Monday NFL In-Game/NHL/NBAx

P-unit, what exactly happened on the play? I'm not watching but the gametracker said it was intentional grounding in the EZ and the replay assistant challenged that the ball carrier broke the plane. Those two things don't make sense to me on the same play.
dunno what you guys are looking at all

ball is pretty obviously in the endzone when he winds up for the throw

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Gar, the center stepped on Lucks foot and he fell backward. he was sitting right on the goal line and threw the ball to the left. No receiver in the area. they said the ball was in the EZ when he threw it and therefore a safety. The replay showed the ball was actually out but they upheld the call.
i disagree geo, and to prove my point, Skip Bayless didn't think that was a safety, so I know it was a safety