National Championship Thread.. Well not yet, but its inevitable..

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Honestly, I think the situation is perfect now. Florida or Michigan is going to get jobbed. So somebody is going to get unfairly screwed.

If Michigan goes and beats OSU and Florida wins, then the situation is even more perfect. It would set up a scenario for a split national championship. Even better, Ohio State would also have a claim since their season series with Michigan would be 1-1 and they too would only have one loss.

This season is perfect proof positive that the BCS sucks. The only thing that can save it this season from its own obvious defects is an tOSU win.
Just curious-am I the only person in the free world that does not want a playoff? i'm not looking to debate the topic right now, just curious if anyone else feels the same...
i dont even care now that usc is out.. i just think even if ohio st loses.. they will have 1 loss thus the same as the team that beat them. So who knows.
Seabass said:
Just curious-am I the only person in the free world that does not want a playoff? i'm not looking to debate the topic right now, just curious if anyone else feels the same...

You're probably not the only one, but I do think you're in the minority.

Personally I believe a playoff is warranted. I don't buy into the whole "every game is a playoff" thing. To a certain extent that is true. But the majority of games are played in conference. What about non-conf opponents and differences in strength between conferences?

I think a limited playoff (top 4, 8, or 16 teams) resolves the issue and can be played in the existing bowl structure.

Just my $0.02.
A 4 team playoff would not bother me much. When it gets to 8 teams I start to have a problem, but whatever. All in all, I guess I just never really find the need to have someone tell me who the nat'l champ is-I feel like I know who it was on a year by year basis, and thats all that matters. But, whatever...

I do hope the BCS goes away, though, just because it kills me that bowl allegiances are no more (Rose Bowl being the major one)...
I found this hilarious...not my opinion..courtesy of a blogger:


<TABLE><TBODY><TR><TH>MICHIGAN <TH><TH>FLORIDA <TR><TH colSpan=3>Coaches</TH></TR><TR><TD>Lloyd Carr, an eloquent public speaker, tireless defender of his players, and playoff advocate <TH><TD>Urban Meyer, a inveterate whiner who goes purse shopping when not running the local chapters of NAMBLA and the Communist Party. Also points too much. <TR><TH colSpan=3>Loss</TH></TR><TR><TD>Versus Ohio State's death machine in the ninth level of hell (Columbus, for the unititiated) by three points entirely because of rampant cheating and a slip 'n' slide masquerading as a football field. <TH><TD>Versus Auburn, a team that can't throw or run or do anything except cheat on tests, really. Auburn, like, lost to Georgia, a team that sucks butt. <TR><TH colSpan=3>Best Win</TH></TR><TR><TD>F*#-ING BEAT DOWN of Notre Dame that ruined them psychologically for the next eighty years. <TH><TD>Gifted six turnovers by LSU. Probable 60-point loss if not for completely unforced implosion. <TR><TH colSpan=3>Second Best Win</TH></TR><TR><TD>Comfortable win over wonderful, tested 11-1 Wisconsin team. <TH><TD>Referee-aided win over I-AA Western Carolina. <TR><TH colSpan=3>Common Opponent</TH></TR><TR><TD>Outgained Vanderbilt by 200 yards and won by 20. <TH><TD>Outgained BY Vanderbilt, lucked out 6 point win. <TR><TH colSpan=3>Miracles Received</TH></TR><TR><TD>N/A. <TH><TD>Six hundred blocked kicks versus South Carolina. Reggie Fish's decision to field a punt at his own five over his shoulder. <TR><TH colSpan=3>General Impression Left By Play</TH></TR><TR><TD>Daaaaaamn. <TH><TD>Lolly lolly I want a lolly. <TR><TH colSpan=3>Sided With Who During Civil War?</TH></TR><TR><TD>Union <TH><TD>Confederates</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
One argument you wont hear from THis Gator is " no rematch". We won in 96 in a rematch game ( albeit under another system). Whole thing sux someone will get screwed but we all knew that at seasons start. It will all be a lot clearer tonight and if the Gods smile on UF I may have a drink !!!!:smiley_acbe:
Hunt Dog thats some funny shit !

From CBS sportsline

Florida finished 3-1 against teams currently ranked in the BCS Top 25, compared to Michigan's 2-1 mark. The Gators' lone loss came Oct. 14 at Auburn, and though the final was 27-17, everybody at that game -- myself included -- recognizes Florida was merely a controversial Chris Leak fumble away from probably winning and avoiding Saturday's odd situation,

I missed that play I guess But it could go under the Miracles column in Hunts Blog re post. Miracles for opponents. There have been others in years past. 5 tries to get a first down ( COlo), Miracle tipped balls in the end zone as clocks expired( NEB), Fumbles returned for TDS with the clock dying( TENN) hell even 98 yd hail marys (How bout them Dawggs ??) One stand out MIRACLE play that changed the course of a season enough so that College Football fans should know by now....................................its part of the game
Seabass said:
Just curious-am I the only person in the free world that does not want a playoff? i'm not looking to debate the topic right now, just curious if anyone else feels the same...

I'm a fan of the bowls +1 if needed.
My 2 cents on FLA hoops

Having watched them 4 times this season I wanted to pass along a few things I have noticed. Lets start with Al Thornton of FSU. Hes a real player. Hard not to love watching that kid.

Now back to Billy D's bunch

First and foremost. LAst year is gone. They now wear a target each time out. Its gonna be interesting to see how they respond.

The problems I noticed were numerous. Nobody on offense can create their own shot without Brewer on the court. Their inside- out game has seemingly disappeared. They have fallen in love with the pick and roll and take it to the rack ALOT.Whereas last year they would wait for the defense to collapse and kick it out to an open guy , often for three.

The bigs Noah and Horford need a better block presence. They are getting pushed out of the paint by a few feet and its hurting their effectiveness.........mostly spacial issues. I think they are surprised at how physical guys are playin them. On defense they SEEM to get caught flat footed ALOT.......................worrying about getting boxed out , instead of going after the ball. They are not contesting the perimeter much at all.

I know the guys worked in the off season on improving their skills. Horford is alot better with the ball. But in my opinion their individual improvement is hurting the team. The first few games they played lesser comp and the bigs would get the rebound and join in the transition if not lead it downcourt. Now the bigger , more talented teams are taking advantage of UF"s bigs putting the ball on the floor and have stolen it from behind too many times to count.They need to go back to passin the ball 7 or 8 times each trip

Lets see what else. Noah seems to lack the aggressiveness to handle double and triple teams. He needs a few ball fakes and to take it up strong and get to the line. Should have seen him and Horford sitinn on the bench the other night watchin the frosh.:down:

I am not impressed and I aint gonna back with MY cash. Lets see what transpires over the break