NBA 2015-2016

NBA: 1046-766-20 (+207.85)
Props: 357-189 (+145.64)
Playoffs: 184-115 (+63.13)
Playoff Props: 119-64 (+64.59)
May: 65-38 (+26.83)
May Props: 48-24 (+24.79)
Yest: 10-6 (+4.85)
Props Yest: 7-4 (+3.04)

Tor U194 1.97

Tor +10.5/Port +11

Demar O2.5 Assist 2.05
Demar O30.5 Total 2.2
Wade O3.5 Assist 2.4
Lowry O28.5 Total 2.05
NBA: 1053-770-20 (+211.36)
Props: 357-193 (+141.64)
Playoffs: 191-119 (+66.64)
Playoff Props: 119-68 (+62.59)
May: 72-42 (+30.34)
May Props: 48-28 (+20.79)
Yest: 7-4 (+3.51)
Props Yest: 0-4

SA -2/O192
OKC +13/O192

Kawhi U24.5 Pts 2.0
LA U25.5 Pts 1.8 2u
LA U34.5 Total 1.9 2u
Russ U11.5 Assist 2.0
Russ U43.5 Total 1.8 2u
Adams U11.5 Pts 1.8
Adams U10.5 Reb 1.8
Adams U22.5 Total 1.9 2u
Timmy O16.5 Total 2.4
NBA: 1056-778-20 (+205.76)
Props: 360-199 (+138.04)
Playoffs: 194-127 (+61.04)
Playoff Props: 122-74 (+58.99)
May: 75-50 (+24.74)
May Props: 51-34 (+17.19)
Yest: 3-8 (-5.6)
Props Yest: 3-6 (-3.6)

Tor -4 1.93

Port +19/O210

Tor/GSW 1.8

Bismack U12.5 Reb 1.8 2u
Demar O21.5 Pts 2.05
Wade U34.5 Total 2.0
Lowry O29.5 Total 2.1
Ross U11.5 Pts 1.83
Aminu U24.5 Total 1.95
CJ O2.5 Assist 2.23
Plumz U11.5 Reb 2.15
Plumz U24.5 Total 1.93
Tor O95 2.06

This play's going against the #'s. But, MIA can't shoot that pathetic in the 2h + they found success in the small ball in the 2nd = more points.
Plus, 46 FT attempted + 36 3p shot in the 1st half. Same #'s occur the 2h, this will go over easily.
NBA: 1069-780-20 (+217.08)
Props: 368-200 (+145.93)
Playoffs: 207-129 (+72.36)
Playoff Props: 130-75 (+66.89)
May: 88-52 (+36.06)
May Props: 59-35 (+25.08)
Yest: 13-2 (+11.32)
Props Yest: 8-1 (+7.89)

SA 2.02 2u / U198 1.98

Kanter O8.5 Pts 1.83
Kanter O15.5 Total 2.15
Manu O10.5 Total 2.1
Sa -6.5 2.0 2u

I just can't see Pop going down like this. If they lose this game by 15+ this has to be a bigger upset than them losing this series.
NBA: 1070-785-20 (+213.12)
Props: 368-203 (+142.93)
Playoffs: 208-134 (+68.4)
Playoff Props: 130-78 (+63.89)
May: 89-57 (+32.1)
May Props: 59-38 (+22.08)
Yest: 1-5 (-3.96)
Props Yest: 0-3

Tor +10/O180

Demar O1.5 Assist 1.7 2u
Wade U25.5 Pts 2.02
Wade U35.5 Total 1.83 2u
Patterson U14.5 Total 1.95
Johnson U6.5 Reb 1.7 2u
NBA: 1074-787-20 (+216.6)
Props: 372-204 (+147.41)
Playoffs: 212-136 (+71.88)
Playoff Props: 134-79 (+68.37)
May: 93-59 (+35.58)
May Props: 63-39 (+26.56)
Yest: 4-2 (+3.48)
Props Yest: 4-1 (+4.48)

Tor -4 1.98 / U189 1.98

Carroll U8.5 Reb 1.9
Dragic O2.5 Assist 2.2 2u
Joe U14.5 Pts 1.9
Joe U21.5 Total 1.9
Deng O9.5 Pts 1.95 2u
Deng O17.5 Total 1.9
NBA: 1081-790-20 (+222.49)
Props: 377-205 (+153.41)
Playoffs: 219-139 (+77.77)
Playoff Props: 139-80 (+74.37)
May: 100-62 (+41.47)
May Props: 68-40 (+32.56)
Yest: 7-3 (+5.89)
Props Yest: 5-1 (+6)

Pirates/GSW 1.93

GSW -2/Cle -4.5
GSW -2/Tor +16

Dray U7.5 Assist 1.76
Durant U30.5 Pts 1.97
Durant U42.5 Total 1.95
Shaun O2.5 Assist 2.35
Curry U44.5 Total 2.05
Futures Add: YTD: 14-5-1 (+11.05)

Top Points Scorer in Series:
Curry 2.1
KD 2.3
LBJ 2.6
Lowry 5.0

Series Finish
GSW in 6 3.75
GSW in 7 4.0
Tor in 6 4.2
Tor in 7 4.5


Champion O21.5 Games Played 1.91

GSW Win Champ: 1.78 2u
GSW Win 2.2
GSW Win WC: 1.6
Tor Win EC: 7.00
NBA: 1086-797-20 (+220.32)
Props: 381-206 (+156.14)
Playoffs: 224-146 (+75.6)
Playoff Props: 143-81 (+77.1)
May: 105-69 (+39.3)
May Props: 72-41 (+35.29)
Yest: 5-7 (-2.17)
Props Yest: 4-1 (+2.73)

CLE -11 2.0 2u

Demar O2.5 Assist 2.0
Demar O21.5 Pts 1.93
Demar O28.5 Total 1.9
Patterson U15.5 Total 2.05
Degen Draft Props:

1st Overall pick: Lakers 5.0
Phi #2 pick 4.25
Phi #3 pick 5.0

For some reason, I believe the NBA will mess this up in LA's favor. Shocking enough, Philly falling out of the top 3 is paying 2.85.
Tor +12 1.97

Demar o21.5 pts 1.95
Demarre o9.5 pts 2.2
Jr o8.5 pts 1.95
Delly u4.5 assist 2.1
Patterson u15.5 total 1.9
NBA: 1097-802-20 (+227.39)
Props: 388-210 (+159.19)
Playoffs: 235-151 (+82.67)
Playoff Props: 150-85 (+80.15)
May: 116-74 (+46.37)
May Props: 79-45 (+38.34)
Yest: 4-2 (+1.9)
Props Yest: 4-1 (+2.9)

Tor O199 1.98
Tor 3.38

Tor +11 / O192

Bismack O8.5 Reb 2.1
Frye U7.5 Pts 2.05
Demarre O13.5 Total 1.9
Lowry O20.5 Pts 2.16
Lowry O30.5 Total 1.95
Irving U23.5 Pts 2.03
NBA: 1097-802-20 (+227.39)
Props: 388-210 (+159.19)
Playoffs: 235-151 (+82.67)
Playoff Props: 150-85 (+80.15)
May: 116-74 (+46.37)
May Props: 79-45 (+38.34)
Yest: 5-7 (-1.54)
Props Yest: 3-3 (+0.03)

OKC 2.1 / O110 1.98

KD O3.5 Assist 2.2
RWB O5.5 Reb 2.0
Curry U5.5 3p 2.0

--- Overall, I like GSW to cover and the Under to hit. But, the #'s are showing me OKC should win the 1st half and they score roughly 115 points in the 1st half. That's why I'm staying off until the halftime lines come up hoping to get a better # on both plays.

Or, you guys could play pre-game and roll with it.

NBA: 2003-805-20 (+229.35)
Props: 390-211 (+160.19)
Playoffs: 241-154 (+84.63)
Playoff Props: 152-86 (+81.15)
May: 122-77 (+48.33)
May Props: 81-46 (+39.34)
Yest: 6-3 (+1.96
Props Yest: 2-1 (+1

Tor +7 1.97 / U197 1.95

Cle -1.5 1.9

Bismack U20.5 Total 2.0
Demar O23.5 Pts 1.9
Demarre O9.5 Pts 2.3
Lowry O5.5 Assist 2.1
Lowry O30.5 Total 2.0
Irving U23.5 Pts 2.03
LBJ U43.5 Total 1.93
Delly U3.5 Assist 2.5
Patterson U15.5 Total 2.0
Tristan O16.5 Total 1.97
NBA: 2008-813-20 (+226.52)
Props: 394-217 (+158.39)
Playoffs: 246-162 (+81.8)
Playoff Props: 156-92 (+79.35)
May: 127-85 (+45.5)
May Props: 85-52 (+37.54)
Yest: 5-8 (-2.83)
Props Yest: 4-6 (-1.8)

GSW 1.88 2u

Waiters U3.5 Assist 1.8 2u
KD O2.5 Assist 2.05 2u
Kanter O8.5 Pts 2.05
NBA: 2010-815-20 (+227.22)
Props: 396-218 (+161.09)
Playoffs: 248-164 (+82.5)
Playoff Props: 158-93 (+82.05)
May: 129-87 (+46.2)
May Props: 87-53 (+40.24)
Yest: 2-2 (+0.7)
Props Yest: 2-1 (+2.7)

Tor +12 1.96

Frye U11.5 Pts 1.8
Lowry O5.5 Assist 2.1
Irving U25.5 Pts 2.0
LBJ U8.5 Assist 1.85
LBJ U2.5 Steals 1.71
Delly U4.5 Assist 1.76
Tristan O13.5 Total 1.93
Tristan O4.5 Pts 1.9

Tor O50.5 2.02

Tor O100 1.91
NBA: 2019-819-20 (+231.57)
Props: 403-219 (+166.38)
Playoffs: 257-168 (+86.85)
Playoff Props: 165-94 (+87.34)
May: 138-91 (+50.5)
May Props: 94-54 (+45.53)
Yest: 9-4 (+4.35)
Props Yest: 7-1 (+5.29)

GSW O111 2.04

Iggy U2.5 Steals 1.65
Waiters U3.5 Assist 1.75 2u
Green O14.5 Pts 2.05
Green O29.5 Total 2.3
Kanter O6.5 Pts 1.86
Kanter O12.5 Total 1.97 2u
Ezeli U7.5 Pts 1.8 2u
KD O3.5 Assist 2.03 2u
Curry O6.5 Assist 2.35
NBA: 2019-819-20 (+231.57)
Props: 403-219 (+166.38)
Playoffs: 257-168 (+86.85)
Playoff Props: 165-94 (+87.34)
May: 138-91 (+50.5)
May Props: 94-54 (+45.53)
Yest: 3-9 (-6.69)
Props Yest: 3-6 (-3.69)

add up

Tor +7 1.91 / U198 2.0
Tor ML 3.5

Tor +4 1.9

Bismack O9.5 Reb 2.3
Frye U14.5 Total 1.76
Lowry O5.5 Assist 2.0
LBJ U42.5 Total 1.97
LBJ U2.5 Steals 1.81
Patterson U14.5 Total 2.0 2u
NBA: 2026-836-20 (+221.49)
Props: 409-228 (+163.26)
Playoffs: 264-185 (+76.77)
Playoff Props: 171-103 (+84.22)
May: 145-108 (+40.42)
May Props: 100-63 (+42.41)
Yest: 4-8 (-3.39)
Props Yest: 3-3 (+0.57)

OKC 1.7 / O112 2.0

Connecticut +11/GSW +9

Roberson U16.5 Total 1.83
Waiters U4.5 Assist 1.78 2u
Dray O5.5 Assist 1.9
Barnes O14.5 Total 2.15
KD O3.5 Assist 2.0 2u
Curry O6.5 Assist 2.15
Curry O42.5 Total 2.05
Adams U10.5 Reb 1.97
Adams Dbl Dbl: NO 1.8
Adams U20.5 Total 2.0
Ibaka O1.5 Blocks 2.7
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