MrBator...*cough* I mean B.A.R...thoughts on todays games?

When I first joined covers they resembled this site a little bit, there was still bullshit, but a ton of good threads. The biggest tout wannabe was Mistaflava at the time and everyone else seemed pretty legit. I remember a lot of the guys that are on here now that were there. I was a little less known so lets hope you dont think im some kind of stalker, but I remember you all for the most part. Shit even the box was better. Marino, JWK, Samson, Bobcat, Tonybats (funniest asshole the site has ever seen), Burd. Notice anything? Noone posts there anymore out of all the people I mentioned. Bobcat is now officially the most frequent poster from the old days now and he posts like 5 posts a week. Even the mods were better, redsoxwins, back then Rizzo used to talk to everyone on the site. The site has gone to shit and I mean that in everyway. There are few good cappers left on there, and the ones that are left are arrogant assholes, especially a lot of the people on CFB. Garfather is legit, but there is one guy who thinks he is just the man on there and it really fucking pisses me off. That is my vent
Oh yeah lets just be honest the Box is such made of ******* now, I got embarassed a few times in the last 6 months to post there

The funny part is some of the names you mentioned are prolly still on there in some shape or form with a different handle.
I used to actually laugh at some of the shit in the Box. Now its just guys trying to act like assholes and say something smart and funny, it usually doesnt work out. The Bob vs Marino threads were fucking classics. Some of those guys would have little girls laugh in their face with some of the shit they say

TONYBATS sure is.

burd attempted to come back a couple months ago but got banned quick.

i bet he still posts on there.

The funny part is some of the names you mentioned are prolly still on there in some shape or form with a different handle.

Maybe Samson, and Burd. But I think everyone is gone for the most part, if Tonybats came back, we would all know cuz tha tdude was fucking hilarious. Big al I think I remember one time you came in the box and just flipped a shit on Bob and it was hilarious, my memory serving me correctly?

Also Kujayhawk always bashed the shit out of Bob. He started a thread that just said all of his aliases and copied and pasted all the stupid shit Bob was saying.
I used to actually laugh at some of the shit in the Box. Now its just guys trying to act like assholes and say something smart and funny, it usually doesnt work out. The Bob vs Marino threads were fucking classics. Some of those guys would have little girls laugh in their face with some of the shit they say

My favorite Bob Box monet back in 2005...Suns played Spurs in WC Finals...

He posts a GOY type play under the "NewYorkBob" name on one side. They then created a handle.."Big_Joey_Vegas" and posted the other side. He then was logged in under the wrong name to congratulate himself...he was under the Bob name...was fuckin classic.
My favorite Bob moment was him going like 1-26 in baseball for a 27 game stretch. Those were the days
thanks for the info mario and bar.

ok that clears it. i foudn out about ctg at blankets so i guess something turned out alright.

Bob and all 75 of his alias are the biggest piece's of shit to ever grace a sports gambling forum.
He posts a GOY type play under the "NewYorkBob" name on one side. They then created a handle.."Big_Joey_Vegas" and posted the other side. He then was logged in under the wrong name to congratulate himself...he was under the Bob name...was fuckin classic.

oh come on, no way :36_11_6::36_11_6::36_11_6:

oh come on, no way :36_11_6::36_11_6::36_11_6:

Oh yeah....he had actully started the B.J.V. name a few days earlier I think and won a few and was building a "rep" Then it blew up in his face. Well he's used to the truck-driver stops
No Gurv I go by a different name over there, haven't posted a ton over there for around a year....just couldnt handle all the bogus stuff.....but if I'm there its in the box.
what a deuchebag.

he just tried to compare the two and said covers is the superior site because this is a HTML based user interface :36_11_6:

i thought we post on these things to exchange sports information?
not look at pretty pink fonts and utilize super cool pop up ads.
I wonder what that guy Max did to deserve a 1.5 year rehab sentence and he isnt being released even yet?
I wonder what that guy Max did to deserve a 1.5 year rehab sentence and he isnt being released even yet?


"1.5 year rehab sentence" on an internet site

I hope somebody else sees the incredible unintentional humor in that sentence.
He boxed me for "knowing too much" about the site when all i suggested is that everyone has misconceptions on both sites.
Killa is dead on...

A lot of guys just stay under the radar. Talk to several that rarely post.

Fancy titles, colorful threads..some guys make an internet persona out of their SN...kinda funny.

Don't try pulling that shit in my thread
<TABLE class=forum cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=2><TBODY><TR><TD class=forumhead width="20%">Author:</TD><TD class=forumhead>[Penalty Box] Topic: What I've learned about Covers since Oct 2007</TD></TR><TR class=sp-info><TD>chriscapper</TD><TD>

</TD></TR><TR class=odd><TD class=forumpost>

Covers Rehab
Joined: Oct 2007
Posts: 3386
Location: New Jersey

Posted: 4/28/2008 11:49:42 PM
- Many people just looking for attention with $100,000 plays in colorful writing

- Many people who just post bullshit
's and

- If you are on a hot streak the whole Main Forum loves can do no wrong in their are GOD to them

- People get fake calls from "their people" ...If you truly believe Covers members get calls from Vegas experts then you are out of ur fuckin minds

- The classy people here get over shadowed by the Fuckheads

- Mods are buddy-buddy with some people...and others get boxed for 3 years w/o possibility of parole for sneezing too loud

- People threaten to leave Covers for ever, then, when no one gives a shit and they come to realize they arent important here as they though they come back

- People try and fit in waaaayyyyyy to much

- Many SAF's

- Maybe...and i mean MAYBE 1 person on this site actually gambles for a living...and it's not Zack

-Some people will get offended by this list

-Some will think of some pretty good jokes

-Some will try to hard to make a joke b/c everyone is watching...then fail b/c they just arent very funny

-Some people will say...if you dont like it here why are you here?
b/c there are some good cappers here and sometimes some funny shit can be found in the box.

- I would NEVER create an alias if i got banned....there's no reason to

- I dont give a fuck if you like the list or not


kakaka. love it. marlo what you got going tonight? not in love with the consensus of CTG on the rockets/suns winning game 5 so far. i do like the rockets. utah spotty on the road. this time they have rafer at home. also do lean the suns +5. just locked in the rockets for now.
Thread in a bit bro..Got creamed last night, but luckily it was for all small-regular plays.
how about some of wallstreet's responses in the PB thread over the weekend titled "EBaylor...."?

i got a linesman to bash me until i called him out on it and he stopped responding.... he's a fuckin' punk!

i was scolded and harassed for bumping and quoting a post i laughed at, but HE didn't think was worth bumping a thread for.....

I noticed. Funny stuff. He doesnt like you bringing up this place. I'm starting to think maybe a partner over here had there with his mom.
My problems with Bator:

1) Too much of a storyteller, get to the point

2) Have never noticed him win at even a decent clip on his posted plays

3) My biggest issue: it seems he bets so haphazardly. If he's as big as he says he is, why the hell does he lay -110 on such large plays? Not only that, his bet amounts vary so greatly and he's so random you would have to think there's actually no way in hell he's doing this for a living. IMO, if he his betting like he claims, he's sure as hell not living off his profit. Must've inherited money or something...

Nonetheless, I enjoy reading him and he seems like a decent guy, just wish he talked about theory and the like more. One of the main reasons I enjoy someone like Vanzack's contributions so much more than Bator's.
thats what i found so hilarious.... i didn't even make the original post, it just a funny attempt by i think kush to use the letters CTG in a sentence, and i quoted it and bumped the thread.

it made no sense whatsoever to attack me then for doing it, yet nothing came of the original post.
thats what i found so hilarious.... i didn't even make the original post, it just a funny attempt by i think kush to use the letters CTG, and i quoted it and bumped the thread.

it made no sense whatsoever to attack me then for doing it, yet nothing came of the original post.
Whatever happend to that capper over there..was tearing up football and baseball...

I think his name was

Captain Tom Glen

My problems with Bator:

1) Too much of a storyteller, get to the point

2) Have never noticed him win at even a decent clip on his posted plays

3) My biggest issue: it seems he bets so haphazardly. If he's as big as he says he is, why the hell does he lay -110 on such large plays? Not only that, his bet amounts vary so greatly and he's so random you would have to think there's actually no way in hell he's doing this for a living. IMO, if he his betting like he claims, he's sure as hell not living off his profit. Must've inherited money or something...

Nonetheless, I enjoy reading him and he seems like a decent guy, just wish he talked about theory and the like more. One of the main reasons I enjoy someone like Vanzack's contributions so much more than Bator's.

1.) It further proves the theory of a online persona.
2.) yes and no
3.) I'm pretty sure I remember reading awhile ago that he built his "empire" from the ground up.

Whether he is real or fake, I firmly believe the guy knows his shit.