NBA 2015-2016

NBA: 2038-842-20 (+228.53)
Props: 417-231 (+168.39)
Playoffs: 276-191 (+83.81)
Playoff Props: 179-106 (+89.35)
May: 157-114 (+47.46)
May Props: 108-66 (+47.54)
Yest: 12-6 (+7.04)
Props Yest: 8-3 (+5.13)

GSW -7 2.0

U55 1.91

GSW -4 1.97

Iggy U2.5 Steals 1.6
Roberson U17.5 Total 1.83 2u
Dray O5.5 Assist 1.9
Dray O12.5 Pts 2.12
Kanter O5.5 Pts 1.93 2u
Barnes O9.5 pts 2.05
Barnes O12.5 Total 1.93
KD O3.5 Assist 2.15 2u
Russ U46.5 total 1.93
Curry O6.5 Assist 2.13
NBA Futures: 22-11-1 (+20.45)

Top Series PPG
Curry 1.83
LBJ 3.7
Klay 6.5
Kyrie 11.0

Curry 1.9
LBJ 4.0
Klay 6.5
Iggy 50.0

Series Finish
G6 3.25
G7 3.0

Champion O21.5 Games Played 1.91

GSW Win Champ: 1.78 2u
GSW Win 2.2
NBA: 2046-848-20 (+229.62)
Props: 423-235 (+170.57)
Playoffs: 284-197 (+84.9)
Playoff Props: 185-110 (+90.44)
Yest: 8-6 (+1.09)
Props Yest: 6-4 (+2.18)

GSW U211 1.97

U109 1.93

GSW/Chic 2.1

Frye U0.5 Blocks 1.83
Dray O13.5 pts 2.0
LBJ U43.5 Total 1.95
Delly U3.5 Assist 1.76
RJ U5.5 Pts 1.78 2u
Curry O6.5 Assist 1.93
Tristan O14.5 Total 1.9 2u
Tristan O5.5 Pts 1.95
Cle +3 2.0

Dray U2.5 Steals 1.7
JR O10.5 Pts 2.05
JR O13.5 Total 2.1
Klay U5.5 Reb 1.7
Irving O4.5 Assist 1.8
Irving U2.5 Steals 1.8
LBJ U9.5 Reb 1.95
LBJ U2.5 Steals 1.75
LBJ Dbl Dbl: NO 2.5
Delly U3.5Assist 1.8
NBA: 2065-856-20 (+241.26)
Props: 434-242 (+175.12)
Playoffs: 303-205 (+96.54)
Playoff Props: 196-117 (+94.99)
June: 19-8 (+11.64)
June Props: 11-7 (+4.55)
Yest: 8-6 (+1.67)
Props Yest: 5-5 (-0.35)

Cle 1.85 2u

U104 1.91

Frye U0.5 Blocks 2.4
JR O10.5 Pts 1.91
Irving O4.5 Assist 1.97
Irving U2.5 Steals 1.88
RJ U7.5 Pts 2.0 2u
RJ U4.5 Reb 1.86 2u
RJ U11.5 Total 2.3 2u
Livingston U13.5 Total 2.05
NBA: 2072-862-20 (+239.91)
Props: 437-247 (+169.88)
Playoffs: 310-211 (+95.19)
Playoff Props: 199-122 (+89.75)
June: 26-14 (+10.29)
June Props: 14-12 (-0.69)
Yest: 1-1 (+0.25)
Props Yest:

Cle +6 1.97

U106 1.93

JR O10.5 Pts 2.02
JR O14.5 Total 1.9
Love O15.5 Pts 1.97
Love O25.5 Total 2.3
Kyrie U2.5 Steals 1.76
LBJ U10.5 Reb 2.1
RJ O4.5 Pts 2.15
RJ U5.5 Reb 1.73 2u
Curry O6.5 Assist 1.83
NBA: 2077-869-20 (+238.28)
Props: 440-253 (+167.25)
Playoffs: 315-218 (+93.56)
Playoff Props: 202-128 (+87.2)
June: 31-21 (+8.66)
June Props: 17-18 (-3.32)
Yest: 5-7 (-1.63)
Props Yest: 3-6 (-2.63)

Cle 1.83 2u

U105 1.98

Iggy U21.5 Total 1.93
Dray U10.5 Reb 1.9
Love O12.5 Pts 1.9 2u
Love O6.5 Reb 1.97 2u
Love O16.5 Total 2.03 2u
Irving U28.5 Pts 1.95
Irving U2.5 Steals 1.83
Irving U37.5 Total 1.97 2u
LBJ U1.5 Blocks 2.13
LBJ U32.5 Pts 1.93
LBJ U11.5 Reb 1.95
LBJ U2.5 Steals 1.83
LBJ Dbl Dbl: NO 5.2
LBJ U50.5 Total 1.97
RJ U12.5 Total 1.83 2u
RJ U7.5 Pts 1.8
Curry O5.5 Assist 1.8
NBA: 2088-879-20 (+237.92)
Props: 448-262 (+164.21)
Playoffs: 326-228 (+93.2)
Playoff Props: 210-137 (+84.16)
June: 42-31 (+8.3)
June Props: 25-27 (-6.36)
Yest: 11-10 (-0.36)
Props Yest: 8-9 (-3.04)

GSW -5 2.01 / U207 1.91
GSW ML 1.55

Iggy U21.5 Total 1.83
Love O9.5 Pts 1.98
Love O5.5 Reb 1.97
Love O15.5 Total 1.91
Klay U31.5 Total 2.13
Irving U35.5 Total 2.03
LBJ U2.5 Blocks 1.76
LBJ U12.5 Reb 2.3
LBJ U54.5 Total 1.97
RJ U5.5 Pts 1.9
RJ U5.5 Reb 1.85 2u
RJ U10.5 Total 1.91 2u
Curry O5.5 Assist 1.86
Curry O41.5 Total 2.4
Thompson U12.5 Reb 1.81
Largest Lead: U16.5 Pts 2.13
Klay U4.5 3p 1.8

Future Hedges
Cle 2.8 to secure profit
LBJ WONT win MVP/Co-MVP 2.95 to secure profit

Futures Pending:
Champion O21.5 Games Played 1.91

GSW Win Champ: 1.78 2u
GSW Win 2.2

Top Series PPG
Curry 1.83
LBJ 3.7
Klay 6.5
Kyrie 11.0

Curr 2.8
LBJ 4.0
Klay 6.5
Iggy 50.0

Series Finish
G6 3.25
G7 3.0
Draft Props:

Brown O7.5 1.8
Chriss U4.5 1.7
Hield O5.5 3.25
Ellenson O9.5 1.7
Payton Jr U45.5 1.8

Picked First
Poeltl before Sabonis 1.71
Bender before Brown 1.8

Selected Earliest
D Davis (5.0)before Poeltl, Sabonis, Ellenson, Labissier

Rehabbing from no more NBA. Lol