 192.5.

I can't get too mad there.
I'll tell ya what.

I wasn't patient enough there, I was getting worried about game going OTB...been more erratic lately of when it has.

I had 196 avail a min later and it went as low as 192.5.

I can't get too mad there.
jizzlies long as one middle hits on a 5-game night everything else is just bonus
Okay took 3 mins into 2Q...the first play

210.5 under +100 3x

Over 206 -104 1x

Over 201.5 -103 1x

Keeping more on under for now.
which is apparently KJ's favorite day of the year
Haha, he might have mentioned that every year since at least 2017...

I had a very memorable I want to say 2018 MLK bet from 1pm till 1am... hardly left the couch... just got a few head shakes from the wife.
Haha, he might have mentioned that every year since at least 2017...

I had a very memorable I want to say 2018 MLK bet from 1pm till 1am... hardly left the couch... just got a few head shakes from the wife.
it usually doesn't beat a cfb saturday for me, but i'll still be at my desk the whole damn day.
Absolute over palooza tonight
shitcago and faker games were ridiculous. i think i may have matched your bad beat last night...i had rockettes 233 and 234 each 3 times. queen bastard decides to get the inbound with 4 secs and go shoot a 30 foot 3 and makes it for a 130-106 final.